12:48pm Bathroom. Dani and Day.
Day – If I am doing the math correctly .. she would only have Cody, Enzo.. Dani – no Enzo is like .. I don’t know. Day – Cody, poss Enzo and David. Kevin. Dani – and Nicole told me that she talked to Memphis and he wants you to stay but its only freakin Sunday. All we need is one more. That’s it. Day – I know. Dani – Stop saying there won’t be a battle back because I’ve been talking to Cody and saying that sending out Bay would be better to battle Janelle. So stop saying that. Day – Okay. Dani – If Thursday is a double we need to plan ahead to figure out how we can get the votes to get Tyler out. We need to figure out a solidified plan to get him the hell out of here.