1am HOH room – Derek X, Kyland, Sarah and Hannah.
They talk about the accents they’ve done and how if anyone is going to get “cancelled” it would be Tiffany. Hannah – pretty much the only ones I did were the Indian one which I am Indian and the west African one which my mom is from Africa. And then I did a bunch of European ones but I can’t get cancelled for that. They may try but.. So I feel okay! Derek – but as a totem pole of getting cancelled Tiff is at the top. Kyland – and Big D. They’re both shields. Sarah – Tiff doing the German one was top! Kyland – did she say “I am hitler”? Sarah – yes, yes she did. Hannah – I have no recollection. Derek – I won’t repeat the phrase. Sarah – I’ve already forgotten. Kyland – I may have misunderstood her. Hannah – No… ah yes. Anyway. Kyland – so votes? You said you are feeling good.