9:45 am X and Sarah Beth
SB wants to meet with him, Alyssa, and Kyland today and think things through
SB – DerekX lied to me and manipulated me when I was on the block and then he sent Christian home.
Sb says she’s also worried about DX’s social influence in the game points out how many votes DX could get depending on who he’s up against.
Sb – The second he put me on the block he started planting seed with me to make me distrust you guys. He was telling me that in his one on ones with Alyssa and Christian they both Said they trusted me the least out of the royal flush. He said you are clearly at the bottom of the totem pole. When it came to picking Veto he was telling me if you get houseguest choice I don’t think you are safe picking any of your teammates They won’t want to use it on you in case one of them goes up. He told me about the alliance you guys made with the aces that you didn’t include me. But you guys told me about that
Sb – he played with my emotions the whole week.
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