HOH: Christian SAFE: Xavier, Alyssa and Sarah Beth HAVENOTS: Azah, Big D, Britini WILDCARD Competition Winner: Claire (safe 2 weeks) Nominations: Hannah & Whitney Power of Veto Players: Christian, Hannah, Whitney, Claire, Azah, DerekX | Host Alyssa Power of Veto: Christian Power of Veto Ceremony: Big Brother 23 Houseguest Rankings – – RANK THE HOUSEGUESTS […]
Tag: Claire Rehfuss

Tiffany “Now I just have to make sure she [Sarah] doesn’t win it [HOH], my plan is in motion..”
5:13pm Bedroom – Hannah and Alyssa.
Alyssa – Christian put you up and I understand his logic but that wouldn’t necessarily be my logic. Because at the end of it he was wanting Whitney out and everything we were like do whatever is best for you game. But I wanted to talk with you, me and you because I don’t want you feeling like that was something I would do. Maybe you and Christian feel good but I don’t know where we’re at. I don’t know what you’re thinking. Hannah – yeah, what do you think you would done? .. with the houses target being Whitney. Alyssa – so with Whitney being the houses target I don’t know that Whitney would have been a target for any of the girls because I know shes said that she wants a girl to win. I know she’s said everyone’s name so I could have put her but I think I would have put a pawn that is more so a pawn.

“I am going home to my kids and sh*t and my business and making more money than all of you motherf***ers!”
12:03pm Backyard. Britini, Big D and Whitney.
Big D – the more people go, the more and more its going to get more vicious. You said it yourself, you can go home to your kids, to your business. Baby let me tell you something, if I had that mindset that you do which is why I respect you so much I would be like YO! F**K Everybody! What the f**k! Its not guaranteed that all you motherf**kers get the money. Only one of you b***hes get the money. I am going home to my kids and sh*t and my business and making more money than all of you motherf**kers! If I had your status that would be me all day! I would still sit here and tell them this ones a liar and this ones a liar and that one is this and da da da.. That is how I would f**king do it! You’re a f**king p*$$y! You’re a b***H!

“Who would be America’s sweetheart? America has to have a player. She [SB] is somebody we need to get out.” **Updated**
1:45 am Tiffany and Xavier (chatting about SB being America’s player)
Tiff – SB is America’s sweetheart and she’s playing a really good game
Feeds cut.. (C’mon)
X – she was very adamant about Hannah and very adamant about making jury.. Me I’m like Jury I’m trying to get to the end.
X – I’m like Jury who the f* wants Jury
Tiffany – you know what.. I’m wondering if Ky might know.
X – I don’t think Ky knows
Tiff says Ky and SB have been very close since day 2
X – But Ky isn’t gunning for Hannah to get out

Azah “I was like oh we act stupid? I’ll be dumb. Honestly, I love being dumb.”
7:38pm Bedroom. Hannah and Derek X
Hannah – there’s four guys? Derek – there’s only 5 guys – me, Christian, X, Ky, Big D. You girls should just start an all girls alliance and knock us out already. Hannah – that’s why he was so adamant that a guy didn’t go this week. Derek – who would you try to take out? Alyssa? Hannah – out of the Kings, I don’t know. I really don’t know. Like I said the kings need to be split up. They do. Why would you want a team of four going into Jury when the other teams have two or three people. For a numbers thing, they need to be split up. Not only do they have a solid bond but they’ve won half the competitions in the house.

Christian WON the VETO! “You got all the power this week!”
2:15pm – The Live feeds were blocked for the power of veto competition. The competition was called Bump Set Veto! Christian won it!
Kitchen – All the house guests but Whitney are in the kitchen talking about the veto. Sarah – You killed that Christian. You did such a good job! Alyssa – good job! Sarah – you got all the power this week! Christian – I need to convince myself to use it or not to use it. What will I do? Ky – that sounds like a fight. Xavier – that a very internal conversation.

Azah “If I turn around and bite his team [Kings] in the a$$ its going to go against my morals.”
12pm Bedroom. Hannah and Xavier.
Hannah – I am feeling a bit of nervous energy. Xavier – why? Hannh – for the veto. You know I’m not a very strong competitor. Xavier – you’re a very strong competitor. Hannah – no I’m not. Xavier – yes you are. You’re huge competitor. You have BFE! Big Fish Energy. Hannah – you saw that I almost fainted when I had to play in the Wildcard competition. Almost fainted. Like shaking. But I am also pretty excited. Xavier – to compete? Or just to have fun? Hannah – to play in a veto competition. It was on my BB bucket list. Xavier – well go out there and do you best. Try your best. That’s all that you can do. If you win great, if you don’t at least you know you didn’t throw it. Hannah – yeah, we don’t throw competitions in here. Xavier – we’re out here to win. That’s why I was in that room last week. We’re out here winning. Hannah – but this time its different its my team.

“Hannah why would you say that? You’re making it so difficult to keep you here.” **updated**
Xavier saying DerekX and Hannah (If BIGD one HOH). “We could send DerekX home but that’s another guy going home.. F***”
X – if he puts up Brit and Hannah.. he can’t put up Brit she’s on his team
X – if he puts up Hannah and Alyssa, Hannay going home, Hannah and Sarah Beth, Hannahs going home.
X – Hannah and Claire, Claire can’t go home she has two weeks of safety.. that’s why I wish she would have picked the fricken team option.
X explains Claire could have picked 1-week team safety or 2 weeks of personal safety.
X – people are not thinking things through they are just reacting and saying things. Making this difficult.

Big D “I’m annoyed that this blonde haired b***h is sitting here having conversations.. I’m ready to f**king chop peoples heads.”
12am Chess room. Big D and Alyssa.
Big D – I am trying to stay calm before I go.. Alyssa – what’s wrong? Big D – because of what you told me. Its okay, I am going to keep calm. I am just telling my team that this B***H is grabbing at straws to try and.. Alyssa – this was before noms she said this. Big D – But that’s what I’m getting at! I just hate.. Alyssa – but here is the thing, I didn’t say that she said it. Big D – but I know, she’s the only one. Alyssa – that was one of my teammates that was told. I don’t know who said it. Big D – but that’s what I am saying when I sit there and have conversations .. like lets say you and I have a conversation and you say hey we should put up Alyssa and Christian. And I’m like do you really think we should get those b***hes out? No I think we should. And I’m like I don’t know why they’re working with us.. they’re in the slaughterhouse.

Nomination Results! Christian “I mean you were frigging smiling. What the f**k you psychopath!?”
HOH room. Hannah and Christian.
Hannah – oh my god I couldn’t help but laugh at seeing my face up there. Christian – I know.. you’re laughing dude! Hannah – I know. Christian – what did you think of my speech? Hannah – it was well said. Christian – some people get rude. Hannah – it didn’t seem like anyone was the target. And you didn’t want to throw the jokers under the bus. Objectively speaking it was well spoken. Christian – thank you. I mean you were frigging smiling .. what the f**k you psychopath! Hannah laughs. I was smiling because it was an out of body experience. Christian – yeah. Hannah – I’m on the block. Nothing I can do about it now. What’s the plan of action. Christian – the plan of action .. you know Whit, she is going to blow up her own spot.

“Hannah makes such good point.. I think I want to nominate the same people I would rather Whitney goes home”
2:33 pm Christian and Alyssa
Christian – Hannah makes such good point..
Alyssa – I know I keep going back and forth
Christian – I think I want to nominate the same people I would rather Whitney goes home
Alyssa – Ok good
Christian – Hannah was like I’ll be pissed off. She hasn’t lied to me yet.
Alyssa – she’ll work with us

Wildcard Results “I get Safety either way.. it wasn’t even close” – Claire **updated**
12:55 pm Kyland and Claire
They’re trying to figure out what the Wildcard is for next week.
Claire – I get Safety either way
Ky – how does it feel
Claire – I’m not going to lie feels great.
Ky – and you did it by so much
Claire – it wasn’t even close