Endurance competition this Thursday Night! ** It is going to play out on the live feeds after the episode airs on the east coast! ** Sign up for FREE to watch it play out on the live feeds! This week was another simple done deal. Christian won the Head of Household and nominated up Hannah […]
Tag: Claire Rehfuss

“If I get some power everybody is ***** I don’t give two sh1ts” **updated**
DF – If I get some power everybody is F****d I don’t give two sh1ts
Britini – are you 100% okay with Whtiney going home
DF – yes, I don’t need her here.. she can flip on any second.. Where Hannah wouldn’t come for her if she won.
Brit – Whitney told be yesterday that she is aligned with the queens.. Hannah.. Hannah is aligned with the queens.
DF scoffs says the teams will be over after today.
Britini says they have to figure out who they are working with moving forward.
DF – we’re working with the kings. (LOL)
Britini – all four of them?
DF laughs “yeah”

Whitney “If I were here another week & if I were to win HOH, I would promise you not one of the kings would be put up.”
6:45pm Bedroom – Alyssa and Whitney.
Whitney – I feel like its so hard to have a conversation about this because the HOH is your team member. So obviously whatever the HOH wants, your team is going to respect and follow. Like there is only so much to be said until I have that conversation with Christian. Alyssa – you’re doing him last? Whitney – yeah and then I am done with my one on ones. Basically I don’t know where the whole thing started where I was going to put up two of you or that I was going to put up X and Christian. Or that I was going to put up you and Sarah Beth. That never came out of my mouth. Alyssa – that is what the majority of people were saying. Whitney – that is what I was trying to figure out in my one on ones but not one person told me. Alyssa – so they’re BS’ing you. Whitney – Yeah, that’s what I was asking where did come from because I feel that was the reason why I was put up on the block.

Claire “I think it makes sense to send a King home. Christian is in our way of making a clean, clean run to the end.”
FYI – Endurance competition this Thursday Night! ** It is going to play out on the live feeds after the episode airs on the east coast! ** Sign up for FREE to watch it play out on the live feeds! HOH: Christian SAFE: Xavier, Alyssa and Sarah Beth HAVENOTS: Azah, Big D, Britini WILDCARD […]

Christian “I’m going to see if I can get you in with Britini.” Alyssa “Wait until after HOH.. if I win I’m putting her up.”
11:20pm Gym. Christian and Alyssa.
Christian – I’m not playing an individual game. Alyssa – but they think that. Christian – okay, but you know I’m not. Alyssa – I just know if I win HOH, I am going to have solo talks with people. Christian – You are my number one! You know that right!? Alyssa – I know that. Christian – quit making me think that I am not. Alyssa – no, but it is making me think that I am to you and you’re not to me.. which helps your game. Christian – I just don’t want you to doubt it. Alyssa – I’m not doubting it. Christian – well it seems like it. Alyssa – then you’re taking what I’m saying wrong. I never once doubted it. Christian – opportunities that came my way were presented to me. Alyssa – I know. Christian – do your own thing but just know we’re good. Alyssa – I know, I don’t want you to think that I am doubting that.

“That’s the thing SB is in a relationship with a woman.. nothing is happening here ” **Updated**
HOH: Christian SAFE: Xavier, Alyssa and Sarah Beth HAVENOTS: Azah, Big D, Britini WILDCARD Competition Winner: Claire (safe 2 weeks) Nominations: Hannah & Whitney Power of Veto Players: Christian, Hannah, Whitney, Claire, Azah, DerekX | Host Alyssa Power of Veto: Christian Power of Veto Ceremony: Christian did not use the Power of Veto Nominations are […]

“It’s my own guilt having to look at [Claire] and know that I potentially put her in a position where she didn’t have a chance”
11:04 am Tiffany and Azah
Azah – I want to talk to you Kyland and Claire. If this fits with any of your strategies then we can do this.
Azah – what do yo think about we make an agreement. We as jokers you as queens. we both have three players on the team.
Azah explains the plan that she talked to DF about this morning.
Azah concludes this is a way for them to have 5 votes locked and send a King home.
Tiffany – that’s what we are going to have to do anyway. I like it. It makes sense it hides our cards and we still get what we want. We have the votes.
Azah – the aces have a reason to come after us. they could have a reason to come after Kings. I Don’t feel safe making deals with them. I do trust DerekX.
Tiffany – You realize that Hannah is part of the 6 right? SHe won’t come after us

Hannah “I would take that shot against SB, easy peasy lemon squeezy..”
10:04pm Bathroom. Alyssa and Tiffany.
Alyssa – before Brit came in Christian wanted to talk about who the fifth should be. Tiffany – I thought we said X? Alyssa – oh okay. I don’t know if we agreed on it or not but now that X see’s what we see.. I think him for fifth for sure. Tiffany – for sure. Alyssa – I am glad we’re all on the same page. Tiffany – great minds think a like. They talk about how Brit walks in on everyone’s conversations. Tiffany – I think she just has no idea. Alyssa – maybe. Tiffany – I don’t think she is aware of it at all. Derek joins Alyssa. Derek – do you want to meet up with Christian and Hannah tonight? Alyssa – I am down if they are.

“We need to make an effort to win this HOH. Ky cannot win it no matter f**ing what”
3:36 pm Tiffany talking to the camera
Tiffany says her plan remains the same but relationships change
Tiffany – I connect myself to people that have what I don’t have..
Adds that if someone has what she has she doesn’t need them in the game.
Tiffany – I would love to sit in those two chairs with Hannah. I am so impressed with her..
Feeds flip .. they get cut… when we’re back Tiffany and Hannah are in the coral room chatting studying days…

“what we do know, SB definitely has KY. I don’t know how to get her out besides put her next to KY”
1:15 pm Hannah and Tiffany
Tiffany – I told X we want to talk to him
Hannah – you’re worried about SB?
Tiffany – when we were in the room.. I know she’s a thinker I know she thinks about things. I can see her wheels turning. We were all in that room and they came in there.. they were coming in there to get away from everyone else.. THey didn’t know everybody else was in there. I know she (SB) was wondering why am I not included in these girl things. When you’re running off with Ky
Tiff – when we were in the room making the argument why we weren’t saying your name I felt like she was looking at me. These are the thing she said…
Tiff – she already gave the whole argument about you.
Tiff followed up by suggesting Britini.

Veto Ceremony Results Tiff to KY “you may need to ask somebody else [for help].. Ask SB”
HOH: Christian SAFE: Xavier, Alyssa and Sarah Beth HAVENOTS: Azah, Big D, Britini WILDCARD Competition Winner: Claire (safe 2 weeks) Nominations: Hannah & Whitney Power of Veto Players: Christian, Hannah, Whitney, Claire, Azah, DerekX | Host Alyssa Power of Veto: Christian Power of Veto Ceremony: Christian did not use the Power of Veto Nominations are […]

“ohh are you going to sleep? I need to apologize to Alyssa. “
2:03 am HOH
Brit knocks on the door. Alyssa runs to the bathroom.
Christian – one sec Brit I have to find my glasses..
Brit – ohh are you going to sleep..
Christian – she’s in the bathroom
Brit – I need to apologize to Alyssa.
Brit – now I know what DSL means and I take the wink back..
Alyssa says they were talking about the veto speech.
After Brit leaves..