6:38pm Marissa, Mark and James James – Doesn’t matter what happens tomorrow someone is going home. Marissa says she’s more comfortable downstairs over the HOH. Mark – nobody wants a bed that big, that’s weird James and Mark are agreeing that Keshia is stronger and has to go. James goes on and on about how […]
Tag: Chuck Liddell

Ross “I think we should just play hard. Marissa “Its so short. Its a f**king game”
5:18pm HOH room – Metta and Ross. Metta – obviously everyone knows I want to go home. I’m not involved with the alliance deal, I am only involved with you. So our deal still stands if you need me to stay, I’ll stay. Ross – I will always keep my word with you. If I have to… I can’t win HOH again but I will push, push. Metta – if you need me here I will stay and try and clear a path. Do what you’ve got to do. Ross – who do you think I should send home? Metta – honestly, I want to go home.

Celebrity Big Brother HOH Results! “I put her (Omarosa) in the hospital.”
HOH room – Marissa and Ross. Marissa – If anyone is going to splinter, its going to be her. Talk to her. I already had James in that sense. I already knew, if anyone out of the group was going to go it was going to be Shannon. And I didn’t mind giving him that information because if that happened .. then he knew that I was already .. like dude she is the one. So I was able to say I was the one who told you about that. And he was like no, no. So like out there when I said to you I trust you.

“Shannon would kill somebody to win this game”
8:23pm Keisha and Omarosa
Omarosa says she was the only person to vote fort James to leave
They agree Metta is with the other side.
Keisha – I’ve never put any of the guys before our alliance
Omarosa brings up Shannon complaining about Keisha making a side deals when she was HOH.
Omarosa says she told Shannon she never game Keisha the respect on her HOH and once Keisha one Shannon ran behind her back conniving with everyone

Brandi – “I genuinely feel bad about last night but I had to go to the dark side”
Omarosa – we need someone for our side alliance that is going to go the distance. Brandi is coo coo for cocoa puffs. Shannon but she is a good target for in front of us. Brandi is out. Keshia is so strong but she could literally blow up our whole alliance. Like she was like I don’t need this. Shannon – yeah, but anyone could. Omarosa – no, but particularly her because she is so independent from us. We have to work really hard just to keep her with the seven, not just a sub alliance.

“I think it was a combinations of Alcohol, Pills and Being live”
7:35am Kitchen Omarosa and Marissa Marissa – last night was crazy Marissa – I think she (Brandi) got drunk Marissa – I think she (Brandi) normally takes her pills at noon.. And she didn’t get them until 8 Omarosa – Ari pulled out her bible that’s when I knew it was serious Marissa – put […]

Celebrity Big Brother Day 1 Ranking Results
Celebrity Big Brother Ranking system for the first day Show Shannon in the lead followed by Chuck, Ross, and Everymorning. Make sure to lock your ranks in before the end of the day.

“I ain’t even f***ing tripping! I’m coming for you because you were coming for me!” – Brandi
Brandi says Chuck went to Shannon and said that he wanted her gone. Brandi – I did hear that y’all put me up so that’s why I put y’all up. I didn’t put you up (Mark?) but I put you (Chuck) up. I ain’t even f**king tripping. You know why I am coming for you because you were coming for me. Mark – I think you’re kidding. Brandi – no I’m not. its tit for tat. Omarosa takes Brandi inside. Brandi – nobody gets to put baby to bed. Its not my first f**king rodeo! I know what I heard. Omarosa – say goodnight!

Celebrity Big Brother Ranking
Time to start ranking the houseguests on Celebrity Big brother. If you’ve missed the Sneak Peaks we’ve had a few, Here, here and here . It’s a short compressed season, Could be some fun 🙂 Nothing has changed with the ranking system since BB19. If you forget how it works here’s the skinny. You apply […]

Celebrity Big Brother Sneak Peaks “I wasn’t big on liquoring someone up to hangout with them”
We got another sneak peak of the celebrity Big Brother house today at 2:00pm. Nothing important is shown much like the sneak peak we got on Friday. From yesterdays Sneak peak we can piece together Shannon won POV, James and Chuck are nominated. THe POV may be used on Chuck to put Mark up to […]

Celebrity Big Brother Feed Leak “You gonna hit the mitts homie”
At 6:00pm we got another Celebrity Big Brother Feed Leak. We can start to piece together some things from the conversations but it’s still tough. Sounds like Shannon won the Power of Veto today. It was a spelling competition. Ariadna, Brandi, Keisha, Shannon played. Sounds like Keisha won the Head of Household and nominated Chuck/ […]

Celebrity Big Brother Feed Leak “he’s unnecessarily afraid to get hit”
Here we go! Something that might just be fun. Celebrity Big Brother Season 1 11 (possibly 12 “celebrities” if the Frankie rumour is true.. lol) spend 3 weeks in the Big Brother house. We got feeds, we got egos…. It’s promising. The First Episode of Celebrity Big Brother will start Wednesday February 7th at 7pm. […]