The two-hour finale starts at 6:00 pm PST. As is the drill It will show copious amounts of filler and pharmaceutical/political commercials. In between, we’ll see the last two parts of the Final HOH. Part 2 for which we know Cody wins and part 3 where Cody and Nicole will face off. We’ll see the questions from the jury, the final vote, and America’s favorite player (if there is one.. lol) From what I’ve seen I think Cody and Nicole will take each other to the end. Cody should win this season but of course, it’s 2020 and I’m fully expecting some sort of upset. Cody winning final HOH taking Nicole only to lose again would be a perfect end to this fantastic year.
Tag: Christmas Abbott
Big Brother 19 House guest and general bad person.

Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 11 review and eviction results
Enzo won the Head of Household Nominated Nicole and Christmas. Cody won the veto and will have the only vote to evict tonight. He will evict Christmas. Final 3 will be Enzo, Nicole and Cody. (My opinion is unless Enzo wins final HOH he’ll get cut) (Dani continues to lust for Cody ) Memphis joins […]

“on guys you’re only supposed to powder so the shine is gone.”
3:10 pm Cody and Nicole
Nicole says Christmas is annoying her
Cody – she was like Kevin has said he will vote for her. like she has her relationships
Nicole wonders how Christmas knows this but not her she feels that is something Kevin would have told her.
Cody – she’s like I think Ian will definitely vote for her because I think he’ll have time to settle down
Cody – I’m like it’s very possible
Nicole – she’s going hard. His messy gameplay has already taken her too far
Cody – no her lucky gameplay has taken her too far she’s been on the block with people that needed to go over her

Enzo “I’m having way more fun this time around.” Nicole “Yeah, it’s way more fun to not have a showmance.”
7:05pm Kitchen. Christmas Cody, Enzo and Nicole.
Enzo – I just feel like I am having way more fun this time around. Nicole – yeah. I think it is way more fun to not have a showmance. Enzo – oh yeah? I never had a showmance. Christmas – I thought I was your showmance. Cody – yeah you and Christmas were getting pretty intimate today! Nicole – were we? Cody – yeah. Christmas – you and Enzo were too! Cody – yeah that was a little much for me. Enzo – I would have given him a whole face thing but he didn’t want me to. Christmas – you weren’t taking it serious. Enzo – I was definitely taking it serious.. you weren’t. Cody – no you weren’t.

“do I have enough friends in the jury house to beat Cody.. Did I do enough jury management to beat Cody?”
2:22 pm Enzo alone
Enzo – Yo I gotta win a comp Yo that’s what this all comes down to YO. Win one of those comps and be in the questions and at that point I’ll figure out who the f** I’m taking to win. Nicole isn’t sweeping nothing YO.
Enzo – Nicole has 500K on her head YO she’s ain’t sweeping sh1t YO. Nicole will get 2 or 3 votes if that. Nicole has not done enough to win this game what the f* (You never saw BB18 I guess)
Enzo – you made it to the end because most of us carried you here.

Christmas “I would be thrilled for second place”
9:40pm Bathroom. Cody and Christmas.
Christmas – I am going to spell it out for you. I know you will win the endurance comp and if you take me I know I will win the second comp and then its me and you in that final one. If you win it, great. If I win it, great! I take you. Take whoever the f**k you want! Like I am not asking tit for tat. I want an opportunity to do what I didn’t get to do last time. Cody – yeah totally! Christmas – and that is to go the full distance on my own merit. And I hope that from our conversation last time, that I didn’t promise anything or do anything that I didn’t intent to keep. And just to clarify with the vote with Nicole, it was real.

“when she said it took you a couple of guys and a couple of tries I was like..”
11:50 am Cody and Nicole
Cody complaining about Da’Vonne. Nicole brings up Cody saying to her early on that she might not trust him because he’s all over the place.
Cody – I’m friendly with just about everybody
Cody – the only person I really couldn’t there was a real disconnect this season was Da’Vonne. Cause I wouldn’t go chase her
Nicole – you had a little bit of a disconnect with Kaysar.
Cody – yeah but.. on a game-wise he had his feelings but talking to him. I would sit here and talk to him all the time. Da’Vonne I never talked to
Cody – Week 5 Da’vonne talked to me and was like what did I do to you. You talk and laugh with everybody but not with me
Nicole – she said the same thing to me to
Cody – I was like.. what are you talking about.. I talk and I laugh.

“I’m probably going to get 3rd place again because I’m stuck at the end with people that can win everything!”
HOH room. Enzo and Christmas.
Enzo – I wanted to talk to you after I put you on the block. And then I knew you were upset so I was like let her have a day. I didn’t want you to scream at me. Then the POV happens.. and I was like let me give her another day.. and then I was like I will talk to you today. If Cody was not in this house .. you would not be on the block. You know that. Like Cody is to me like your Memphis is to you. That is the thing. I was like Nicole is definitely going up! I know that. I was scared if this guys wins this thing and I’m in the final 3 .. now he has a reason to be like .. you put me on the block. That is the only reason .. that is the only thing I went with. You know what I mean?!

“I’m literally among legends it’s f***ing rad I’m hanging out with giants and I get to be one of them”
12:31 pm Christmas and Cody
Christmas says she loves Nicole she doesn’t want to throw her under the bus. “that’s not the way that I work”
Cody – yeah 100% and I respect that so much
Christmas – one that’s not my style and two if that’s how I have to get there it’s not going to feel good
Cody – yeah
Christmas – and how I get there I want to be proud of
Christmas – it’s important for me to leave here as least dirty as possible..

Cody WINS the Power of Veto Competition! “Lets go! LETS GO!”
Lounge room. Nicole talking to herself.
Nicole – I am just mad because I could have won that. Why did you panic Nicole!? If you get to move further in this game .. do no panic again. Ok! Don’t panic again. You could have won that veto! You felt in your mind that you didn’t deserve it because you aren’t physical. I am battling so much in here on top of playing the competition. I need to believe in myself more. Right when I got down to me and Cody I thought there is no way I can beat him. He is faster. He is stronger. He has been studying more. In all reality I could have beat him. Its not about him.. its about me beating myself. That sucks! Yeah I am frustrated. I am really really happy for him. I now have to be brought to final three.

“When I win [Veto].. I’m going to let them all sweat especially Enzo He’s made his cards be shown”
Head of Household Winner – ENZO Nominations – Nicole & Christmas Power of Veto holder – Power of Veto Ceremony – Live feeds —-> Grab your Live feeds here. Try it free. Rank the houseguests —-> Big Brother 22 Ranking 9:43 am Houseguests getting up. 9:55 am Nicole and Christmas chit chat about eggs. 10:40 […]

Big Brother 22 Nominations! Cody “Is Christmas livid?” Nicole “She won’t speak to anyone.”
5:45pm Kitchen. Nicole and Cody.
Cody – is Christmas livid? Nicole – She won’t speak to anyone. She just made a sandwich. She sat there, studied and took pop and stuff and now went into your guys room and she is just going to sit there and study. Cody – she grabbed the bible. Nicole – oh did she. She was sitting like this .. the whole time. I just watched. I asked if she was okay and she said yes. That was it. Cody – oh boy! Nicole – was she just blindsided then? Cody – I don’t know, Enzo said that she wanted to know that she was going to go up. Nicole – and he didn’t tell her? Cody – and I guess he didn’t tell her. Nicole – Geezzz louise! She is just going to make it look like she is doing other things but she is just going to study.