The Finale of Big Brother Canada 4 is finally here! On tonight’s 2 hour episode we will find out the results of how the final 3 house guests did in Part 1 and Part 2 of the HOH competition. Then the we’ll watch live as Part 3 unfolds and the winner of the final HOH decides who is the final jury member and who they take to the final 2. The jury members will ask the final 2 house guests questions and then they’ll vote on who they want to win the grand prize! The winner of Big Brother Canada 4 will receive $100,000, a $25,000 gift card from The Brick, and an OxiClean prize pack valued at $10,000.
Tag: Christine Kelsey

Big Brother Canada 4 – Eviction & HOH Episode Spoilers!
This week started out with huge potential as being a payback week for Loveita as she won HOH after the Third Wheel Alliance (Jared, Kelsey, Raul) almost had her evicted last week. After going back and forth a million times on her potential nominations Loveita decided last minute to make nominations that would rock the boat the least amount. She decided to break the cycle of going back and forth and chose to nominate Christine and Cassandra.

Tim about keeping Cass “Its not about the player this week its about the play for next week”
9:55am HOH room – Kelsey says that she’s burned bridges. Loveita says she has burned bridges. Everyone’s on the same playing field. Kelsey says I don’t have a problem with Christine. If she stays its not like I’m going to be totally choked. Loveita says personally I think you’re safer with Christine here. I’ve just heard Cassandra burn your name. Kelsey says Cass has burned a lot of bridges. Loveita says I don’t want things to go back and forth. Kelsey says we’re not going to go back and forth. If me, Jared or Raul win HOH.

Raul tells Cassandra “I feel like you need to clean your lips.. you look like a coke addict”
8pm In the bedroom – Cassandra and Raul are talking. Cassandra says I just don’t want any drama because eviction is tomorrow. Raul says I’ll start it after. Cassandra says I have 7 (votes) so even if 1 switches I’ll be okay. Do you think those 7 are solid. Raul says yes. Cassandra says I want to win HOH this week. Raul asks her who she would put up. Cassandra says Loveita and Maddy. This is nerve racking being on the block. We have to stick together because you never know where anyone else is at.

Cass “You’ve been gunning to get me out. It is what it is, you don’t trust me. That’s fine!”
1:10pm Nikki and Loveita are sitting on the on the couches. Nikki says Phil is a good guy. His loyalty is second to none, unlike some people (Tim). I wonder what Christine thinks of the argument. Loveita says I don’t know. Nikki says at least I’ve given him something to think about. I think I can do 1 more week in this hell hole! One week tomorrow. Loveita says no please don’t go. If you do, I’ll have to. Nikki says I won’t go but I think I won’t persuade people to not put me on the block. I don’t want to be horrid.

Nikki “I’m going HOME!” Kelsey “The less f**ks you give, the better it is!”
In the bedroom – Christine and Maddy are talking. Maddy says Mitch is the safest person in this house. Maddy says that Joel is way smart. He thinks you’re after him. Christine asks what? F**king Cassandra. Maddy says I swear on my mothers life Christine would tell me and she did not say sh*t. Christine says oh my god! I said that he is so smart that he could probably win the game but I never said that. Maddy says and he could win the game. And I would be okay with him winning.

Big Brother Canada 4 March 15 Evening Live feed updates
12:30am Loveita and Niki
Niki says that Tim has a extremely high opinion of himself.
Niki – the only way to engage in conversation with Tim is to ask questions about himself and he’ll talk to you all day long
Loveita – he’s being mean

Nikki “The f**king vultures eat everything! I’M F**KING NOT GOOD! I’M EXPLODING INSIDE!”
2:50pm HOH room – Nikki is having a mental breakdown – crying hysterically! Nikki says she feels frustrated! Its the food and everything. I just can’t sleep. I’m so tired all the time! Its the bed is so uncomfortable. This is the only comfortable bed and they keep the tv on so you can’t sleep. I can’t eat because the f**king vultures eat everything!!! I was so adamant about not playing this game and now I’ve been roped into it! Loveita says you don’t have to play. Nikki says I just want to go home!

Phil “People are doing what’s best for their game. I want to keep Cassandra. It’ll be a 7-4 vote.”
9:55am Hot Tub room – Jared and Kelsey head out to the hot tub. Kelsey says we need to really decide whether we keep Cassandra. Jared says I know. I’m leaning more towards yes. Kelsey says its just some of the stuff Loveita told me. Jared says we have a couple days to decide. Kelsey says I do love Christine and Cassandra. I could see myself being friends with her outside of here. Jared says I am really annoyed with Cass asking everyone to do everything for her. She doesn’t even clean up after herself. Kelsey says she’s having a rough couple weeks. Jared says she was babied to much at home.

Big Brother Canada 4 March 14 Evening Live feed updates
POV Holder: Dallas Next POV March 19th POV Used No POV Ceremony March 21th HOH Winner: Loveita Next HOH: March 17th Original Nominations: Cassandra and Christine Current Nominations: Cassandra and Christine Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry Have Nots Joel & Cassandra Want to watch the Big Brother Canada 4 live feeds but live outside of […]

Nikki, Tim and Ramsey Pranking the House Guests! “Who’s j!*z do I have on my a$$!?”
2:25pm In the storage room – Tim and Nikki are talking about what pranks they can pull on other house guests. Nikki wants to put something brown on the toilet seat. Tim tells her they should put saran wrap on the toilet seat. Ramsey says they already tried that and it didn’t really work. Tim suggests they put Vaseline on the toilet seat. Tim thinks they should put dish soap in the mouthwash. Ramsey brings Nikki a dish with Nutella. Nikki says it looks great. It looks like burning diarrhea. Ramsey says to put BBQ sauce on the pool cue or on door handles.

Power Of Veto Ceremony Results! “Everyone needs to stop sucking on her t!t”
By the Pool – Loveita says I want to puke right now. Dallas says don’t stress about it. It was just an idea. Don’t think they’re not going to finish what they started. This gives you the chance to hit them right back in the chin. I’m a lot less intimidated without the alpha male still here on that side. Loveita says whoever is here next week would have the same opportunity. Dallas tells Loveita that if she wants to keep it the same he won’t use it but we could wipe them out next week. We could do Jared this week and Raul the next.