1:45pm – 2pm In the kitchen – Derrick tells Cody you can have your own conversation with Caleb but he definitely thinks he could smoke us in the finals. Victoria joins them from the backyard. She tells Derrick how Christine was asking where you were. It pisses me off!! Derrick says I love it when you get jealous. Victoria says no, I’m not! That’s not even what I’m getting at. Victoria says I hate you (Christine)! Go be up Cody’s a$$! Go be up each others a$$es! I literally feel like the third wheel when its him (Cody) and Christine. They’re so weird together. Victoria explains how Christine said you haven’t been awake for HOH photo’s since you were HOH.
Tag: Christine Brecht

Cody “What photos should we take?” Christine says we could take ones with your shirt off?
11:50am Nicole joins Donny out in the backyard. She complains that she didn’t have a good experience the last time she took the cold shower. Donny suggests she get in and out quick and its not that bad. Nicole says I would 100% rather sleep in this grass (than the havenot ice beds). Nicole heads inside and braves the cold shower. Christine joins her and starts getting ready for the day. Cody comes down from the HOH room and goes into the diary room to get the HOH camera. Donny heads back to bed in the havenot room. Cody heads into the fire room and starts taking photos of himself with sleeping Caleb, Frankie and Victoria.

Derrick says he didn’t hookup with Brittany and she definitely wanted him to smash her!
12:15am Cody and Christine are playing a game of pool. Over on the hammock Caleb, Derrick and Frankie are talking about Christine and Cody. Caleb says that Christine and Cody were in the hammock holding hands. Caleb asks do you have any idea how that looks outside of here. Frankie says maybe he’s gay? Derrick says you think that though, you said that. Caleb and Derrick ask Frankie what do you think? You should be a good read for that kind of stuff. Frankie says I’m not the best read because I just trust that people. Derrick says didn’t you say that to me a couple months ago, or a month ago? Frankie says yeah, because Jocasta said that to me.

Derrick’s report – seed planted with Christine/Caleb and Victoria will vote with the house
9:42pm Victoria and Derrick FIREROOM
Victoria – I need Cody to undo my knot I think i’m going to pass out so early tonight.. I need sleep
Victoria brings up that Christine is saying that her HOH is a waste because Nicole is back in the game. Christine got all this blood on her hands for no reason. .

Wheels in motion to keep Donny “She’ll CRUSH endurance you bet your a$$ she could”
7:31pm Victoria and Derrick
Derrick saying that Nicole is getting close to Christine. Asks her if it comes down to him and Cody will Christine pick COdy
Derrick – she doesn’t’ talk a alot of game with me so Cody
You talk a lot of game to you I can hear it
Derrick classify the type of game she talks to with him isn’t serious game
Victoria – the only pother person I talk GAme game is Cody and the last time we spoke game was when Frankie was HOH.

TA want to save Donny “you want a show america we’ll give you a show” Derrick
4:30pm Derrick and Frankie laying out in the sun Production tells them to put their microphones on. Derrick gets pissed at this since it tells the house they are talking game.
Frankie – I have a way to get CAleb to flip
Derrick – to keep DOnny
Frankie – ya
Derrick – do you think it’s a good move..
Frankie – look at what’s happening.. with Cody
Derik – I see it, we need to have a detailed conversation later… Let make magic.
Frankie – I’m back..
Derrick – you were back I f***g love it you were not you yesterday.. you know what made matters worse I wasn’t me either..

Big Brother Spoilers – Veto Ceremony Results! “I feel like I’ve been up there all season!”
11:44am The live feeds return and Donny and Nicole are out in the backyard. Nicole says that she’s embarrassed. Donny says don’t be embarrassed, you’re funny. Nicole says I forgot what I was going to say. Donny says I was tickled. I was laughing and I’m on the block. Nicole asks what are we going to do this week Donny. I feel like I’ve been up there the last few weeks. Donny says I feel like I’ve been sitting up there all season. Nicole says you’ve definitely had it rougher than me. I think I’ve had it next roughest. Donny says you have. Christine joins them.

Big Brother Spoilers – Donny tells Nicole we might be getting out before it gets too dirty.
9:15am – 10:30am Big Brother blocks the live feeds to wake up the house guests. Donny and Victoria are the only house guests awake. Donny asks Victoria if she feels better today and she says yes, a lot better. Donny says I hope the swelling goes down on both sides. Victoria says MmmHmm. Victoria goes to the diary room and when she comes out she walks through the kitchen and messes up the jenga blocks that spelled out “My Everything” that Frankie had written last night. Victoria continues to do her makeup in the bathroom and Donny works out on the elliptical. Nicole wakes up and starts getting ready in the bathroom. She tells Victoria that she slept really rough and will need to take a nap later.

Victoria says Donny needs to go to social skills! Or whatever you call it. Frankie asks social services?
12:20am At the kitchen table Victoria and Nicole are playing Jenga. Meanwhile – Caleb and Derrick continue their chess game on the picnic table. Caleb asks Derrick if he’s into guns. Derrick says no, I never really got into them. Caleb says if I win the HOH before the final 4 I will put up Cody and her (Christine). Derrick says I kind of want Christine gone before Victoria because she has the potential to win a comp. Victoria’s just a fart in the wind. You know what I’m saying. There’s no chance. If Christine’s here she can win and send one of us packing. Derrick says but right now with this buy back (Nicole returning) is f**king killing us. Derrick and Caleb concentrate on their game and play in silence.

Big Brother 16 BB Broadway “Scissor Sisters, Jamokes and trying to get in all their pants
9:13pm Donny doing Devin
Donny (Devin) I’m toting everyone on my back till the end
Donny (Devin) says he’s having a showmance with Joey and Brittany “I’ve even invited POW up a time or two”
Donny (Devin) – keep on being a competition monster and tote all these jamoks to the end and try to get at least 6 votes.

Fans attempt to Stir the pot MEGAPHONE “Frankie cannot be trusted he’s the saboteur”
7:02pm HOH Frankie, Cody, Caleb and Christine.
Caleb is air drumming like a maniac..
Christine says her church has ear plugs because they play the music so loud..
Chit chat..
Frankie leaves and Christine/Cody talk about what they heard. Clawb says he thinks it was a donny fan trying to get them to flip the script.. (Feeds cut in and out)
Cody says they need to have people on the outside locking the house down.
Christine wonders if it happened last year
Cody – I think it happens every year and henar the end more..

Derrick sums up BB Broadway “it’s not the best thing in the world but it’s a safe bet.. “
5:13pm Frankie and Derrick
(Apparently the Diary room told Derrick the Play idea sucks)
Frankie says Caleb looks concerned.. he won’t play Brittany now..
Derrick – Did you get the same impression that I got with the play not being that good..
Feeds cut..
Derrick – It’s the impression I got.. I told them it’s not the best thing in the world but it’s a safe bet..
Frankie – they want Donny to stay
Derrick – ya..