The Big Brother 16 Two-Night Première is just 2 days away and things are really starting to heat up! Today we got to see the media day footage where the media personalities were invited to play a condensed version of Big Brother in the newly redesigned house. CBS also started airing a new promotional commercial that features the new cast of house guests that will be moving into the big brother house.
Tag: Christine Brecht

Big Brother 16 Commercial with the NEW CAST and Jeff Schroeder Interviews!
CBS just released a new promotional commercial with the ALL NEW Big Brother 16 Cast so that you can get to know them a bit better. Jeff Schroeder also interviewed each of the house guests.
Jocasta Odom “If you plan on stabbing me in the back, you better watch out!”
Devin Shepherd “I want to go in there and win HOH right off the bat!”

Big Brother 16 – “Team America” Voting is NOW OPEN!
Julie Chen released the details of the Big Brother 16 Twist during The Talk. Julie explained that this season there will be 2 house guests that win HOH each week and they will both nominate 2 house guests (4 total) for eviction. The 2 HOH’s will then battle it out in an all new competition called “Battle of the Block” where the winner will remain as HOH and keep their nominations. The other HOH that loses the battle will then be dethroned and won’t be safe that week if the Power of Veto is used.

Big Brother 16 – Rachel Reilly with Reality Relapse Video Interviews of the New Cast!
Today CBS released the official cast of Big Brother 16 and most big brother fans will be excited to learn that it is an all new cast. We now have less than a week to get to know the new cast before the 2-Night première begins on Wednesday, June 25th! Reality Relapse with Rachel Reilly & Ryan Carrillo interview the new cast of Big Brother 16!

MEET the ALL NEW CAST of Big Brother 16!
The much anticipated Big Brother 16 Cast has now been released just 6 days before the première episode set to air on June 25th, 2014 at 8/7c on CBS. Don’t forget that Big Brother 16 will have a sure to be unforgettable Two-Night Premiere. This seasons rumors and speculation about who the new cast would be was at an all time high leading up to today, so its nice to finally get the official word on the cast. The release of the new house guest identities is the most anticipated event of the season as it shows us who we’ll be tuning in to watch in HIGH-DEFINITION for the next 90 days as they compete, lie, and back-stab their way to the half million dollar grand prize.