12:30pm – 1pm Caleb wakes up does his laundry and then makes lunch. Cody wakes up and joins Caleb in the kitchen. Caleb asks him how he’s feeling. Cody shrugs. Cody says man this thing is so hot! Cody asks what time everyone went to bed. Caleb says he can’t remember. What time did you go to bed? Cody says I don’t know I passed out. Caleb says the last time I looked at the clock Victoria pass drunk on the floor right here. Caleb says maybe 1:30am. Christine wakes up to join them. Christine asks Cody if he’s okay. Cody groans. Cody asks what time did I go to bed at? Christine says like 11:45pm.
Tag: Christine Brecht

Derrick “EAT your quesadilla so I can go to bed! You’re just b***hing! I could careless about them.”
12:10pm In the kitchen – Derrick is cooking slop creations. Victoria joins him. Derrick tells her that the cookie sheet is called a sheet pan. Victoria loses it and starts laughing hysterically saying sheet pan over and over again. It’s not a sheet pan!? Victoria drops to the floor laughing. Derrick looks at the camera and asks if the live feeders are watching this. Caleb gets down behind Victoria looks at the camera and points to Victoria. Victoria keeps saying Sheet Pan, Sheet Pan!! Christine comes back from going to bed and tells Victoria its called a sheet pan. Victoria says that’s weird.

Cody “You’re a 10!” Nicole says thanks but you have your beer goggles on. Caleb “I’d give you a solid 8!”
8:50pm On the backyard couch – Cody tells Nicole that he would give her a 10 on the scale. Nicole says thanks but you have your beer goggles on. Caleb says I would give you a solid 8. Nicole laughs and says thanks. Caleb says I date 8’s. Cody says I never date smoke bombs. Nicole says I’m attracted to personality first. Caleb says let me ask you something if you saw a guy walk over there could you say how attractive his personality is? Nicole says I’m attracted to personality first. Caleb says lie to me again and tell me you’re attracted to personality first. Nicole says I liked Hayden for his personality. The first time I saw Hayden I knew I would like him.

Caleb says I’ll put up Victoria. She’s not going to like it! Cody “Oh yeah she’ll be coming after you next week.”
7pm Up in the HOH room – Caleb says I’m so glad this week is done. Frankie calls Christine a beast. Caleb says I’ll put up Frankie and.. oh he laughs. He says I’ll put up Victoria. She’s not going to like it but.. Cody says oh yeah she’ll be coming after you next week. Christine comments on how Nicole wasn’t happy with the amount girls Hayden’s slept with. Cody says that one of his ex’s was upset that he had slept with 2 girls and so ever since then he will never tell a girl the actual number. Frankie says that if anyone even asks him he just laughs in their face. Caleb says he doesn’t even say because no one believe him any ways. The conversation turns to talking about ADHD and how Cody thought he had it but his Dad told him he didn’t have it.

Big Brother 16 Week 10 POV Results “Looks like I put the best candidate up”
5:07pm HOH
Caleb – “Looks like I put the best candidate up”
Christine – when I walked out there I was like this was meant for me.
Caleb says she’s glad Nicole didn’t win it.
Christine – it was CLOSE
Caleb – for a minute there i was like Dang
Christine – I’m final 5 baby.. we did it

Big Brother 16 Week 10 POV Players Picked “If it’s physical you gotta try Victoria”
12:05AM POV Players picked
(Victoria, Nicole, Caleb, Cody, Christine and Derrick. Frankie is the host)
Frankie – unbelievable.. You get picked every single time.
Victoria – I didn’t get picked last week ..
Frankie – Ohh no you missed a week.. all week out of 30 all week you didn’t play
Caleb was the one that picked Victoria’s game.
Frankie – well it’s official this is the last meeting I get to not get picked for.
Frankie – it’s not the end of the world I’m pretty f*** up”

Frankie “If Brittany doesn’t have kids do you get mad or nail her in the bathroom?” Cody says nail her!
12am – 12:30am Up in the HOH room – Caleb and Frankie are talking. Frankie is telling Caleb that how when picking havenot he should have just pointed to Nicole. Its like ripping a bandaid off. They discuss what happens when it gets down to the final four. Frankie says it all comes down to the jury. Caleb says yeah. Frankie tells Caleb that you need to stop telling people you have the jury votes. If people think you have the jury votes they won’t take you. You can tell Derrick but that’s it. Frankie tells Caleb – I think you have a wonderful shot at winning this.

Frankie about Nicole “she was a monster..calculating, convincing and manipulative”
9:45pm HOh Christine and Frankie
Christine saying that Nicole and Victoria are not talking to her or looking at her. She Asked them if there hips still sore and none of them answered.
Frankie says they are pissed at her because how safe Christine has been acting. Christine says Victoria is going to get picked for the Veto but won’t win it. As long as Nicole doesn’t win they are final 5 like they planned.
Christine thought if Victoria wins veto and uses it on Nicole she’s in trouble but there’s really no chance of Victoria winning anything.

Nicole “It’s not strategy to get me out it’s for Frankie’s satisfaction.. he’s manipulating Caleb”
5:30pm Nicole and Victoria have nots
Victoria is icing her ankle it was sprained in the competition
Nicole says Christine went up as a pawn and she’s the target she needs to win POV to stay in the game.
Nicole – that speech was so weird
Victoria – the vibe is so weird
Nicole says Frankie is manipulating Caleb sand using him.

Week 10 Nomination Results “If Nicole wins POV Victoria is going out simple as that”
2:04pm COdy and Caleb HOH
Caleb is trying to figure out who should go up beside Nicole.
Cody says Frankie is rubbing people the wrong way. Caleb’s name isn’t coming out of a lot people’s mouths.
Cody – THe people that are going to protect me are you and Derrick

Big Brother Spoilers Have Not Results “We need a upset in this house”
12:55pm Nicole crying she’s on slop again and going on the block.
Victoria asked her if she wants to talk. Nicole is fine tell her not to tell them she’s crying
Nicole talking to the camera “I want to go home this freaking sucks I’m going to be nominated”
Nicole – “I hate Frankie he’s a manipulator.. I just have to fight in a veto.. I’m praying it;s a punishment i’ll take all the punishments but if it’s the ball thing I’m freaking weak

Nicole “I could be as loyal to you as I was to Hayden. I would swear on anything, my family, the bible!”
1:10am In the bathroom – Derrick, Cody, Frankie and Christine. Derrick says I think we’re all going to be hurting tomorrow except Cody. Frankie says you’re going to need to be the one to win veto. You’re the only one not going to be hurting. Derrick says I think that was the longest one ever. It was the length of almost the entire backyard. It was 6ft in from each side. They talk about how they don’t think the ramp for that one has been that steep. Christine says I want to see the fall where I got the shaving cream up my butt. Big Brother: “Derrick, HOLLA GIRL!” Frankie says I can’t wait to see me. I think my form was pretty. I liked the swimming! It helped a lot, like a lot! Propel my body forward. Frankie says I hope they show us Caleb’s sports illustrated photo! I want it. I’m going to take it into the bathroom.