Going to keep this weeks short and sweet this week.. We’ve been waiting for something to happen all season but it hasn’t with 2 weeks of feeds left let’s hope for something. I don’t really care what just something unexpected would be nice. Earlier today Julie Chen tweeted that she will be announcing a new twist tonight.. kinda wonder what it could be this late in the game. Scroll down to see the picture.
Tag: Christine Brecht

Cody says I’m putting up Frankie & Christine. I just hope Caleb doesn’t say anything to Frankie.
1:15pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the HOH lockdown. When the live feeds return – Victoria and Nicole shower in the bathroom and start getting ready for the live show tonight. Derrick and Frankie are in the kitchen. Derrick tells Frankie that he loves him. Frankie says I love you too. Frankie realizes the big brother gave him new pink hair die. Caleb is unpacking his HOH basket after moving out of the HOH room. Derricks eating at the kitchen table. Derrick, Caleb and Frankie discuss what the HOH competition might. They all don’t think it will be the endurance wall.

Caleb “My strategy isn’t to breakup a home.” Frankie “Cody isn’t married so its not his home.”
12am In the fire room – Nicole, Victoria and Christine are talking. Nicole comments on how fast the double eviction happens. All in an hour. And I didn’t even compete in the HOH or the veto. Nicole says Donny’s a beast. He beat Hayden, Zach and Beast Mode in the Double eviction veto. The cameras switch to Derrick and Cody in the bathroom talking. Cody says I don’t understand. Dude I can’t go after Christine and Frankie tomorrow. No Chance. Derrick says like I said its up to you brother. I’m not going to.. same thing with Caleb. You’re a grown dude. You’ve got to do what Cody feels is right. Frankie told me two days ago flat out who he’s putting up. Could he be lying to me? Of course.

Nicole packs her bag “This is so freaking sad, I love the big brother house! I belong here!”
3:50pm – 6:57pm Big Brother blocked the live feeds. When they return all the house guests are huddled around the havenot door. They notice that its been screwed shut. Derrick says there’s more to that havenot room than for solitary confinement. They wouldn’t remodel it for just one day. Caleb says after all of that?! Cody says big let down! Caleb says they locked us up there for so long for nothing. They coment on how it was nice they got to listen to music during the HOH lockdown. In the kitchen the house guests talk about the possibility of tomorrow being a double eviction.

Frankie “What room are Christine & Cody F-ing in now?! If the world didn’t already know you’re a cheater it does now.”
2:35pm Up in the HOH room – Derrick asks Frankie what he is now. Frankie asks what do you mean? Derrick says before you thought I was a cop .. what do you think I am now? Frankie says a proctologist. An a$$ doctor. Frankie looks at the spy screen and asks what room are Christine and Cody F-ing in now?! Derrick laughs oh my god. If it comes to a day when you have to unleash on that I am just going to close my eyes. Frankie says you should because I don’t know.. I think its clouding my light. I need to act more positive. Derrick says if you get sent home. Frankie says if she does something to stab me in the back I would say something. But it would be filtered.

Derrick “Victoria is more concerned about what to wear than making sure she has the votes.”
12pm In the living room the house guests are talking about last season with all the racist comments. Caleb asks less drama than last season. Derrick says more tasteful. Christine asks do you think ours has viewer discretion advised? Frankie says yes! Caleb says yes. Christine asks why? Frankie says because there’s a homosexual in the house. Once its on it’s on because legally once it starts they have it on. Frankie says all the drama was over at this point. Derrick says there will be people that love us and hate us. Caleb says I think the people that will hate me are the animal activists. Derrick agrees but says the people that like the hunting and all that will defend you. They talk about the people that will hate them.

Derrick expect a Text Message apology from Nicole for calling him out on his lies
10:40am Derrick and Nicole Backyard
(Derrick lies to Nicole throughout this entire conversation makes her feels bad and eventfully works an apology out of her)
Derrick saying they have one more night to go as a have nots.
Derrick tells her he’s getting the feeling that a lot of things that go on in the house are solely based on who is working that day
feeds cut..

Derrick “I promise, if she made it to the final 3 & someone took her, I’ll give f**king Victoria the money.”
12am Derrick and Frankie are playing pool. Derrick says definitely nervous if there’s a double eviction you don’t know what’s going to happen, like hey Derrick take a seat. Frankie says well Christine doesn’t talk game with me any more.. and I don’t know that I want to necessarily initiate it. Have you spoken to her about it? Derrick says not game other than when we’re all up in the room saying final five, final five. Frankie says right exactly. And we’re also the dad’s of the house and every time I look at them I think you really are children. Derrick says like I said you don’t know. You don’t know what deals have been made or what promises have been given.

Nicole “it’s going to get bloody in here. lots of beasts.. They’re going to get pissy”
9:57pm Backyard
Cody asks if the feeds are always boring. Christine says at this stage they are (Not all the time) Victoria and Nicole head to the hammock.
Nicole apologizes for being quiet.
Victoria – Cody is ridiculous.. he annoys me a lot..
Victoria says Cody was trying to get information out of im.
Nicole – do you think Derrick told him.. what did you tell him
Victoria – I’m not telling him..

“2 LUCKY HOTTIES” Cody and Caleb have a double date for you just don’t get drunk…
6:37pm HOH Caleb and COdy
Caleb comes in rubs his left breast says his gland is acting up.. “Nothing has stopped it.. I gotta get it taken care of.. especially if I win this or come in second”
Cody – Get that cut out
Caleb – There’s a girl out there that is going to get the lucky chance to go to a FGL concert, We need two girls

Cody says Frankie is still playing like a snake! He’s throwing everyone under the bus.
12:50pm Caleb tells Frankie and Nicole that his HOH blog was pretty good. I wrote it like a story. Frankie asks him about what he’s going to tweet. Caleb says I don’t really know what, I don’t tweet. Frankie says short, sweet, retweetable. Frankie says like Bomb squad blowing it up. They head outside to the backyard couch were Christine is sitting. Christine says for Caleb to tweet Beast Mode Cowboy in the HOUSE! She tells him to add #beastmodecowboy to everything. Caleb gets called to the diary room for his HOH camera.

Big Brother Spoilers – Cody says she made a comment yesterday with how you’re a b***h with Frankie.
9:30am – 10:10am Big Brother blocks the live feeds to wake up the house guests. Caleb tells Derrick that he didn’t get up and dance with him. I was looking like a god damn ballerina.. having a good old time. Derrick and Caleb sit in the living room. Caleb tells Derrick to go back to sleep for a little bit. Derrick says I can’t they woke me up for the DR. Cody gets up and asks Caleb what he told Frankie. Caleb says me personally I told him I was thinking of putting him up. I told him I had it running through my head that if putting him up was an option, now would be the time to do it because he can’t pull himself off and he’s a beast and he could. BUT I didn’t tell him that we were all discussing that. Cody says I just talked about it and he was like are you questioning me.