Here we go, Folks, the Double Eviction we wanted a month ago to clear out this house. Last week we saw Nick get evicted during Holly’s Head of Household. Going into the week 10 Jackson pull out the HOH win. He nominates Christie and Jess. Tommy wins the Veto and uses it on Christie. Jackson nominates […]
Tag: Christie Murphy

Nicole “She swore to me on her sister’s life & the bible that she’s going to put you two up!”
8:15pm Boat room. Tommy and Jess.
Jess – should we talk later knowing that them four are going to be alone .. to conspire? Tommy – no, its okay. Jess – I talked to Michie to see where his head was at and he didn’t tell me that I was the target. Tommy – that’s so confusing but I guess he wouldn’t say that to anyone. Jess – He said that just because he put me up doesn’t mean that he doesn’t see Cliff as a threat too. So he didn’t really tell me where his head was at. So I just kept it PC just in case it went his way or my way. He said that he is going to circle back with everyone to see. I told him that I was just going to tell everyone ..

“I played a very impressive game in my eyes to myself. “
5:33 pm Jessica and Nicole
Jessica campaigning. Nobody wants to hear this. Here’s a taste
Jess – I played a very impressive game in my eyes to myself.
Jess – it doesn’t matter what other people think of my game and wheater or not I did good. I’m not a comp beast, I’m not good with Chess, I’m not good at checkers. I’m not a strategy person. I might not see the very very end and the very very beginning. That is not my strategy. I come in here THinking I’m going to do a hail marry and hallelujah and hope that the decision I make I Can live with the rest of my life.
jess – I believe and trust in my gut that is something I can offer somebody.. like,… because like that’s who I am.. Like I don’t want it to be a lonely number of one but like that’s how I feel I’ve been playing but I haven’t I haven’t been playing this alone.

Christie “I will straight up f**king hand on the bible, swear on my sister that if I win HOH.. I am putting up Michie & Holly.”
8:52pm Bedroom. Nicole talking to the feeders.
Nicole has a lot of thinking to do. Jess brings up a lot of valid points. Very valid. I need to navigate forward with Nicole and if I keep Jess, that is going to piss off Michie and Holly. And yes, Michie can’t play but if Holly wins she is going to be really pissed at me. And whereas if I keep Cliff, that’s my guy. And then Michie and Holly won’t be mad. And Christie and Tommy already know how I feel about Cliff. If I keep Cliff…. Michie is happy, Holly is happy, Cliff is happy. Christie won’t mind. Tommy won’t mind. That is five Okay people with me. If I keep Jess… Michie is pissed, Holly is pissed. Jess will be happy with me. Christie will be happy with me.

“Cliff is so adamant on navigating with Michie and Holly. I don’t know if that’s the best plan”
1:18 pm Nicole alone
N – Big Brother this will be another hard week
N – It’s tough I have two people that I would like to see in the final 3 on the block and one of them is going
N – Cliff is so adamant on navigating with Michie and Holly. I don’t know if that’s the best play.
N – But I guess if one of us wins put up Christie and Tommy one of them goes and then move forward from there because the other one will still be here.
N – You put both of them on the block one comes down you put up Michie or Holly

Big Brother BBQ – “Kick back with a cold beer, a juicy burger and hot buns around the pool!”
8:41pm Nicole goes into the diary room. The others plan to play a practical joke on her because she thinks something is happening tonight. As soon as she goes into the diary room they all start screaming – OH MY GOD!! WE MADE IT! MOM! DAD! OH MY GOD! NICOLE! WHERE’S NICOLE!! Soon after Nicole comes rushing out of the diary room to realize they were playing a prank on her. They all laugh.

“that’s not the type of game player I am I don’t make deals I don’t offer things to people “
3:12 pm Cliff and Nicole
Cliff says Jackson and Holly swore he’s good. He talked to Tommy and Tommy said he’s keeping him
Nicole – obviously you have my vote. I haven’t told Jess that. (don’t bother she won’t know any different)
Nicole – just so you know I’m telling Jess that I’m still thinking
Nicole – I talked to her last night she’s like I’m not campaigning I’m done what Can I offer people
N – I was like, Jess, Speak from your heart. She was like how can I. It’s not worth it. I’m like talk to people. Play your game. TALK TO PEOPLE
N – that’s the type of game player I am I don’t make deals I don’t talk to people

Christie “He is making it really clear that he is working with me & Tommy.” Cliff “He is saying that to everyone.”
8:09pm Hammock. Christie and Cliff.
Christie – I wanted to talk to you because we were up in the HOH and Tommy was saying that he wanted to use the veto on me. Thank god. I am so happy. I spoke to him about it a little yesterday and he was worried saying he didn’t want to piss off Michie because he doens’t want the noms to change. I said to him at this point in the game there’s six of us .. if Michie and Holly have each other don’t you want to have someone. Cliff – that worries me. Christie – I said I’ll have your back. Also he wanted to talk to Michie and feel out who would go up. So it obviously will be you or Nicole. Cliff – it will be me, he already talked to me. Christie – you will have my vote. Cliff – well thank you. Christie – even if you do go up, you will be safe. Going into next week I am kind of worried .. I feel like Michie feels like he is working with everyone.

Holly “Is that all you want to only be working together on a game level?” Jackson “I don’t know anymore.”
12:47pm Bedroom. Holly and Jackson.
Holly – I am annoyed at my body. I started my period today. I am annoyed at my body for the ability to make me that miserable for two days. Like I literally walked down this morning and said to Jess and Christie .. well the b***h is gone .. Holly is back! I am emotionally depleted. I am not used to doing that. Letting stuff out. Jackson – well its day 75 ..we’ve got 25 days left. Holly – what are you thinking? Jackson – whether or not you should throw the next HOH. Holly – as long as you’re not planning on turning on me because I pissed you off. Jackson – that’s on a personal level.. you and I on a game level have to work together. There are six people left. Cliff and Nicole, Tommy and Christie. Holly – is that what you want though… to only to be game? Actually I don’t even want..

Nicole – if he gets out Jess he’s left with the 2 pairs he’s made final 4’s with
3:30 am Nicole on hammock
Nicole going on about laying in bed with Nick the other day and that was very out of character for her. Goes on about how in this house you build friendships and bonds.
Nicole hopes she doesn’t embarrass anybody or make anything look a certain way.
Nicole says she was down today because of her VETO. Brings up her anxiety and her small stature for why she didnt’ perform well in the hide and go veto competition. She points out that the one big guy in the house was able to flip mattresses.
Nicole points outs she’s the only person in the house that hasn’t won a competition. “It’s helping me not be seen as a threat it’s helping me maneuver.”
Nicole says it was upsetting to find out Jess was the target BUT “With that being said i’m also very confused by her (jess) saying that one of the main people she doesn’t trust in this house is me I get it obviously” (Jess is a powerhouse player)

Big Brother 21 – “Hide The Veto” Competition Results!
11pm – 4:42pm The live feeds were blocked for the Power of Veto competition. It was the hide the veto comp. All the house guests are now chatting about their hiding spots and starting to clean up the mess. The house is destroyed! Christie – it just sucks that we have to do this.. like we didn’t even want to play this comp. Tommy – I just want to throw all the rugs away. Jess – I am just surprised that they let you guys do this.

“I’m so freaking excited. I can’t believe it this hasn’t happened for a very very very long time”
Head of Household Winner – Jackson Have note are: Nominations are: Jess and Chrsitie Power of Veto Players are: Jackson, Christie, Jess, Nicole, Cliff, Tommy Power of Veto holder: Power of Veto Ceremony: Grab your live feeds —-> BB21 Live Feeds Subscription Link Rank your houseguests —-> Big Brother 21 Ranking 9:30 am Power of […]