12pm HOH room – Alyssa, Hannah and Kyland
They’re planning out their strategy for the upcoming OTEV competition. Hannah – Correct me if I am wrong but if you, (Alyssa), you (Ky) or Big D were to win this competition the outcome would be exactly the same but then the power would no longer be in play. That is why you two have to win but if Claire or Big D win ..its not the end of the world. Ky – exactly, if any of the four win we are okay but the top top preferred is us two. I am trying not to be selfish but I want to win it. Alyssa – if you want it go for it. Hannah – you two should just duke it out and let the best man win. ALyssa – obviously I would feel better winning it than throwing it. Like I would feel better if I won it fair and square.