Final HOH Winner: Miesha Todrick reveals that to Cynthia and Miesha that he is really a super fan. Cynthia comments on how it makes sense now why he’s never seen the block. Miesha is so glad that she aligned with him. – Todrick tries to secure final two with both Cynthia and Miesha – Cynthia […]
Tag: Chris Kirkpatrick

Carson “That’s going to bite her in the a$$.” Cynthia “She made her bed and she has to lay in it.”
5:40pm HOH Bathroom – Cynthia and Carson.
Cynthia – Did you talk to Shanna about the veto and all about that? Carson – not yet. Cynthia – and try and win and whatever? Carson – not yet. I figured I would try and let her have a nice day. Cynthia – yeah exactly. I think that is good. She just asked me if we are good. I said yeah we’re good outside of the game. I don’t have an issue outside of the game. And she was like so you wouldn’t be open to playing the game with me? And I was like I don’t want to talk about the game today. This is not game day talk to me. I was like but we can talk later. Carson – yeah just like take a break for a day. Cynthia – with everything that’s happened you still think that I trust you!? No! Carson – its crazy!

Nomination Results! “If Shanna does happen to win veto, then I promise I will gun for her like next week too”
8:15pm Kitchen – Todrick and Miesha.
Miesha – worst case scenario if Shanna wins the power of veto.. Todrick – who does she save? Miesha – no, I think she will probably leave it the same. I think she probably would. Todrick – should I just talk to Carson real quick? I think he should be thinking of his own theory and his own game plan. Miesha – I know but I would like to have a little bit of a pitch here because my thought process is if you’re smart about it …well if we can’t get Shanna out this week… if we can’t, lets get Miesha out. She is the second biggest.

Miesha “Chris just wanted to shake things up.” Todrick “He f***ed us! No lube!”
8:05pm The feeds return from the HOH comp. Carson is bringing his suitcase out of the storage room to unpack it again. He heads to the bedroom. Cynthia – you did it! You won! Carson – the tide is turning. Lets just bask in the glory. We had a nerve racking couple of days! Now we’re going to have baths and king size beds! Cynthia – I know! I’m off the block! Carson – and a win from little old me! Cynthia – we turned it! We did it!

Celebrity Big Brother 3 – HOH Wall Competition Live on the Feeds!
The Head of Household Competition is live on the live feeds. Subscribe and watch it all play out with the FREE Paramount+ Trial.
The house guests are lined up on the wall from left to right: Carson, Todrick, Shanna, Lamar, Todd, Cynthia.

Chris “No, f**k that!” Todrick “I did. I said it. Fix this!”
12:41pm Gym – Todrick and Miesha.
Todrick – I was like I just wanted to spice things up and for me you’re taking it personal. Its all game. I was like it was all game until you sat me down and basically tried to shame me for transparent enough with you. I was like I trust Miesha’s game because Miesha keeps it straight up with me. She is straight forward. She is honest with me. And I was like great. I shook your hand and at that point it became more than just game. It became personal and on a man to man level you shook my hand and at the end of the day I don’t think he think’s I’m a man. I don’t think he feels like that deal was whatever. I was like you have more loyalty to Teddi who was the only person that mentioned taking you out of the game. Miesha – yeah. I trust you and I do realize that ..basically his perception is very skewed.

Veto Ceremony Results! Chris Kirkpatrick – “Do you understand what just happened? We won! We just won!”
Bathroom. Chris Kirkpatrick and Shanna.
Chris Kirkpatrick – do you understand what just happened? We won! We just won! By that alone we just won. Sure I might go home .. either me or Cynthia might go home but the entire house just flipped. The entire house realizes that it could be them. That’s it! You’re okay now! Shanna – do you realize the conversation I just had …like you just drew a line in the sand. I was like oh boo-hoo. Chris – We did! We did! Man up! We did! Don’t let it get to you. Who cares! Worst case scenario, I go home. Shanna – I can’t believe she put you up. Chris – who cares. They drew the definite line in the sand. Right now is the happiest I’ve been in this house. Shanna – I need to keep you in this house. Chris – I understand that but if we don’t … we got people. (He points to Lamar as he’s walking into the room.) We’ve got Lamar now, we’ve got Todd. Shanna – I hope so.

Cynthia “I don’t trust Kirkpatrick. I don’t care how much he talks. The man just doesn’t sit right with me.”
12:13am Bedroom – Cynthia and Carson.
Cynthia – I don’t trust Kirkpatrick. I don’t care how much he talks. The man just doesn’t sit right with me. Carson – the man talks so much. SO MUCH! Cynthia – after he didn’t tell us about .. after he didn’t give us a little heads up and now he wants to come in and visit all the time … he just loves us so much! I definitely told Todrick that .. just know that you can’t trust Kirkpatrick. Because Kirkpatrick is coming for Todrick. And that was because I was pissed off at him and I told him like.. Carson whispers something (can’t hear it). Big Brother blocks the feeds. Cynthia – if its that important just let her have it. Carson – its fine. If its more helpful, then …leave it as it is. I’ll leave and you stay. Cynthia – when I said to you, I’ll just go and you were like absolutely not but if you noticed she did not say one word about that.

Shanna “We want to take you down and have them put up Todd and then vote Todd out.”
5:06pm The Live Feeds return from being blocked. Bedroom – Shanna and Lamar.
Shanna – I might save him. They think I might save Carson regardless. And they said that they were going to put up .. I think Todd. Lamar – so you want Cynthia to go? Shanna – no, I am not evicting Cynthia at all. It would be Todd. I would have to vote for Todd. Lamar – no but you have to pick one of them today? Shanna – no, Friday we evict. Lamar – one of the two vetos? Shanna – well evict someone. I can either take Cynthia off the block and she’ll put Todd up. And it will be Todd and Carson. Lamar – OOHHHHHHH! Shanna – or I can take Carson down and they would probably put Todd or Chris Kirkpatrick up. Or we need her .. so that is where it is going to get really tricky.

Carson “Lamar said Miesha is like getting ready for a fight she is in beast mode.”
11:10am Bedroom – Shanna, Cynthia and Carson.
Carson – Lamar said Miesha is like getting ready for a fight she is like in beast mode. I was like DUH! And then he was like he is going to do the same and I was like yeah get in fighting shape. Cynthia – yeah. Kill or be killed. Carson – He said if you can’t beat em, join em. But he didn’t mean that he was going to join them. Shanna – yeah that’s what confused me as well. Carson – he meant that he was going to be in beast mode as well. Cynthia – right. Carson – I hope he does that.

Nomination Results! Carson “If I win the veto, I am going to use it to save you.”
3:05pm Kitchen – Miesha and Chris Kattan.
Chris – when are the nominations? Miesha – good question. They wouldn’t tell me but they did say that it is today. Chris – do you know who you’re doing? Miesha – can I trust you? Chris – I don’t know. Miesha – AHHhhh.. you wait and find out then. Chris – yeah you can trust me. You can put me on there. Miesha – yeah I know but… well you’re not going up Chris. Sorry! Not on the first two anyways .. we’ll see if someone wins veto.

Chris Kirk “That was my thing coming in too, don’t let the bullies bully! ..and here we are letting bullies bully!”
11:25am Bathroom – Cynthia, Shanna and Todd.
Todd is complaining about Chris Kattan. Todd – I got woken up by Chris Kattan. Shanna – what happened? Todd – he scared the sh*t out of me. AGGHHH right in my face! I woke up and he was like this. (See above photo) He was asking about something. I said go ask Lamar. So he got Lamar too. He woke Lamar up too. Shanna – he went in your room and then work up Lamar too? Todd – no I’m not in there no more, I’m outside. I slept much better outside.. but here is what is funny. So we were outside laughing like how we do every night and he (Chris Kattan) comes out and says can you guys be quite!? And I’m like dude!? You can’t have everything now! I am out of the room. I am out here. You didn’t say that when they were making noise before. You can’t have it all. Its not fair.