Final HOH Winner: Miesha Todrick reveals that to Cynthia and Miesha that he is really a super fan. Cynthia comments on how it makes sense now why he’s never seen the block. Miesha is so glad that she aligned with him. – Todrick tries to secure final two with both Cynthia and Miesha – Cynthia […]
Tag: Chris Kattan

Shanna “We want to take you down and have them put up Todd and then vote Todd out.”
5:06pm The Live Feeds return from being blocked. Bedroom – Shanna and Lamar.
Shanna – I might save him. They think I might save Carson regardless. And they said that they were going to put up .. I think Todd. Lamar – so you want Cynthia to go? Shanna – no, I am not evicting Cynthia at all. It would be Todd. I would have to vote for Todd. Lamar – no but you have to pick one of them today? Shanna – no, Friday we evict. Lamar – one of the two vetos? Shanna – well evict someone. I can either take Cynthia off the block and she’ll put Todd up. And it will be Todd and Carson. Lamar – OOHHHHHHH! Shanna – or I can take Carson down and they would probably put Todd or Chris Kirkpatrick up. Or we need her .. so that is where it is going to get really tricky.

Carson “Lamar said Miesha is like getting ready for a fight she is in beast mode.”
11:10am Bedroom – Shanna, Cynthia and Carson.
Carson – Lamar said Miesha is like getting ready for a fight she is like in beast mode. I was like DUH! And then he was like he is going to do the same and I was like yeah get in fighting shape. Cynthia – yeah. Kill or be killed. Carson – He said if you can’t beat em, join em. But he didn’t mean that he was going to join them. Shanna – yeah that’s what confused me as well. Carson – he meant that he was going to be in beast mode as well. Cynthia – right. Carson – I hope he does that.

Nomination Results! Carson “If I win the veto, I am going to use it to save you.”
3:05pm Kitchen – Miesha and Chris Kattan.
Chris – when are the nominations? Miesha – good question. They wouldn’t tell me but they did say that it is today. Chris – do you know who you’re doing? Miesha – can I trust you? Chris – I don’t know. Miesha – AHHhhh.. you wait and find out then. Chris – yeah you can trust me. You can put me on there. Miesha – yeah I know but… well you’re not going up Chris. Sorry! Not on the first two anyways .. we’ll see if someone wins veto.

Chris Kirk “That was my thing coming in too, don’t let the bullies bully! ..and here we are letting bullies bully!”
11:25am Bathroom – Cynthia, Shanna and Todd.
Todd is complaining about Chris Kattan. Todd – I got woken up by Chris Kattan. Shanna – what happened? Todd – he scared the sh*t out of me. AGGHHH right in my face! I woke up and he was like this. (See above photo) He was asking about something. I said go ask Lamar. So he got Lamar too. He woke Lamar up too. Shanna – he went in your room and then work up Lamar too? Todd – no I’m not in there no more, I’m outside. I slept much better outside.. but here is what is funny. So we were outside laughing like how we do every night and he (Chris Kattan) comes out and says can you guys be quite!? And I’m like dude!? You can’t have everything now! I am out of the room. I am out here. You didn’t say that when they were making noise before. You can’t have it all. Its not fair.

“You could always act a fool and blow up everything and get people angry enough that they’ll want to get you out.”
6:20pm HOH room. Chris Kirkpatrick and Shanna.
Chris – let her go rogue again. Whirl wind. And she could really start to shoot herself in the foot. If she makes it easy. Shanna – It just bums me out because like what the f**k Todrick! You know!? He was sitting in here with Miesha and being like I hate how Teddi comes from like this cushy life and like and all this stuff. Chris – yeah they keep saying that. Shanna – and for me its just as gross as anything about the opposite. And now he is talking about like how he is buying a $250,000 piece of judy garland memorabilia and how his house is 10,000 square feet and everything and I am like what the hell!? I just found it like sort of hypocritical.

Todd “I think we have her [Mirai’s] loyalty now.” Chris “No, she’s gone though! She’s my target!”
11:40am HOH room. Chris Kirkpatrick and Todd.
Todd is talking on and on about nothing. Chris – Okay Todd! Shut up and sit. Todd – okay. What’s up? Chris – lets talk. lets talk because I’ve got to nominate today. Todd – oh damn! MMmmm..yeah! Chris – so I know where your head is at. What would you think if I put up an obvious target for me and for you … and we know who that is. Todd – Okay. yeah. Chris – now who do I put up against her? Chris Kattan? Todd – someone that can win. Chris – so that’s no him. Todd – no, that’s not Chris. Don’t put him up .. Chris is not going to win. Chris – I mean I have a chance to compete in the veto too. Whoever she is against has a chance to compete in the veto too. And then three other players have a chance to compete in the veto. The ultimate would be if I could get Miesha.. because Miesha could crush a veto. Todd – yeah … so here is the thing.. who do you want to put up?

Chris “I think what I want to do is go with who most people want.. because I don’t want to make any giant moves.”
10:25pm Bedroom. Shanna and Todrick.
Todrick – I just want to rejoice and be comfortable for three days. Shanna – I know me too. When I went out there and I saw him (Chris) up there … Oh my god! I was so f**king happy! Todrick – I know! Shanna – when I went out there and saw him up on the f**king thing I was like f**k yeah! Todrick – and then when Carson came out I was like.. Shanna – and then Chris Kattan got that.. Todrick – oh yeah what if Chris Kattan just came out and got that win!? That was so fun! I am really happy for him (Chris Kirkpatrick). Shanna – me and Carson are going to be sleeping with him tonight. Todrick – I really don’t think they feel any kind of energy towards you. I think Cynthia is so stressed out for the fact that she had to vote Todd out. Shanna – Teddi? Todrick – Todd.

Celebrity Big Brother 3 – Premiere, House Tour & Delayed Live Feeds
The premiere of Celebrity Big Brother 3 was last night. If you missed the first episode you can head over to CBS and catch up on what you missed. Unfortunately the live feeds are delayed until at least Friday but you can get ready for them by signing up for your FREE Paramount+ Trial. If you watched the premiere episode, tell us your first impression thoughts in the comments below. Who is your front runner to win CBB3? Who is this seasons train wreck?

Meet the Cast of Celebrity Big Brother 3!
Meet the 11 new cast members of Celebrity Big Brother 3! There’s the usual mix of a UFC fighter, NBA stars, comedians, and TV personalities. You’ll likely recognize a few of them and some you might not. Tell us your thoughts on the cast and who you’re rooting for or who you think will win. There will be 15 episodes that will air between Feb. 2 and Feb. 23.