AI Arena Competition. AI Arena Winner is Rubina. House finds out Rubina won the AI Arena. Hugs all around. JOe – shout out to my family and friends.. Houseguests please stick to what we talked about.. If not it’s been a beautiful experience.. Kimo – I love you all I came here for two dreams […]
Tag: Chelsie Baham

“I think going into next week if you’re part of the study group it will create the illusion of trust.”
7:35pm Bathroom – Quinn and Joseph
Quinn – I think it would be wise to try to start with like Chelsie, Makensy, Cam Leah and I’ll help too but if you get in there right then that would be like draws the line even deeper. Joseph – If I helped them study? Quinn – yeah and I will help you too. It was like I don’t know. Joseph – are they on the fence at all? Quinn – No, no, no. I think going int next week if you’re part of the like whatever the study group. It will create the illusion of trust. Joseph – cool. Yeah, thank you.

“should be good.. I’m just paranoid as f*** bro.. it’s f***ed But honestly I feel pretty good”
4:30 pm Quinn and Joe
Q – people seem pretty receptive
J – sick.. sick
Q – I talked to Leah and she told me .. Angela will vote with ehr.. so that’s a block and you have Makensy.
J – On lock you think?
Q – I don’t know why Angela will do that..
J – me and her had a good talk earlier She told me she wasn’t going to tell anybody how we voted.
J – she told me the vote was going to be close, Four Four and I started panicking.. No I know she is lost
Q – no she has no idea what is going on .. what the F*** is she talking about

Quinn “We’ll get you the votes.” Kimo “The only thing I’m gunning for is to win the AI, that’s the only option.”
Bathroom – Quinn and Kimo
Quinn – I have no idea what people want. I keep trying to find the time to talk to people that are like voting and being like do you guys have any idea of where people are going. Quinn – I have no idea of where people are going, especially because I only had one target
this week. And so yeah, how are you feeling? Has anyone promised you anything? Kimo – The only person I talked to was Chelsie, but I think that was pretty clear. Quinn – Yeah, okay. Kimo – I have to talk to everyone still but Chelsea said that it seems like nobody’s really talking, which scares me, because that makes me think two people already know. I’m a bit scared.

Joe – “You know what I’m saying this is like some Memphis/Dan sh1t”
3:15 pm Quinn and Joe
Q – it’s crazy when it gets smaller it’s harder to scheme. Everyone is in the same rooms together.
J – I haven’t talked to anyone today
Q – same.
J – yeah, yeah, I should have talked to MJ, I guess. Then have one on ones tomorrow
Q – Yeah, I’m going to try to rally the people who voted Tucker out, since I didn’t put them on the block. I was going to like. Hey, and I’m

“I’m not going to freak out because I know that those other two have crossed people in ways that I haven’t”
8:15pm Bathroom – Cam and Joseph
Cam – have you talked to Chelsie and them? Joseph – No, I’ll talk to them later. Have you talked to them? Cam – yeah I talked to them a little bit and you’re not someone they want to send home. Joseph – okay, cool. Sick! That’s good to hear. I’ll talk to Chelsie and Makensy later. Cam – yeah. Joseph – yeah I talked to some people and they were saying it would be yeah .. I’m just nervous. Cam – It just depends on who wins AI arena. If you win AI arena then its easy. Joseph – I figure I have you, Leah, Chelsie. I think maybe Angela would maybe vote for me. Cam – cool. Joseph – Yeah, super worried, but you just never know. Cam – Yeah, that’s the thing about being a block is like yeah, it’s.. Joseph – I trust you, Leah and Chelsea. Yeah. So. And Makensy has always good to me.

Big Brother 26 Week 7 Power of Veto Ceremony Results **updated**
12:40 pm Angela, Leah, Rubina, T’kor
Leah – I’m not afraid to stay in front of everyone and say I don’t feel right with you walking out the door this week and if it’s in my hands..
Angela is gushing about being saved by Leah. “honestly this example is SOOOO good to all of us. Like it really is. Leah is literally going against something or someone I don’t know but she’s making her own decision and standing up for what she wants.
Rubina – Yeah exactly… (LOL Rubina must be pissed)
Angela – Influenced I think not a mind of their own I think yes

Cam “Y’all aren’t tripping over he’ll beat you in the end? That’s extremely bold of you to say for not doing anything!”
9:30pm Backyard – Makensy, Cam and Chelsie
Makensy – the fact that he said that to me this morning. Chelsie – said what? Makensy – remember that he’s so proud of me for how much I’ve gone through and that I’m still here and he’s like so glad I am in that he’s not gonna think a threat of me anymore because now I can help him and he knows that he would beat me in the end. Cam – That’s what he told you!? Makensy – yup! Cam – he knows that he can beat you in the end? Chelsie – he told me that too. He said that if we make it to the end, he knows that he would be able to .. He has the best social game in here. Cam – wait? You’re talking about Joseph? Chelsie – yes. Makensy – he just told me that he had a better strategy than me this whole game.

“I know he’s stirring the narrative, so why can’t I? Maybe she’ll want his butt out.”
1:40pm Backyard – Chelsie and Joseph
Joseph – I kind of feel bad to be honest about what I feel like I’ve been doing some like self reflecting about myself and things I don’t really like about myself and things I’d like to change when I get out of here. I feel like I have a little bit of a mean streak in me that I don’t really like. You know what I’m saying and sometimes it’s like, oh, he’s spicy. Oh that’s just him. And then other times I’m just being a jerk. You know what I mean? And just thinking about that and you know what I mean? Chelsie – So what made you, what triggered it? Joseph – I feel like talking to Angela yesterday and maybe giving her a little bit too much truth.

“I basically gave her a reality check yesterday.. It’s over for you. I’m sorry”
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Quinn Nominees: Kimo, Rubina and Angela POV Players: Quinn, Rubina, Angela, Kimo, Joe, Leah POV Winner: Leah Veto Ceremony:? Havenots: Kimo, Makensy 9:26 am Makensy is up reading the bible. Joe is up as well off camera 9:30 am Joe and Makensy They chit chat about surviving being […]

“It’s a very precarious situation.. Other people are emerging as targets that were not.. “
1:25 am Kimo and Quinn
Quinn says Angela is draining the energy of the house.
Quinn – I just don’t want her last memories here to be so painful. I would not have made my speech.. I thought I was being funny but she was deeply impacted by it so. I thought I made it clear I was kidding.
Q – how have you been doing? I know that have not is ridiculous
K – It’s f***ing me up.. It’s the natural paranoia that get you in here..
K – I wanted to talk to you about.. I was telling T we should talk but she’s not feeling well right now. Where’s your head at with everything
K – I’m nervous that there are other things Happening.. Nervous

Joseph “I don’t see a way for you. At this point I just don’t see how you can move the waves in your direction.”
5:15pm Backyard – Joseph and Angela
Angela – I’ve been thinking about and thinking about it and
thinking about it because it’s like I am not tied to anybody. I don’t
have numbers with me. I care about Kimo. I like Kimo a lot. The
other girls, they don’t really talk to me except for Leah. Leah is the only one that really talks to me like about personal things outside of this house that make me feel normal again. And I appreciate that in our relationship in that way. And then and game wise you’re like the only one that I’m like I know you’re smart. I know you’re you’re you can analyze things you’re seeing things that I’m not seeing so that’s why I have no problem like asking you because Joseph for one, I do trust you.