Tkor – “Quinn, outside of this [6] is the number one person I want to protect” **Updated**

4:37 am Joe leaves
Kimo – lets go over who we want in Jury.. was it 9? did we go over that already?
they go over their same list of names.
Kimo – Angela in jury is good for our games.
R – that’s what I’m saying.. Angela is good for our game and is a number down the road.
K – she loves the three or four of us the most
R – In my mind.. MJ hates Angela

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Brooklyn “If I tell you my secret.. Its the reason why I’m here. Why they initially paid me attention.”

8:35pm Backyard – Brooklyn and Chelsie playing pool
Brooklyn – If I tell you my secret. It’s because.. you can’t ever vote against me and I won’t ever vote against you. Chelsie – Why would I? Why would I ever do that? Brooklyn – I know, but that’s.. Chelsie – I would never do that. Brooklyn – I’m serious, its the reason why I am here.. Chelsie – seriously? Brooklyn – Maybe why they initially paid me attention. Chelsie – I thought you told me all your secrets. Brooklyn – I told myself I would never tell anyone. I planned to play this without telling anyone until finale night. Chelsie – what?! Brooklyn – I am a business admin or I was until I quit. Chelsie – oh my god! Brooklyn – you got to stay calm. I also do something else.

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TUCKER WON the VETO! Chelsie “You know he was going to come after your stuff” Tucker “He’s a little b**ch for doing it.”

Bedroom – Tucker and Chelsie
Tucker – you still talking BRO! F**king clean up so athletic! Chelsie – you know he was going to come after your stuff. Tucker – I don’t give a f**k! He still was a little b**ch for doing it. Chelsie – Did he admit to it? Tucker – well that means you just did it all. Chelsie – I know. Tucker – all your sh*t was fine. Chelsie – yeah it was intentional. Chelsie – yeah when I saw all my stuff in there I knew it was intentional. Tucker – AHHH…he’s a f**king rat! Put the nail in your own coffin, again! I can’t wait to watch that footage and he’s probably cheering to the camera when he’s doing it.

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Quinn “I really messed up I should have kept my mouth shut… all there is to do is win”

10:12 am Brooklyn and Quinn
Quinn – Apparently telling you that I was also told I was upon. Apparently that was a test for me. And so apparently I’m failing it
Q – he’s going to be even more pissed at me..
B – ohh my god..
Q – Rubinia was asking like, did you tell him or did you tell anyone? And I was like, I mean, I told her, like, I lied and was like, I mean, I hinted to, you know. He’s telling me that, like, if I win, you know, the W. W. E. Thing where it’s like, you know, be happy to compete and stuff. And so like whatever. And she was like, he’s not going to trust you. And I’m like, He didn’t trust me before. Like, I don’t know what to tell you. I was like, I also didn’t get how it makes a difference. I was like, Joseph knew. And so, yeah.

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Brooklyn “Anytime I start feeling a little sad I just think of Joseph’s ugly face!”

7:15pm Storage Room – Chelsie and Brooklyn
Brooklyn – I think if my chip gets pulled I’m picking Joseph. Chelsie – Hell yeah, if I win HOH next week come on me and you have a high chance of winning HOH against any of those other jokers. I’m putting Joseph, if it’s two, I’m putting Joseph and Leah up. Or Joseph and Kimo. Actually at this point I do Joseph and Tkor because at least Kemo had the balls to come up and say sorry. Brooklyn – Tkor still hasn’t and I’ve given her every opportunity to do it. And like you feel that bad girl your, stomach must be tore up. Chelsie – I don’t think she feels bad. Brooklyn – I know I think she’s like caught up and scared she knows she can’t win stuff and I think she can’t. Chelsie – Joseph, her and Joseph, Leah ..they should all be scared because even if they legitimately try..

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Tucker “I just don’t give a f**k. I have Quinn in mind. That’s it!”

5:10pm HOH room – Makensy and Tucker
Makensy – This is way forward thinking.. what do you do if Quinn takes himself off? Tucker – It’s not going to happen. Makensy – It’s not but like and then I beat him and everything positive that’s valid. I keep forgetting that you get to play (in the veto). Tucker – Everything is possible and that’s why I wanted to pick those two cuz I think they cover other grounds that I can’t and then Cams the next target. Tucker says he would maybe put up Kimo if one of the noms comes down. Makensy – do you think Kimo would be the target? Tucker – maybe I don’t know. I gotta see all this week play out but if if that stuff rains true that I’m hearing. Makensy – Yeah I agree. I am just tired of people.

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“Brooklyn is doubling down on trying to back the bus over Tkor and Kimo.. She’s going to find out” [She’s the target] **updated**

Noon Joe and Tucker
Joe says he talked to Quinn and he was asking about the vote. I told him I didn’t speak to him about it because I didn’t want to have to lie to him. I didn’t tell him about the veto or whatever.
Tucker – Brooklyn is doubling down on trying to back the bus over Tkor and Kimo
Joe – and me
Tucker – Yeah and mostly them because she sees them as threats.
Joe – Cool
Tucker – Cam didn’t say..

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“he gets to call me 15 to 30 names in front of the entire world. I’m coming for you, Quinn I don’t f** with that sh1t Bro”

2:40 am Tucker and Quinn
Quinn – I can’t go home pre-Jury
Quinn goes on about how Tkor and Kimo had been talking about flipping things all week and he was involved in those talks “I couldn’t vote at all”
Quinn says he would have done what what the house did last night he could vote.
Tucker believes him says that Kimo told him he should squash the beef with Quinn.
Tucker says how he loves Quinn as a “Person”. Quinn loves Tucker as a “person” too and loves what Tucker is bringing to the show.
Tucker – you know If I win the Veto I can do crazy shqt with it.
Tucker – I have to do you first and then the three that voted for Rubina I know who they are, I know it was Cam, Brooklyn and Chelsie.
Quinn – yeah

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Big Brother 26 Spoilers – THE WALL! “I can do this! I can do this! I CAN’T do this!”

Angela – I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I can’t do this. Oh shit. Damn it! Angela falls off Angela – Sorry for the language. The other house guests tell her good job. Kimo – It’s 0K, Angela. There’s nothing to cry about. I know it’s okay. Iconic.
9:10pm Kimo falls next. Kimo walks over to Angela. Angela – I didn’t expect it to go that low. My Joseph is doing good. Good Job everyone! You’ve got this. You guys got this!

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“I may be a mother but she keeps repeating herself. I’m a mother of young kids. I didn’t come this far to come this far.”

8pm Havenot Room – Angela and Kimo
Kimo – are you worried? Angela – no. Kimo – Good. Angela – There’s no reason. I mean, honestly, I gave it thought like I see that girl with lots of people. Kimo – I know. Angela – And it’s okay. Like, I’m not going to question. I don’t care. And I see people taking him aside to spending long, long periods of time. But I already told him I’m not going to question it. I’m not going to worry about it. I have to play. He has to play. You have to play, Rubina has to play and remain stalking other people and making just making sure that they think, yeah. Just making sure that other people are good with me is my main objective right now. I’m not promising anything to anybody. Angela about Brooklyn – She’s just waiting for her chance and she will get it.

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