Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Chelsie Nominees: Lisa, Angela, Kenny, Tucker POV Players: Lisa, Kenny, Angela, Brooklyn, Chelsie and Joe POV Winner: Kenny Veto Ceremony: Kenny used the Veto on himself Tucker nominated. Havenots: Rubina, Leah, Makensy and Lisa 12:40 pm Feeds return. Kenny used the veto on himself Tucker nominated. Tkor and […]
Tag: Chelsie Baham

Chelsie “We all have a similar target this week.” Lisa “And that target is?” Chelsie “Angela’s the target.”
7:36pm HOH room – Lisa and Chelsie.
Chelsie – Tucker has volunteered to go up so we’re just going to do that. Lisa – and that came from him? Chelsie – Yeah, he was like, I when we have the House meeting outside halfway house meeting, I’m like, who wants to go at this point? Because I don’t want to put more blood on my hands, and I don’t really have a viable, like, person like, no, I want to put you up. And so I said, I walked back in and Tucker was like, hey, I’ll do it. Like, I’ll just, I’ll do it so you don’t have to put another person and just go for it.

“I’ve studied with the CIA to go undercover. I know how to read people’s body movements. I know their shadow movements.”
4:30pm Upper Level Backyard – Tucker and Lisa.
Tucker questions Lisa about how he knows she has the power app. Lise continues to deny having it. Tucker – I’m just telling you what I’ve observed. It came out of your mouth. I’m super observant. This is all my observations in my eyes. This is all my observations. I’m very good at reading people and that’s what I feel. You said You better be careful about the people that power ups and then you’ve done that again. You’ve kind of sold yourself twice. Lisa – this is crazy. I promise you I didn’t vote yes.

Tucker “It would not be an enjoyable experience with Lisa and Angela still in his house 24/7”
12pm Backyard – Chelsie and Tucker
Tucker – talks to Chelsie about volunteering to go up as the replacement. Chelsie – I appreciate that and you’re not on my radar. You were never on my radar even as a backdoor option and you won’t be. Tucker – There’s certain people that I want to make it really far in this game with because they’re great house guests. Smart players, people who want to play and you are one of them and we’ll make it be a good competition for sure for sure. Chelsie – So I don’t know where you stand as far as your trust with other house guests.

“It would be beneficial for our game if Cam gets sniped”
“I was pretty much like bro I feel like I trust you but we don’t talk at all and I’m under the impression that you are talking to everyone else and so like what’s up and then she’s like I’m not talking to anyone and I was like OK I believe you. I told her that I’m worried that she alienated herself by voting
against the house and then she was explaining her reasoning and I was like no no no I think that like that’s fine what you’re saying and people don’t really care about that stuff they’re just looking for a reason and I was like and I don’t want you to go home. Explaining that like she needs to talk to us more and stuff like that like you know please show interest in working with people strategically but then after that like today I didn’t get to talk to her at all and then so I’m like did it stick I don’t know.”

Angela “Lisa wipe that stupid smirk off your face!”
3pm Backyard – Angela, Quinn, Lisa.
Angela asks to talk to Quinn alone. As they’re walking away Angela says – Lisa wipe that stupid smirk off your face! Angela heads inside. In the bathroom. Quinn and Angela talk. Angela – OK, Quinn, either you told her or you told somebody else. So either you tell me that you did it, and I’ll just be okay with that. Quinn – No, I wouldn’t. Angela – I wouldn’t be okay with that Who’d you tell? Quinn – I told Tkor like to check in with you and make sure that you guys were still good. Angela – Quinn, come on, I can tell you’re lying to me. That’s literally what I told Tkor. Angela – I’m just trying to help you. Quinn – Yeah, and I appreciate that.

KENNY WON the VETO! “Hell, yeah! That’s so cool that’s what you do with your kids too!”
2:15pm Storage room – Kenny, Joseph and Tucker
Tucker – Whole new fires. Keep fighting, buddy! Kenny – I needed that. Joseph – Hell, yeah! That’s so cool that’s what you do with your kids too. Kenny – And that’s why you won, man. Joseph – That’s cool. Fuck yeah. Pay it off being a good dad. Sweet! Kenny leaves. Joseph to Tucker – I tried hard on that one. Tucker – yeah glad you weren’t on the block.

“Lisa has to go home”
9:36 am Chelsie and Brooklyn
C – you have to win this
B – I’m going to do my damnedest and I’m keeping noms the same nothing changes like fight themselves off Al competition. Lisa has to go home
C – Yeah.
B – Angela will target the other side If she arrived like this.
C – I don’t want to win now because I don’t want another Comp win.

Makensy “I did not fall in love in 10 days.” Cam “He sure did. He was sprung, bro!”
6:20pm Hammock – Quinn talking to the camera
Quinn – Cedric told me that he was approached to be a pawn and. I might be crazy, but I saw that as a test and so I’m like, you know me. I’m riding with the Pentagon. I’m not a dirty back stabbing cheater who plans on, you know, running away with this for the money for myself. And so I assumed that was a test. So I told Cedric I was like, that’s not a good idea. I was like, you are not expendable, bro. You should
not be doing that.

Angela “She’s (Lisa) absolutely a liar. She’s a gamer. I’m not any of those things. With me, you have honesty”
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Chelsie Nominees: Lisa, Angela, Kenny POV Players: ? POV Winner: ? Veto Ceremony: ? Havenots: Rubina, Leah, Makensy and Lisa 4:55pm Backyard – Kenny and Lisa Kenny – there are three people in my gut that I know are working together. Joseph, Quinn and Kimo because I saw […]

“Now I’m on my Leah sh1t for anyone who wants to get strapped up and win this game” **updated**
9:20 am Leah, Rubina, Mackensy and Lisa
Leah – I don’t care. This is not a personal game. I don’t give a f*ck. I don’t owe anyone anything. I’m coming in this game as Leah Peters. I came to play Leah Peters. I came to win a fuck)ng thing. I don’t love Matt. I’m not wrapped around anyone’s fuc*ing finger. I’m literal a independent badass bitch.
Lisa – That’s your MO.
Leah – Like that’s actually like my MO. that’s who I am and that’s clear. And no one can take that away from me. So I don’t care who is working with who
Leah – But I will be clocking the f*ck in today, regardless of how much sleep I got last night. I trust everyone in this room enough to tell you guys that be on the lookout, you guys, cuz I had no fu*king clue. I was totally Totally blindsided. Like to hear that about myself, I sold my game for a bag.

“The whole Angela pop off.. I mean even Lisa got blown up on for literally laying on my butt” **updated**
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Chelsie Nominees: ? POV Players: ? POV Winner: ? Veto Ceremony: ? Havenots: Rubina, Leah, Makensy and Lisa Chelsie’s plan as HOH: She wants Lisa to go this week. 1:40 am Chelsie and Mackensy M – I’m in a way happy cause now I can play my own […]