10:12 am Brooklyn and Quinn
Quinn – Apparently telling you that I was also told I was upon. Apparently that was a test for me. And so apparently I’m failing it
Q – he’s going to be even more pissed at me..
B – ohh my god..
Q – Rubinia was asking like, did you tell him or did you tell anyone? And I was like, I mean, I told her, like, I lied and was like, I mean, I hinted to, you know. He’s telling me that, like, if I win, you know, the W. W. E. Thing where it’s like, you know, be happy to compete and stuff. And so like whatever. And she was like, he’s not going to trust you. And I’m like, He didn’t trust me before. Like, I don’t know what to tell you. I was like, I also didn’t get how it makes a difference. I was like, Joseph knew. And so, yeah.
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