Big Brother Canada Spoilers – The live feeds were down for most of the day due to technical trouble. Sam is still going to be evicted. 8:10pm Adam and Sam Cuddling.. 8:37pm Cory and Damien Cory says she doesn’t think Sam is going to try to talk to me in case of a tie breaker […]
Tag: Chelsea Bird

Anthony – “This is about PB this is about a legacy”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – It’s a long shot that Sam will get the votes to stay. You can bet the farm 9:20am Mark, Anthony, and Dane Talking about Adam’s campaigning, “Sam will always be a target instead of you, Sam is a better competitor than Este” Anthony – he’s oblivious .. he doesn’t understand […]

Kyra “If I win HOH I am stirring sh*t up! Cory & Dane.”
8:30pm Hot Tub. Kyra and Sam. Kyra – and now people are even more so telling people what they want to hear because they want to get peoples votes if they’re in the final two, right? I also know that authenticity goes a long way. Maybe I shouldn’t have snapped at Esti and said oh […]

Power of Veto Ceremony Results “We’re Running it”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Dane used the Power of Veto on himself. Cory nominated Sam in her place. Sam is the target this week. No real surprise. 1:15pm Dane and Cory Dane is saying that Kyra and Sam are scrambling .. Dane – Pikes came in here said they (Kyra) want to sewer me […]

Kyra “And now the bow on top will be Adam confirming that Dane would put up me & Cory.”
11:30pm Bathroom. Sam and Kyra. Kyra gives Sam a hug. Adam joins them. Adam – did I tell you, you’re beautiful today? Sam – no. Adam – did I tell you that Kyra and I love you. Kyra – yeah, so much. Sam – what? Adam – did I tell you that Kyra and I love you. Kyra – we would actually do anything for you. Sam – I am really trying. Kyra – I am so proud of how you’re holding it together. You’re doing a phenomenal job. I can see the look in your eyes, you want to cry. Sam – when I came and asked if I could chat .. Anthony was like I’ll go and I said no, no both of you (Cory & Anthony). I said that I know that Dane has been running in here after every conversation.

“I can’t believe no one has caught on”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – KIKI getting evicted unless a twist prevents this. No Idea what the blood veto does. 11:48am Adam and Dane Dane saying the whole house wants Sam gone. Adam – why the whole f*ing house man . Dane says they’ve done nit to themselves winning competitions and being in a showmance. […]

Dane “Please blood veto, save Kiki & put up someone that’s not part of the alliance.”
8:45pm Kiki and Dane. Kiki – what can Mark offer people?! Dane – Nothing! Except he has the mental game down pat. Dude! Kiki – you’re smarter than Mark. Adam is smarter than Mark. Esti.. Dane – maybe I’m not smarter than him but he can handle pressure. Like I can’t stay in the kitchen when its hot. Kiki – he told us he has a fricken photographic memory. And he didn’t win that memory comp?! How does that happen Dane?! How does that happen? He is going to keep skating by. Hanging outside this house with Mark would be cool but inside this game I don’t see how he is beneficial for anyone! Dane – true. Kiki – because I am always going to go up before he does. Kiki – why does Mark feel so confident?

Guys Alliance? “I think Girls are getting confused.. even if there was it doesn’t bother me at all”
10:45am Damien and Sam HOH sam saying if Adam goes up because of the blood veto the house will vote him out, “everyone will be like this is our chance” Damien – doesn’t he have the veto Sam – yes, but it’s void now Damien – holy shit (I don ‘t think this is official) […]

“I would love KIKI to think KIKI is safe up until the moment she’s out the door”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Adam has the power of Veto doesn’t look like he’s going to use it. As of now KIKI is being evicted. Details from the blood veto were given to the houseguets. Regular veto was not used. 10:16AM Dane and KIKI KIKI says Adam is acting “So paranoid.. I’m scared I’m […]

Adam “They p!ss together, eat together, they sleep together.. one of them has to go!”
Help support OBB by making your Amazon purchases through our link below. It doesn’t cost you anything and we get a percentage of what you buy. Amazon Canada Amazon USA 11:07pm Hot Tub. Anthony, Kyra and Cory. Anthony to Kyra – have they given you any.. Kyra – who’s they? Anthony – anybody. Has anyone […]

“I don’t think KIKI and Esti should be together in this house or even in this house at all”
6:41pm Cory and Damien Trying to figure out what BLOOD veto does. Cory – because it’s the blood veto Kyra HAS to use it to get Blood on her hands.. Damien – do you remember what the letter said>? Cory – the letter said the holder of the power of veto won’t compete will be […]

Sam “If I go home in the next couple weeks, I’m never going to talk to you again.”
11:15pm Havenot room. Sam and Adam.
Adam – I talked to Mark and he was like I don’t understand why I’m even on the block. I told you and Sam that you were good. He is clueless why he is even on the block. I don’t think that he would come after you. Sam – okay I trust you. Adam – this is your week. I talked to Kyra and all I heard was me, me, me. She is not thinking about you. She is not thinking about me. Its all about her. Sam – everyone is convinced that you guys are working together that they want to break it up. I don’t know if I can trust you and Dane. I feel like I’m disposable when it comes to you and Dane.