Time to start ranking the houseguests on Celebrity Big brother. If you’ve missed the Sneak Peaks we’ve had a few, Here, here and here . It’s a short compressed season, Could be some fun 🙂 Nothing has changed with the ranking system since BB19. If you forget how it works here’s the skinny. You apply […]
Tag: celebrity big brother

Celebrity Big Brother Sneak Peaks “I wasn’t big on liquoring someone up to hangout with them”
We got another sneak peak of the celebrity Big Brother house today at 2:00pm. Nothing important is shown much like the sneak peak we got on Friday. From yesterdays Sneak peak we can piece together Shannon won POV, James and Chuck are nominated. THe POV may be used on Chuck to put Mark up to […]

Celebrity Big Brother Feed Leak “You gonna hit the mitts homie”
At 6:00pm we got another Celebrity Big Brother Feed Leak. We can start to piece together some things from the conversations but it’s still tough. Sounds like Shannon won the Power of Veto today. It was a spelling competition. Ariadna, Brandi, Keisha, Shannon played. Sounds like Keisha won the Head of Household and nominated Chuck/ […]

Celebrity Big Brother Feed Leak “he’s unnecessarily afraid to get hit”
Here we go! Something that might just be fun. Celebrity Big Brother Season 1 11 (possibly 12 “celebrities” if the Frankie rumour is true.. lol) spend 3 weeks in the Big Brother house. We got feeds, we got egos…. It’s promising. The First Episode of Celebrity Big Brother will start Wednesday February 7th at 7pm. […]

Celebrity Big Brother Cast & House Reveal!
The first ever celebrity edition of Big Brother US will premiere on February 7th and run just two and a half weeks until February 25th. A 3 night premiere has been scheduled to kick off this celebrity season. The identities of the 11 celebrity house guests that will enter the newly redesigned house have been revealed and to be honest there are a few of cast that I’ve never heard of but I’m not surprised..