Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Angela Nominees: Kimo, Lisa, Kenney POV Players: ? POV Winner: ? Veto Ceremony: ? Havenots: ? 9:15 am Kenny up. Appears the rest of the house is asleep. (having no flashback and slider sucks). Around 9:30am feeds go to fish for wake up. 9:48 am Angela and Makensy […]
Tag: Cedric Hodges

Matt “He was taking his sh*t while we were talking. I was like, bro. I want to work with the bros!”
12:35am Storage room – Matt and Quinn
Matt – I really want to build an alliance. We can play different sides of the house. Angela told me to my face that I will not go so if I do, you know that she lied! She told me to my face. Then I was like but if you don’t put me up I’ll five you my workd That I’ll help you do what you want to do this week and she goes I am not going to put you up if you do that. I said I will take that deal. But that’s why MJ is like tonight. I want to talk to you because she’s like, I’m getting suss about here. She’s playing that. She’s playing both sides.

Big Brother 26 Live Feed Spoilers – “If we say this is what it is, this is the name, we’re official.”
11:18pm The Big Brother 26 live feeds go LIVE! In the kitchen the house guests are chatting. Tucker – I am ready to get a train to bed now but there is no way I am being the first one to got to bed tonight. In the bathroom – Chelsie and Makensy are talking about […]

Big Brother 26 – Two-Night Premiere Recap! “I’m so excited I could throw up!”
Last night episode one of the two night premiere of Big Brother 26 aired. The first 8 house guests moved into the newly redesigned house and after checking out their new home for the summer, Julie Chen ushered them out into the backyard. They learned that there was a 17th house guest (Ainsley) that pleaded for them to vote her into the house. Each of the 8 house guests voted on whether to allow her move in or not she advised them them she would benefit their games.

MEET the ALL NEW Cast of House Guests for Big Brother 26! – The 17th House Guest will be voted in by Viewers
The 2-night premiere of Big Brother 26 is fast approaching and with that comes lots of new information about the season. All the information we’ve been dying to know about the new season like this seasons theme, twists, house tour and cast is all starting to get released. We just learned yesterday that the theme of the season is Artificial Intelligence “BB AI”. I’m sure the BB gods will be running lots of “AI prompts” throughout the season along with throwing a few curveball AI prompt glitches into the system.