5:05pm Havenots Pacer and Dom Dom asks her if she won HOH who she would put up, Pacer says she doesn’t know. She thinks Kalia is a strong player and is really annoying, “She’s always complaining but she’s the one that never does the dishes”. Por says that she doesn’t have any one in this game and she’s looking for someone to pair up with. She tells him that she’s kinda with BR but knows she’s the bottom of the totem poll and will be voted out when they go down to 6. Por adds that her and Rachel are not as close as everyone thinks they are. Por thinks Adam and Dom are going up and Adam is probably the target. Dom wonders if he has the votes. Por says he’s got her vote she needs people to trust in the house. Pot warns Dom that she watched BB8 a lot and she knows how dani played she used Nick to further her alliance. Throughout the season she was always allied with her father and just kept Nick around to do what they needed to be done.
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