2:30am Dallas and Ika in the kitchen. Dallas – I’m going to put some condiments on the shampoo bottles… so don’t have a shower tomorrow. Ika and Dallas laugh. Dallas – I’m thinking about putting Cindy on blast too. She’s about as real as a 3 dollar bill. I’m going to grab some steak sauce. Ika – get rid of all the ketchup.. they love ketchup. Dallas – f**k em! F**k em all! I’ll wait till you go lay down for a bit and then I’ll do the pots and pans.. so that you can be like what the heck is going on.
Tag: Cassandra Shahinfar

“Cass is f****g dangerous bro .. she’s trying to flip shit around”
Dallas says this week has been intense for the two people on the block but intimidation and threats are no place for anybody that are on the block .. that’s exactly what Emily has done.
Dallas – she has cornered Will, she has cornered Dre and she said the entire house will vote them out and if they don’t.. and if they do not.. (FEEDS CUT)

“In real life and you were yelling at me like that you’d get the taste smacked outta your mouth”
If you’re outside of Canada you’ll need a VPN to watch. Feeds are free and the VPN is cheap. The video posts take a long time to craft. If a game critical spoiler is known I post them on this page. Looks like we have another pre-vote blow up in the BBCAN5 house. DAmn this […]

“Everyone is going to drop me after this week ” – Demetres
If you’re outside of Canada you’ll need a VPN to watch. Feeds are free and the VPN is cheap. The video posts take a long time to craft. If a game critical spoiler is known I post them on this page. 5:16pm Demetres and Ika HOH Cam 1-2 6:11pm Cassandra and Kevin Ika Dre and […]

“I’m a man of my word BRO.. ‘ll fight for my honour 100 thousand dollars aint going to change that”
If you’re outside of Canada you’ll need a VPN to watch. Feeds are free and the VPN is cheap. The video posts take a long time to craft. If a game critical spoiler is known I post them on this page. Tried to cut the videos down to smaller chunks. Day time text will be […]

Ika “Cass is a snake. She wanted to keep you but for selfish reasons. Nobody likes Cass.”
1:50am HOH room – Demetres and Ika are talking. Ika is telling him about how in the beginning the vets wanted to stick together. Ika explains with the first eviction – I wanted to keep you and Neda wanted to keep Mark. And Cindy wanted to keep Mark for obvious reasons. I didn’t. I felt like if you stayed we could work together. You got really close to Cass and they thought Cass wanted to keep you to go after them.

“We have a really cute alliance name we’re called the leftovers”
If you’re outside of Canada you’ll need a VPN to watch. Feeds are free and the VPN is cheap. The video posts take a long time to craft. If a game critical spoiler is known I post them on this page. Ika says Dillon is throwing out Dre’s name as a target. Mentions that DAllas […]

“you’re the only person I actually f****g trust in this game.. Don’t roll your eyes “
If you’re outside of Canada you’ll need a VPN to watch. Feeds are free and the VPN is cheap. The video posts take a long time to craft. If a game critical spoiler is known I post them on this page. Dillon used the power of veto on himself. Demetres nominated Dallas as the replacement […]

“Why are we playing Bruno’s Game.. I want to leave the alliance.. I don’t want it anymore”
If you’re outside of Canada you’ll need a VPN to watch. Feeds are free and the VPN is cheap. The video posts take a long time to craft. If a game critical spoiler is known I post them on this page. 9:17pm Sindy and Ika backyard Complaining that Bruno really wants to take out Dallas. […]

Dallas “After I drop this bomb on Dillon I won’t have his vote anymore”
4:45pm Bathroom – Neda & Dallas Dallas – I think I’m going to have to sell Dillon down the river. Neda – do it. Just do it. It worked with me last week. Dallas – its hurting me. Its putting a target on my name Neda. I wanted to have a meeting with the vets. Do you think the vets are still on board with the vets? Neda – yeah, I think so. Dallas – are you on board Neda? Neda – I’m on board with you. Dallas – I feel like I could have Jackie, I feel like I could have Cass..

“I don’t trust Bruno and Kevin but for now you pretend.. BRO THEM UP BRO THEM UP”
If you’re outside of Canada you’ll need a VPN to watch. Feeds are free and the VPN is cheap. The video posts take a long time to craft. If a game critical spoiler is known I post them on this page. What a hectic late last night and morning. Some of these vets are playing […]

Big Brother Canada 5 POV Results “I’m thinking Dallas, which sucks cause I like him”
Dillon won the Power of Veto If you’re outside of Canada you’ll need a VPN to watch. Feeds are free and the VPN is cheap. The video posts take a long time to craft. If a game critical spoiler is known I post them on this page. 8:40pm Have nots Kevin, Neda, Ika, Cindy, Cassandra […]