“If she [Reilly] pulls herself down we take Cameron out” ** updated **

feeds flip to Hisam and MEME talking about his nominations. He tells her it’s Reilly and Cameron. Reilly because she was targeting him and Cameron because he rubs people the wrong way.
Hisam – If she pulls herself down we take Cameron out
Hisam goes over his reasons why he doesn’t want to backdoor Reilly. “Cameron has to prove he’s on our side”
Hisam – you would feel cool if it’s Cameron and Reilly
MEME – I would be 100% okay with that.

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The plan is Reilly and Cameron “I don’t like backdoors I think they are cowardly” **Updated**

9:46 am Hisam and Felicia
Hisam – I don’t like backdoors I think they are cowardly. If I can say the whole house wants Reilly out and put her up and I’m allowing you to play because I believe you are as strong competitor and I don’t believe in backdoors. Cameron next to her because Cameron would be the first person to save her.
F – If she does win Veto who do you put up?
Hisam – matt

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Big Brother 25 Week one Live Show Episode

The First week Of Big Brother 25 was fairly muted compared to ones we’ve had in the past, I would rank it somewhere in the middle. Nothing like the Week one HOH’s like Frenchie and Willie.. thank Grod. The week started with four houseguests getting nominated for coming in last in the first episode Competition. They were Kristen, Corey, Felicia, and Jared. Reilly went on to win that competition.

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Luke Expelled Feeds down

Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household:  Reilly Nominees: Corey, Felicia, Kirsten, Jared POV Players: Cirie is host, Reilly, Bowie, Kirsten, Felicia, Hisam POV Winner: Hisam Veto Ceremony: Veto wasn’t used Havenots: Luke, Jared, Corey, Hisam, Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results Compressed The situation Luke is gone. Last night on the […]

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“I don’t want you to look at me and be like – Oh Reilly is a ticking time bomb.”

8:50pm HOH room – Reilly
Reilly – I just feel like …I basically just told her what I told you. Like I am this evil ring leader that is not inclusive and like I created this alliance to destroy the people downstairs. Like that is literally how I feel and like I just know .. Deep down in my heart I know I wasn’t raised to be like that and if that’s what people are getting from that ..like game a side, F**K IT send me home but like I hope they don’t think of me like that. And I just feel like I was put in a position where it looks like that and all we did was feel good about each other and started an alliance because like why wouldn’t we. And now I just look bad because I’m sitting pretty up here in this room. Like people are coming to see me and I am not able to bond with everyone else right now. I just feel like a big jerk!

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Reilly – “I feel like a outsider right now… I’m scared” **Updated**

4:16 pm Cirie and Reilly
Reilly is crying. “I feel like a outsider right now”
Cirie – I don’t want anyone to feel like that. Nobody wants to get you out.
Cirie – nobody said I gotta get Reilly.. Reilly did this, Reilly did that. You are feeling the pressure of being the HOH. You have friends on that side.
Reilly – I don’t want it to be a side thing. I feel like I am taking the heat of the whole house.. Everyone is paranoid. It all falls on me because I was the first

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Izzy “I am just excited that we broke the seal.”

10:15pm Comic Bedroom – Hisam, Izzy, Cirie and Red.
Hisam – I couldn’t believe that they’re all like imploding. All of them are just .. crazy! Like crazy sh*t. Like this is crazy! Like I didn’t expect this to happen so soon. I thought basically we would get to Thursday, we would win and throw them up and then all this would happen. Izzy – right, but its happening now. Hisam – We want to work with you. Do you need numbers? We got numbers. How many numbers do you need? We got numbers! Okay, its me and I’ll bring these two people which is like 10. ..We GET the number game. Izzy – like I can count. Hisam – we’re playing the numbers game too, like we’re not stupid. The best part of this is that they want to be close. They’re so disorganized.. like we’ll get several weeks in eliminating them, making ourselves stronger to the point that we will be too strong to go after.

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Cirie “Cory should have kept his mouth shut and kept that card to himself.” Izzy “He’s a weasel child.”

Comic Bedroom – Felicia and Cirie.
Izzy joins them. Izzy tells them that she was biking and Blue joined. Izzy – I love Hisam but he is extra! Like my strategy is .. I just don’t say anything. Blue comes in and says I want you to know that you two are my people and I am protecting my people because I care about this cause. You know like the queer thing or whatever. Felicia bursts out laughing. Izzy – she said no matter what happens with people on my side.. YOUR SIDE?! And Hisam asked who’s on your side? And she said ok cut the sh*t. She was like we don’t got to do that but ultimately I got you. She was like things are going to get crazy. And I was like oh I’m so out of the loop. I don’t believe it for our protection .. she is doing it because they’re imploding.

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“I got cousins that are literal scams artists on the FBI wanted list.. Umm but they got caught don’t worry.” **updated**

Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household:  Reilly Nominees: Corey, Felicia, Kirsten, Jared POV Players: Cirie is host, Reilly, Bowie, Kirsten, Felicia, Hisam POV Winner: Hisam Veto Ceremony: Veto wasn’t used Havenots: Luke, Jared, Corey, Hisam, Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results Detailed View Results Compressed The situation Veto wasn’t be used. […]

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“These younger players are very cutthroat. They get an idea in their head and they are out for blood”

8:26 am Luke, Cirie and Izzy
Luke – I didn’t know about the moves people were making
Cirie – people were saying Luke Luke Luke. I like Luke.
Luke – I went through my whole little thing yesterday. I was in my thing.
Luke – I think some of these younger players are very cut throat. They get an idea in their head and they are out for blood immediately , weather or not it will endanger them or not.
Cirie – that’s not the way to play a long term game.

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Jag – “Going into next week I would feel a lot better if Kirsten is here and Izzy isn’t”

Jag – I like to talk through every option. I feel like we are scared about Izzy right now. Is there a way to backdoor her this week (PLEASE YES)
Reilly doesn’t think so Hisam needs to use the veto and he’s close to Izzy, “He wants to be in an alliance with Blue and Izzy”
Reilly – he would never go with them.
Jag – you would be blindsiding Hisam.
Jag – is there any way Hisam uses the veto to take Felicia off?
Reilly – that would be crazy.

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