Blue – “Him and Izzy rallied up the other side and did exactly what we did in the beginning its so not fair”

Jag – Everyone felt that was really personal
Reilly – if I was someone on his side and I say that I would reconsider.
Jag – he could have just pulled you aside and said all that stuff he didn’t need to put all the blame of what happened last week onto you. It’s not fair.
Jag – MEME pulled me and Matt aside and was like that was rough. Even like Felicia looked shocked.
Blue- Him and Izzy rallied up the other side and did exactly what we did in the beginning it’s so not far and very irreasonable to put all the blame on you and on top of that it was not just your decision it was all of our decision .

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Hisam “If we don’t get Reilly out everything falls apart. “

10:04 am Hisam and Bowie
Bowie asks if she gets to pick a person that can’t vote who should it be
Hisam – Make it Matt.
Bowie – Cerie is saying keep the power with us.
Hisam – We have to get Reilly out. If we don’t get Reilly out everything falls apart.
Bowie – Do we have the the numbers without Cerie? it’s risky.
Hisam – I don’t want to take any risk.. You can say to Matt I know it will be really hard for you to vote Reilly out this takes away you having to Vote her out. Use it on matt. he would understand and appreciate it. (LOL)

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Reilly – “He [Hisam] has to go next week and if anyone disagrees with that they are NUTS”

2:40 am Matt and Reilly
Reilly asks if he wins HOH next week who does he nominate? “you have to pick right now 3-2-1”
Matt – MEME and Red
Reily – I would choose Bowie.. you want to know why? Bowie has less of a chance to win in a physical comp. Red would have more of a chance.
Matt – that’s fine.
Matt says If Red wins he puts up Hisam.
Reilly – Me, Jag, Blue, America, Corey, Jared
Reilly – Bowie, Izzy, Hisam, Felicia, Cirie, and Cameron

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Cirie “It’s going to be easier to get rid of Reilly. Watch, its going to be hard as hell to get rid of Cameron & Hisam.”

6:36pm Storage Room – Cirie, Jared and Izzy
Cirie – Reilly hasn’t won anything since the thing. Cameron came in second. Its going to be hard to get rid of Cameron .. watch! Jared – you think we should keep Reilly then? Cirie – no, I want to talk it out. Jared – what are the perks of Reilly? Cirie – I just think it is going to be easier to get rid of Reilly.. believe it or not. Watch, its going to be hard as hell to get rid of Cameron and Hisam. Its just a thought. Cameron ..Ugh! Jared – Reilly asked me why I didn’t take her down. I said because if I take you down, I am most likely going to go up. She responded with you got to take me down. That don’t make me comfortable! America came up to me and said yo every single time I talked to Reilly she told me about how I didn’t deceive her. She is just all for herself.

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Izzy “I think Cameron is more of a threat to us than Jag & Blue because I think Jag & Blue are clowns without Reilly.”

Bathroom – Cirie, Izzy and Meme
Cirie leaves to go talk with Jag because he wanted to talk to her. Meme – what does he want to talk about? Izzy – I don’t know, that’s why I want them to talk so that I can find out. I think Jag knows that he’s got to find a new home and I think he is hoping to get Cirie. Meme – stop! Izzy – I know its my favourite thing ever.. that’s why I want them to talk because I want to hear what he has to say. Meme – Stop.. its funny! Already! So what are you going to do about Blue? Izzy – I don’t think that Blue is that.. I am not that worried about Blue. I think Cameron is more of a threat. Meme – I do too. Izzy – to us. Than Jag and Blue because I think Jag and Blue are clowns without Reilly. Once she is gone, then yes.. but Cameron is the next thing. Because then they don’t have numbers.

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Hisam “She underestimated your abilities. And now she is like, I want your vote. Well f**K B***H NO!”

12:55pm – 1:20pm HOH room – Felicia and Hisam.
Felicia – regardless of what I do, I don’t want anyone to know until I’ve done it so that nobody else shifts. Because I am thinking… because I remember telling Reilly that if she worked to keep me here last week .. she told me I was a pawn. And I remember asking her why am I a pawn. And I said if you help me make sure I do not go home, next week if you go up I will not vote for you. So I am thinking if everyone voted for her except me then I have kept a promise to her. Like I don’t mind not doing it. I don’t want you to think that I am flipping. I am not flipping. Hisam – no, no, no I don’t think that. I think that you’re trying to maintain your integrity. Felicia – and I am the only one that would owe her that because I am the only one that was on the block. So tell me your thoughts on that? And I am willing to do what you want because you’re the HOH.

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Power Of Veto Winner! Hisam ** Updated **

9:20 am Hisam and Felicia
Hisam asks what the other sides game looks like after Reilly. Felicia thinks another alliance will rise up.
Feeds go down. When we’re back.
Hisam – they already got the power it was safety for the week and removing someone from Veto. They already to their power. There’s not another power. It’s amazing to me..
Felicia – I don’t understand why Bowie went over there. (Neather)
Hisam – Bowie later on said that she didn’t volunteer.
Felicia says the look on Reilly’s face during veto you could tell she didn’t win.

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Cameron “Well how about I just win the motherf**ker and then we decide what we want to do!” **Updated**

12pm HOH room – Hisam, Cirie and Izzy.
Hisam – If you (Reilly) don’t win, you’re going home. If Reilly wins veto and comes down. Matt would go up and for Matt to go home. Which sucks because I actually really do like Matt. Cirie and Izzy – me too. Hisam – But the truth is if Reilly wins Matt has to go home. Cirie – right. Hisam – and if Cameron wins, Reilly goes home. If America and I win, I let her go home. If Blue wins, is it Matt? Cirie and Izzy – its still the same scenario. Hisam – but its got to be Matt because we have to prove to Cameron that he is on our side.. so we can still attack them. Cirie – right. Hisam – But I don’t want to send Matt home. God that would be the worst. Cuz I have really come to like him and he really wants to demonstrate that people with disabilities can play these games.

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Hisam “I am true to my word. I don’t want this brown on brown crime. I am a trust worthy guy.”

Bumper Pool Room – Jag and Jared.
Jag – I just wanted to check in with you because I had no idea what it meant to go out there. Its a blessing and a curse. Obviously thank you first of all because safety for the week is safety for the week. Jared – of course. Jag – I just wanted to see what the head space was behind it. Jared – so check it out. One – right before I made those nominations.. I am eligible to get nominated. Two – Reilly knew what my ultimate goal was but I was also played. I was told that it was going to go one way and it went another way. Three – in this game no matter what happens if you get trusted with a certain amount of information you have to do what you can to help your people while also making sure you’re safe. Because if you’re not here then I cannot help my people. Jag – 100%.

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Nomination Results! “I think it would be very foolish for someone to use the veto to save Reilly on day 12, right!?”

HOH room – Hisam and Jared.
Hisam – His (Cameron) heart is huge, right?! And I was a little afraid that he might save her (Reilly) which would jeopardize his game .. and also I think he would have a hard time separating from her. And its up to him to share move about that. Jared – no I get that. I think I got somewhat of an idea about it because I talked to Izzy. I don’t want to get mistaken for me being friendly apposed to me working with someone. Hisam – okay, because you have concerns? Jared – no, no.. Hisam – here is what I will tell you .. I firmly think you’re working with me. And I firmly think you’re working with our side. I don’t have any doubt you’re working with us. Jared – obviously.. I would say that as far as Cameron. Hisam – yeah, I mean its the same way I feel about Reilly and Cameron.

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