The live eviction episode leads as always with a recap of the past weeks live feeds / competitions. What twist will be unleashed as Comic Week begins!? – The veto this week will obviously be the classic Comic Veto competition. The episode then shows Jag using the veto on Felicia and Bowie Jane nominating Cameron […]
Tag: Cameron Harding

“That’s a good looking final 4! I can see that path. Lets get us to the final 4 & then fight it out.”
10:28am HOH room – Bowie and Cirie
Bowie – I am happy to work with Felicia but I am still not sure. Cirie – yeah me either. And that’s what Jag and Matt kind of told me yesterday. Bowie – yeah Okay, she is probably fine but she just get so suspicious so easily. Cirie – I know, I know! Bowie – and then she goes off and does crazy a$$ sh*t. Cirie – and that is what I wanted to talk to you about like where we are really going because I know this war is about to go down and I just want to be on the right side of the war. Bowie – yeah. Cirie – where the good people are and the people that support each other that are going to stay. If that’s where you’re going to stay, then that is where I am going to go. Bowie – and these things have started to develop in the last couple days. I feel good about the chats with him. I feel like the others are shifty.

Blue “Cameron told Matt, you got to be careful they’re going to create an all girls alliance.”
7:54pm Bedroom – Cirie and Blue.
Cirie – Cory said this morning that things are getting sketchy. That if there is no safety, everyone is booking it for the HOH. Yeah he didn’t really say much of anything which is weird because they’re always hanging around him and America. It all depends on who wins HOH. Blue – Cameron told Matt, you got to be careful they’re going to create an all girls alliance. Cirie – but why is he saying that, no one said that to him. But do they believe that? Blue – I was like dude, Cameron is literally the one that came up to me yesterday and tried to get me, Cory, America, Felicia and Cirie to work together.. like he is creating this all girl alliance situation.. like its not us. When I was talking to Cameron yesterday he brough up the .. people know about the you, Jared Cirie Final 3 or whatever.

Cameron – “Please don’t send me Felicia first” **Updated**
10:29 am Cameron and America
Cameron – I am sorry about yesterday. I got frustrated and I left and we should be able to talk things out as friends. I didn’t mean to upset you and I’m sorry for that
America – it’s alright, Thank you
Cam – I don’t want you to be made. Everything that has happened up to this point has been a really rough road for all of us. I know you and I have talked about how tuf it is to separate game and Feelings. I hope from now on it’ll be good personal stuff. The game is really really hard.
Cam – I am honored to play this game with someone that is such a big fan of this game. I hope I did you proud playing the way I played as a fan. That’s all I got.
America – I think you’re cool.. we’re cool

Cirie “I ain’t scared because they’re coming for us anyway. We’re just biding our time. I don’t give a f**k!”
8:47pm – 9pm Kitchen – Felicia and Cirie.
Felicia – you or me might win it (HOH). Cirie – if we win it, what are we doing? Felicia – that’s what we have to figure out what side we’re aligning with .. which is our better move? We could put up .. to keep everyone happy we could put up Bowie Jane. Bowie Jane is worried. She said are we okay? And I was like oh yeah you’re fine. I said I don’t think they’re as tight with Blue as they used to be.. they’ll put her yup. Cirie – girl, they lying to everybody. They’re the ones that need to go up. Felicia – they really do. Cirie – and everybody will jump on board. Felicia – I would put up one of them. Cirie – you have to put up both of them.. if one of them wins the veto then you got both of then here looking at you. Even if one of them goes its a significant edge. Felicia – now with one of them gone now they have to run to somebody here. There you go! That’s really the way it has to go. Its a hot damn mess.

“On Thursday if Cirie goes home, the two of them will sh1t Their F***ing pants” **updated**
10:26 am Cameron and Cory
Cameron – I assume it’s still no
Cory – I can’t predict the future and be a dick and not hear you out. It’s Big Brother.
Cameron – I don’t have a big Campaign speech you know the reasons to keep me.
Cory – Keeping you hear to target people but when you look at the votes it’s really hard.
Cameron says he thought he was working with people and they turned on him. “it’s a game man”
Cameron says Blue might not be hard to flip. Felicia would though.
Cory – keeping you pisses off two people who have a good shot at getting into power.
Cameron – I’m a shield, I’ll get aimed at again.

America “Cory is a kicker! Did he tell you about his bar fight stories? He’s gotten into two bar fights.”
7:30pm Kitchen – Cory, Cirie, Felicia and America are chatting about random things like what the upcoming HOH competition might be to Cory talking about Survivor. Meanwhile out in the backyard – Matt, Cameron, Jag and Blue invented a new game with the pool balls.
Cory points out on the memory wall how after Cameron leaves both side of the memory wall will be symmetrical. Cory starts matching up the house guests of who would fight who. America – Cory is a kicker! Did he tell you about his bar fight stories? He’s gotten into two bar fights. And he’s a kicker! Cirie – Did you win the bar fight Skeezy? Cory – Yeah I didn’t lose them. Cirie – what is your definitely of lose them? Cory – Like everyone got kicked out and I was not that injured. That’s a WIN!

“YEAH, They are running it. Right now they have a solid four and it ain’t y’all, now it’s Blue and Bowie.”
12:52 pm Cory and Cam
Cory – I’m going to be honest with you man I don’t see a path.
Cameron – I need to get Blue and Felicia.
Cory – I don’t see you being able to get that
Cam – I don’t either
Cory – I don’t see you getting me on board either.
Cam – they are going to run this thing
Cory – them being Matt and Jag

Cameron – “I’ll work out… I’ll tan” **updated**
10:30 am Cameron and America
Cameron says the jury house will be like a vacation.
America – it is, in here it’s work.
Cameron – I’ll work out… I’ll tan. I don’t do any of that stuff in here. I never really wanted to. That’s not game. That’s just doing stuff. I can’t be working and do that.
Cameron – I talked to Jag last night. I said, just tell the f***ing truth. Dead silence. You can say a lot of things about me America but when faced with the opportunity to toe the line and be brave stare someone in the eyes and tell them the f***ing hard truth even if it’s going to hurt. Me to. I will do that every time.
Cameron – I don’t deal with cowards. If you have the F***ing sack to do something like that own it.
Cameron – maybe I’m just….

“He [Cameron] is going to be pissed but I don’t care. He shouldn’t have played such a d**khead game.”
6:26pm Kitchen – Jag, Cirie and Bowie.
Bowie – you should walk around with that veto hanging around your neck. Jag – No what the f**k. Everyone would hate me. I would hate me. Bowie – no, just the head of household robe walking around. But now that I’m up there I am like I am not wearing that I’ll like like a d**k head. He (Cam) is going to be pissed but I don’t care. He shouldn’t have played such a d**khead game. He has played so dirty. Jag – yeah but he won’t be too mad. Even out there he was getting closer to the acceptance stage of it. Cirie – he is past denial. Past the bargaining. He ain’t past the bargaining. Jag – he still has some bargaining in him. But what’s after bargaining? Bowie – he is going to work the schmoozing next. Jag – I feel bad but not that bad.

Cameron “Bowie is with us. I have pissed of Cory & America. I’m free reign to be like f**k YA’LL!”
1:05pm HOH room – Matt and Cameron
Cam – what is going on? Matt – nothing. Everyone is being quiet. Cam – no, I had a conversation with America.. it did not go well and I know that she was up here right after that. Matt – yeah because I was sleeping right there. She said that she had a conversation with you but she was like oh Cam is being Cam. It was just me and Jag chilling. Cam – so I had a conversation with her and it was basically me telling her that the entire house is cool with Cory going home. I am not running conversations. I voiced my opinion to people so if she caught wind from people, that is bad. Matt – I mean if you tell America that everyone is going for Cory .. its going to be the vice versa. Cam – its just bad! Like everything was good last week and then it flipped somewhere. And its not like I’m going around the house talking about him. She caught wind of something and I felt pressure. Matt – yeah because she was mad yesterday. Cam – yes. She doesn’t get mad for no reason. Matt – true. Cam – so where did it come from? Am I still the scape goat even with 9 people left? Am I still the guy that is like Cam is doing all this sH*t.

Cirie – “I don’t want to talk first thing in the morning.. Leave me alone..”
And a third time back on Cirie and MAtt
Cirie says next week will be slip n slide. “I feel like I have to prove it.. In regular life in normal life I’m a smart person”
They talk about their zing.
Matt- it was funny they chose Survivor to roast you. They could have gone harder on Blue.
Bowie walks into the backyard.
Matt -t hey could have gone harder on her.