8:47pm Bumper Pool Room – Leah and Makensy
Leah and Makensy celebrating – BACK TO BACK!! (Winning HOHs)
Leah – What did you do back to back? Makensy – Back to back to. Leah – I’m excited for you. Makensy – Thank you. Leah – How are you feeling? Makensy – Stressed because there’s fewer numbers. Leah – Yeah. Makensy – and I don’t want to get anybody like my bad side. So it’s like I want to go about …and I’ve told you this. I’m thinking about Angela. This is what I’m figuring out. I’m thinking we can because everybody is expecting me to put her up. Everybody will
expect me to put Angela and if I don’t it’s going to be confusing. So I know a lot of people want Kimo.