9am The door bell rings! All the house guests gather in the living room. Cody asks do you think they did this to get us out of bed? Derrick says no. The door opens up and in enters a dog The house guests rush to greet the dog. They read the tag and find out the dogs name is IZZY. They all pat Izzy and then show her the backyard. They comment on how she must be a rescue dog. Caleb says my question is where is she going to go to the bathroom? Derrick says the backyard. Derrick says well this has definitely never been done before. Derrick says my hope is that she’s a rescue dog and this is a way to adopt her out. As a live feeder this is there way of telling us to get the f**k out of bed.
Tag: Caleb Reynolds
Caleb Reynolds AKA beast mode cowboy was house guest on Big Brother 16

Victoria “This has to work! If its not me winning it has to be you. That’s how much I love you!”
11:30pm Up in the HOH room – Frankie is taking his bath and talking to Victoria. He comments on how he wants his blog to be good because its his last one. He says I can’t play in the next one and the final HOH doesn’t write a blog. Frankie talks to Victoria about what her eviction speech could be. VIctoria says I do want to talk to everyone to find out where everyone is at because I don’t want to go down without a fight.

“If I win the Veto he’s going home.. use my f*king families name in your f*king mouth for strategy”
6:09pm Pool Caleb, Cody and Derrick
Caleb – old Frankie boy paranoid hoping he gets to to play in that next HOH
Derrick says he wants to win the money so bad but if he doesn’t win it he wants Cody or Caleb to win it, “on everything, dead serious”
Cody and Caleb feel the same way.

Big Brother Spoilers “The whole house is on standby we’re all on pause” – Derrick
4:23pm Derrick and Victoria
Victoria is saying there’s no point for her to campaign, “There isn’t anything I can do”
Derick – it not’ necessary us all working together.. I can’t win with them.
Derrick says the guys think he is working with them but he’s telling Victoria he’s not. “I didn’t come here to get out 4th place..”
Derrick says he wasn’t working with Christine.. Nicole thought he was and so did Christine but that was apparent last week when because of him she went home.
Derrick says there might be a twist coming

Caleb – “I don’t put glitter & sparkles on my face and act like some sparkly fairy. Some say I’m too man!”
12:25pm – 1:20pm Caleb joins Derrick in the kitchen. Caleb says he’s got a headache for days! Caleb says tomorrow’s the big day! Caleb asks if Derrick had a DR already? Derrick says yes. Caleb says I know who didn’t. (Him) Derrick says tomorrow’s Tuesday. Caleb says oh yeah I forgot. Derrick and Caleb head into the living room to sit. Derrick comments on how the centre post in the yard is gone. It could just be taken down for maintenance though. Caleb asks Caleb if he wants to play a game of pool. Derrick says I want to because I’m bored as sh*t but can’t because I’m supposed to let my cut finger air out. Caleb and Derrick head outside to sit on the backyard couch. Caleb says ain’t got much more time now. I’m ready for it to be over so I can go back to my normal life.

Frankie – All of the horrible, offensive sh*t Zach said & he got a wonderful reception. What the f**k did Christine do?
12am Out in the backyard Cody and Derrick playing pool. Frankie wakes up. Cody and Caleb play next. Caleb says he can’t wait to see Amber again. Cody says unless she wants to rip your head off. After they finish their game Caleb loses and so he has to jump in the pool. Derrick finishes his game and then sits by the hammock with Victoria. Derrick says it will be boring for the next couple days. Victoria says I can’t believe everyone is gone. Derrick says for now, but you never know. Victoria says that in the diary room they were telling her not to give up. You’ve got to do something. And she said when you know, you know.

Cody’s early night “bed by like 2, crack out around 3:30 something sensible”
8:32 Kitchen
Derrick saying he’s going to be up late tonight.
Frankie won’t be able to.
Derrick – go crack out what are you staying up for..
Frankie – Cody is so funny.. he’s like ya I just want to to have a really nice early night so maybe i’ll like play some pool be in bed by like 2 and crack out around 3:30 something sensible”
Frankie – I’m going to bed in 15 minutes

POV Ceremony LIVE FEED LEAK! Frankie “I’ve wielded a tremendous amount of power in this game!”
12pm LIVE FEED LEAK OF THE VETO CEREMONY – The live feeds come back during the veto ceremony. Frankie says Cody and Victoria you have been nominated for eviction this week but I have the power to veto one of those nominations. Now I would like to give you the chance to tell me why I should use the veto to save you. Cody you go first!
Cody’s speech: You know this is an amazing game, I love being a part of it and I would love to come off the block and be safe this week but honestly looking out at the replacement nominees.

VETO Meeting TODAY: Frankie “I wanted to say all this in the veto speech but I don’t want to stab her in the face!”
10:50am In the fire room – Frankie comes into the bedroom and wakes up Derrick to talk to him. Frankie asks should I say something about us working together? Derrick says its your game, I don’t know if I would do that. I don’t know, its up to you. It can’t help us. Frankie says because of Wednesday. Derrick says we don’t know what its going to be. Frankie says right. I’ll come up with something fake. I’ll come up with something good. Frankie says they told me… I think we’re getting locked in early this week. Derrick says wow, wow!

Team America Mission – There’s a RAT in the house! Derrick “I sprinted like a school girl! I saw FANGS!”
12:55am – 1:30am In the havenot room – Frankie, Caleb and Cody are speculating about what the reset twist could be. Caleb asks why would one whole wall be a mirror? Frankie says mirror images? refraction? Cody asks what’s a miror image of myself? Did they clone us?! Frankie asks do we play the final 5 of last year? Cody says we’d smoke them! Caleb says the fact that this thing is gold and silver makes me think money. Frankie looks at the TV and says I want this set up in my house can I have this? Caleb says you can do better than that, this is like an LG tv. They leave the room and head to the kitchen. Caleb, Frankie and Cody compare butts. Cody says that Caleb has a bubble butt.

Big Brother 16 Week 11 POV Results “There’s a mouse in the BB house “
POV Holder: Frankie Next POV Sept 6th POV Used ? POV Ceremony Sept 8th HOH Winner Frankie Next HOH Sept 10th Nominations: Cody and Victoria 9:01pm Caleb in the BEE HIVE Giving out shout outs.. Says the competition was called BB freak show. Caleb says he’s starving “Beast mike me has got to eat you […]

Caleb thinks Andy’s coming to host. Derrick says He’s not a celebrity like Jeff & Jordan, he’s not at their level.
10:20am – 10:45am Up in the HOH room – Frankie and Victoria are getting ready in the bathroom while Caleb is dancing to Frankie’s sisters CD. Frankie comments the he’s (Caleb) lost his mind. Victoria says MmmHmm. Frankie asks who do you want to walk through the door? (To host the veto competition) Victoria says who I want it to be won’t happen. Kim Kardashian .. I’m obsessed with her. Frankie says different network. Frankie and Caleb head downstairs. In the bathroom Caleb is all fired up yelling and screaming.