9:20pm Brittany and Devin continue to talk in the HOH room. Brittany says that he is playing his own game. She says that she tried to congratulate her and you shut me down. I said I wanted to look at the pictures and you wouldn’t let me. Devin says I want you to know that the day I walked in I was a big target due to my physical size. Devin asks Brittany if he uses the veto on her would she stay loyal to him for the rest of the game? Brittany says I can as long as you don’t go against me or get in my way. Devin tells that she is hard to read just like she says that he is. Devin says if I won HOH I would not put you up. If I won the veto I would take you off. Devin says Brittany this is a game!
Tag: Caleb Reynolds
Caleb Reynolds AKA beast mode cowboy was house guest on Big Brother 16

Big Brother 16 Spoilers POV Results “Victoria/Brittany who you sending home”
8:52pm HOH Devin and Frankie
Devin is going to talk to everyone tonight he’s not sure if he should take out Brittany or Victoria.
Frankie want Brittany gone over Victoria. Zach knocks on the HOH door. Devin says he’s not going to let Zach in “He wants to use the shower.. this isn’t the shower room I got sh1t to think about”
Frankie runs into the bathroom.
Zach comes in says congratulations.
Devin says he’s asking everyone “Pow or Brittany who is he voting out”
Zach – “Doesn’t matter to me”
Devin – “Victoria and Brittany who you voting out”
Zach – Victoria
Zach – I feel like you are pissed at me

Caleb tells Devin everyone in the house is talking about putting him up *Kaboom*
5:43pm HOH Bomb squad Meeting
Zach tells them from what he’s heard from Caleb they are not on the same page right now. Devin time for everyone to put on their big brother face put all emotion aside. He wants them to Deny deny deny
Caleb told the other house guests Devin wants to talk to two groups of people, “Donny’s been in the Diary Room for a minute”
“It doesn’t matter if someone calls this an Allaince or noit Deny Deny Deny”
Zach – “Deny Deny DEny”

Big Brother Spoilers The “Wurst” BLT Victoria Brittany, Zach and Derrick you’re have nots
3:47 have nots Derrick, Brittany and Zach
She says if DEvin wins the veto he’s putting up someone good. Zach thinks it will be him or Cody.
Brittany says Devin is working on something with POW. Derrick – we’re going to do our best. Zach says she’s work two soldiers
Zach says if he wins the POV he won’t use it because they have the votes to keep her. Brittany- ‘you are not going to save yourself” (LOL WTF)

Devin – “I would write on Baseballs saying show me your b88bs.. I was a d1ck man”
12:25pm Devin and Jocasta HOH
Devin tells her Caleb was his best friend in the house but they were never in an alliance. Devin doesn’t know where they stand now after the fight last night.
Devin wants to know Jocasta’s position in the game.
Jocasta says as far as POV she wants to play and win it if she gets chosen. Jocasta says she feel more comfortable

Big Brother 16 Spoilers – Christine says POW POW’s going to WAR! DID YOU HEAR THAT?!
9:10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. In kitchen Victoria is telling Nicole that something happened late last night. Victoria says that she isn’t sure what it was about but that Frankie said he would tell her. Nicole asks who was it about? Victoria says about him (Devin) up there. Nicole comments on how she grew up staying out of things. Nicole goes to the bathroom to shower. Christine comments on how Big Brother told them the veto meeting (Picking for Veto players) was happening soon. Donny’s in the living room.

Big Brother Spoilers – FIGHT NIGHT! Devin tells Caleb the Alliance is OVER! IT’s DONE DUDE!
3:05am Out in the backyard – Caleb, Frankie and Derrick are talking. Devin comes out and Caleb tells him I think you’re trying to get Brittany out for personal reasons. Devin says I did do it for personal reasons. I think you’re only saying this because you’re talking to Amber. Devin starts getting excited and questioning them all and what they want. Caleb says Amber and Christine who are part of our alliance don’t think getting Brittany out is a good idea. Caleb tells Devin that Christine and Amber are scared to talk to you.

Amber “Devin tries to control me” Caleb says I will end up butting heads with him, I will protect my Queen!
1am Over on the backyard couches – Zach is going off about how much of a spoiled brat Victoria is to everyone. Devin tells Zach that he needs to stop. He tells him that he when he is talking about a female he needs to be more respectful. Zach agrees and says sorry. Zach comments on how Victoria is so demanding telling people to do things without ever saying the word please or thank you. She’s pretentious. Jocasta says that she has already talked to Victoria and she said she is going to watch what she says and does. Jocasta says maybe it’s a language barrier. Zach says she’s just an extremely rude person.

Big Brother 16 Spoilers – “I don’t have a strategy my plan is to be POWPOW”
9:44pm Fireroom Brittany and POWPOW
Brittany brings up Amber telling her if she had more time to talk they could have picked Brittany and Cody so BOB would be won and they can backd**r Devin. Brittany – “But he got to pick first.. so I don’t know how i’m going to get out of it unless I win POV”

Zach “Lets get rid of Victoria.. We reel in Brittany we reel in Donny and we take out Devin”
9:00pm *Zach and Frankie Storage room
Zach brings up Donny wanting to take out Devin and forming an alliance against him
Zach say Donny hates Devin “I was bullied and it pisses me off” Zacht thinks theres a good chance it’s going to be Victoria and Brittnay up on the block.. If Devin wins POV Victoria goes up if Brittany wins POV Victoria goes up.

Big Brother Spoilers “My biggest fear is America gets to pick Noms” – Devin
7:12pm HOH Devin and Zach
Devin tells him Brittany is the target if she wins POV Victoria is the target. Zach says he doesn’t care which one goes. Devin cares big time he doesn’t want POW to go.
Devin – “My biggest fear is America gets to put up Noms”
Zach starts talking loud about how they have the numbers even if America picks Noms. Devin says they don’t have the numbers if two bomb squads go up.

Victoria “How would he like it if someone treated his daughter like he treats Brittany”
4:43pm Fireroom Victoria and Frankie (POWPOW sleeping in one of the beds)
Talking about mean Devin is to Brittany.
Victoria – “How would he like it if someone treated his daughter like he treats Brittany”
Victoria points out Brittany and Derrick don’t walk around mentioning their kids every 5 minutes
Victoria – “He knows he’s doing bad things he’s trying to hide it “
Frankie – “it’s just an excuse”