1:10pm Out in the backyard – Derrick, Cody, Victoria, Donny, Caleb and Amber are sitting on the backyard couch chatting about havenot foods they’ve had this season. Caleb says thank god for the tortilla shells. Derrick says that he’s waiting to hear Julie Chen say good news and bad news house guests – tonight there is only one HOH and the bad new is tonight is a double eviction. He tells them that the first double eviction is usually when jury starts where the second person evicted goes to the jury house. Donny says and its usually when the lines are drawn.
Tag: Caleb Reynolds
Caleb Reynolds AKA beast mode cowboy was house guest on Big Brother 16

VETO Ceremony Results! “Jocasta was going nuts man. It shows how grateful she is to be here!”
11:05am – 11:45am Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the Power of Veto Ceremony to take place. When the live feeds return – we learn that as the Veto winner Donny used the veto to remove Jocasta from the block. (Not surprising as he told her before the veto that he was going to win it for her and when he won it he came in and handed it to her.) As Head of Household Derrick then nominated Devin Shepherd as the replacement nominee.

Derrick “PANDORA’s BOX!!” Brittany asks is that for me?! Zach says that was f**ked up!
9:15am – 9:50am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Cody is out in the backyard working out. Donny comes out to get on the eliptical. Cody asks are you trusting Brittany a bit more? Donny says yeah but if I had to put my trust in someone it would be Nicole. Even though she put me up. I am counting on Hayden pulling her over. The thing that scares me about her is that she is friends with people. Cody says Christine. Donny says yeah I don’t like to name names. Cody says its me, you can tell me. Donny says yeah. Cody says that it feels so good to be up. Donny tells him to try and not even nap. Cody says that Pow Pow went to a number of people before she left and told them not to trust me.

Amber says I do NOT have the hots for Devin! I have the hots more for Cody than for Devin!
1am – 1:35am Up in the HOH room – Derrick, Amber and Brittany are talking. Derrick says if I could have worked with Devin I would keep him here. Brittany says yeah because he lies about everything. Derrick says I am sure that when it gets closer to Thursday I’m sure there will be a lie about Caleb like saying he is working with a large group in the house. Derrick says I think tomorrow will see when Devin goes on the block. Then you guys can decide and vote him out. You’ll see when Devin is gone the rumor mill will be cut in haf. Derrick says the Donny will use the veto on Jocasta because it would be stupid to leave your friend on the block.

Victoria “I’m not a good runner.. I hate running” can’t run a breath at the same time
7:32pm Hammock area Victoria and Christine running Cody, Hayden, Donny, Frankie Amber around the Hammock.
Vicotira says she suclks at running “I can’t breath”
Victoria – “I hate running I’m not a good runner”
As she’s running laps Victoria asks how do you run and breath at the same time
Hayden – “Christine how do you run and breath at the same time”
Victoria Stops running and walks over to them at the hammock.
Nicole – Victoria – do you know what you just said

Nicole “Oh my gosh you know what Donny asked me .. If I peed on anybody that’s what frogs do”
6:11pm Hammock Frankie , Amber and Christine
Frankie tells amber he talked to Donny Jocasta comes down. Amber – “Christine if I don’t win HOH this week please will you win” Frankie says if it’s endurance the three of them will win it. Frankie mentions Hayden might win it but he’s weak being on slop.
Frankie says Zach will last 12 minutes in endurance. Frankie – “I would take Calleb over Cody hands down” Frog joins them they start watching Cody running laps and Hayden/Caleb lift weights.

Christine – “Donny is so weird. trying to be nice to me .. he’s my target next week”
3:47pm Backyard Christine and Victoria
Christine doesn’t know what to do about Amber she thinks she’s her best friend. Victoria thinks it’s because Amber is feeling guilty she was talking crap about people and it’s finally come out.
Victoria – I don’t think she’s a very confident girl . all she does it talk crap about me
Christine – she also talks about how good looking she is
Victoria – maybe if she was more genuine.. people see right through her fakness

Big Brother Spoilers – Nicole says holy we have some serious cr@p going on in here!
12:15pm In the bathroom – Hayden tells Brittany she looks really good without make-up! Brittany says thank you but I have some on. Hayden says well its not as much as you usually have on. Brittany says I will take any compliment I can get. Hayden heads back outside.
Hayden, Devin and Donny are sitting on the backyard couches. Hayden asks Donny so did Nicole like my gesture? Donny says she sure did.

Cody says Its just fun to bullsh*t people all day and get them scared as F**K!
8am In the kitchen – Zach asks Cody on a scale of 1-10 how hot is Brittany? Cody says her with a ponytail she’s a 10.. na like strong 8 .. na 9! Zack agrees she’s smokin. Cody asks what would you give Amber? Zach says an 8. Cody asks what?! I think they go hand in hand. I think Amber’s face looks like a lion. Zach says one of us are winning big brother! Cody says my only problem is that I might be playing too much of a social game! My social game is going to bite me in the a$$.. hopefully not .. hopefully I make it to jury. Its just fun to bullsh*t people all day and get them scared as SH*T! And then be like Dude we’re golden! They both laugh!

Derrick says the only one we’re backdo*r!ng this early is Devin because he’s a d*uche!
2:40am Outside on the backyard couches – Derrick, Zach, Brittany, Frankie, and Nicole are talking. Derrick says as far as I’m concerned Devin is going home but if Donny decides to do something else then it is what it is. Brittany says he already pretty much gave it to her. Derrick agrees and Donny already put the veto around Jocasta’s neck after the competition. Derrick heads over to the pool table where Hayden and Cody are playing a game of pool.

Devin “I’m at peace bro.. I gave it everything I had in the tanks.. I miss my daughter”
11:45pm Devin and Frankie
Frankie thinking Donny is going to take Jocasta off. Devin brings up this weird idea in his head that Donny was going to leave the nominations the same. Devin doesn’t think he’ll do it though because the whole house will come after him. Devin – “I’m not going to begg.. I’m so at peace bro”
Frankie doesn’t know for sure but he’s thinking the POV will be used he mentions Donny coming into the Fireroom and handing the POV necklace to Jocasta. “If it changes that’s crazy and awesome but I don’t know it will”
Devin – I gave it everything I had today I went as hard as possible
Frankie – “You were amazing”
Devin – I miss my daughter dude..

Zach is Amanda’s Cousin “She was at Auditions.. loud girl.. Her b**bs out screaming AHhhh”
8:07pm Victoria and Derrick HOH
Derrick says he needs her help to get to the truth of something. He was talking to Donny, You know how Donny and powpow were super close. a couple days before the Eviction POWPOW and Zach got really close and before powpow got evicted Zach told her a secret. Zach told POWPOW that he’s AManda zuckerman’s cousin. POWPOW told Donny that on his way out the door.
Derrick – ‘He’s the same type of player he’s really aggressive’
Vic “What’s his last name;
Derrick – “Rance.. you are pretty close to Brittany and I know brittany was close to POWPOW
Vic – Brittany and POWPOW weren’t that close
Derrick wants her to find out from Brittany if she’s heard that rumour don’t tell her who you heard it from.