12:50pm Devin tells Donny that he really wishes him the best of luck. And when you realize who you can trust make sure you take care of Jocasta. Devin asks what do you think Pow’s tactic was about saying stuff when she was leaving? Was it to stir stuff up? Donny says I don’t know, like what? Devin says like telling people that Zach’s cousin is Amanda Zuckerman. Devin asks do you think I handled this week pretty well? Donny says yes. They head inside. In the kitchen – Jocasta, Devin, Amber, Victoria and Brittany. Jocasta pretends she’s in church and starts preaching.
Tag: Caleb Reynolds
Caleb Reynolds AKA beast mode cowboy was house guest on Big Brother 16

Frankie shows Jocasta how Victoria climbed on him and told him she’s sick.
9:30am – 10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Christine complains that someone took her b!ble without asking. She says she really doesn’t like it when people do that. She heads outside to where Hayden, Donny and Frankie are sitting on the couch. Frankie asks are you worried about your b!ble? Christine says I’m pissed people keep taking it and not putting it back where they found it. I wouldn’t care if they just put it back. Frankie says I will tell you who didn’t take it. Me and Hayden and that’s the gospel truth! She says that she is also going to hide a bottle of lotion in her dresser just in case you need any. Frankie says it puts the lotion on its body or it gets the hose again.

The DETONATORS – Insert, Twist, Blow it UP! Thanks Devin, you’re the first to be blown up!
2:35am UP in the HOH room – Derrick is talking to Cody about his flirting with Amber and Brittany. He tells Cody I’ve been straight with you from the beginning.. I don’t think you have a target on your back, but it could turn into something if one of them gets pissed. Derrick says if that happens, I would get rid of one of them right away. Cody says I mean, Amber is literally like.. Derrick says she is on your sh*t. Cody says that Amber said I want to trust you, you’re the only one. Derrick says Amber is on your sh*t, what about Brittany? Cody says that she’s hot & cold.

Zach Attack “I want Frankie gone sooner than later.. He has control of people.”
8:43pm Victoria and Devin
Victoria thinks theres a lot bigger targets than her out of the girls. Derrick tells her she’s always got to prepare for the worst.
Victoria says she found out today that more people were watching.
Victoria says she has to take allergy medicine every morning and she talked to a Certain Doctor there you go get it? “they told her she’s doing so great.
Zach comes in tells Victoria if he wins HOH he will not put her up. Zach asks her who she would put up for the BOB. Zach says he’s not putting up Derrick and Cody. Zach tells her if he wins HOH he’ll put up Jocasta and Donny.

Big Brother Spoilers “Devin man all you need is two more dude” -Zach
6:43pm HOH Frankie, Zach and Brittany
Brittany tells them Devin was turning this into the Devin and Brit show because every time she went into the Diary room they were asking questions about Devin. THey agree Devin is really bad at playing the game.
Frankie says if he won HOH he would go back to the philosophy get out the weakest players he really doesn’t have a beef with anyone. .
Zach would put up Victoria and Jocasta
Brittany says Victoria would go home, The guys agree. Frankie mentions how it would be awful to have to put Jocasta up.
Frankie asks Brittany who would she would put up.

Amber “I didn’t come for a showmance I came to win, tan and work on my butt.”
3:41pm Backyard Amber and Christine
Amber wants to be nice but thinks Calev is damaging her game a bit by the way she’s acting towards her. Amber says Cody is one of her closest friends in the house and Cody can’t even talk to her because of Caleb. Christine says everyone is aware of what is going on, “What is a girl to do though”

Donny talking about Derrick – I think that’s the ring leader, the brain of the operation.
1:10pm Cody and Devin continue to play pool. Hayden is hanging out with them. Victoria comes out in her pool outfit. Cody and Hayden start yelling, whistling and hollering at her telling her she looks good. Over by the pool – Nicole and Christine are in the pool. Amber and Brittany are suntanning.
1:15pm In the bathroom – Devin campaigns to Donny. He tells him that in the veto competition if I had won I would have used it on Jocasta. And that would have forced Derrick to put up Victoria.

Jocasta says love is in the air!! Victoria says they might be the next Jeff and Jordan!
10:45am Victoria joins Hayden in the living room to eat her cereal. They move over to the bench by the front door and look at the memory wall. Victoria comments on how the last four that haven’t been havenots yet are Jocasta, Donny, Frankie and Christine. Victoria asks if he thinks Joey and Pow Pow are watching? Hayden says yeah but not the Live Feeds. Hayden then starts guessing their ages based on their memory wall photos.

Zach says I am the biggest a$$hole jerk and I am going to have b***hes lined up ..
12:55am Up in the HOH room. Amber asks Caleb who do you think is the biggest target next? Caleb says that’s close I would say Donny. Caleb says Donny’s not beating me in an HOH! Not happening. Amber says you never know. Caleb says well unless its numbers. Amber says what about like the croquet one? Caleb says well yeah. He says it would be stupid for them to put up 4 strong players. If you give me 2 chances to pull myself off I will do it. Caleb says what would probably help would be to pray together. Amber says yeah any time anyone wants to pray I’m here. Amber says it sucks we’re the strongest in the house. Caleb says well I wouldn’t say you’re the strongest, I would say you’re an average girl that wants to win 500K.

Big Brother Spoilers Zach – “We won’t have to fight for our life until week 8“
9:40pm Hammock Zankie
Frankie tells him about the conversation with Devin earlier today where he said “They” wanted him to campaign
Zach – “We won’t have to fight for our life until week 8 “
Frankie asks him if Brittany and Jocasta were up on the block who would he vote
Zach – Jocasta” Zach explains it wouldn’t vote of Britany over Frankie, Derrick, Cody or Christine.

Production wants Devin to Campaign “No Chance dude my daughter bro”
5:19pm Hot Tub Devin, Frankie and Cody
Devin wants people to shut the f** up and just let him be., He’s cool about what is happening. At the end of the day they will remember how he exited this game, “When the game is done lets party.. MY game is over seriously.. I’m not going to throw a funeral dude theres only so many people that can do that

Haydens going to ask Brittany to be his “California Mom.. She has really good b**bs”
4:35pm Hayden and Donny
Donny saying he’s “turnt up” from this morning he’s a 5 right now maybe a 6 Brittany joins them.. hey Donny you “Turnt up”
They chat with Brittnay a bit, She goes to make them some ice cream. Donny and HAyden agree Brittany is a great girl hard working.
Donny – She sure smells good
Hayden – She has really good b**bs .. Brittany has awesome b**bs those things are good.. those things are real good”