3am Out on the backyard couch – Derrick, Brittany, Christine, Hayden and Nicole are talking. Derrick says that he is going to get his balls snipped after having 2 kids. He says that the daycare is what kills you. He pays a $1000 a month in daycare costs. Derrick tells Hayden about how life is so simple when you’re in college without a family. Nicole tells Derrick not to scare him. Derrick says obviously I would never trade my life now. Frankie and Zach finish their pool game and join them on the couch. Victoria comes out and sits on the couch.
Tag: Caleb Reynolds
Caleb Reynolds AKA beast mode cowboy was house guest on Big Brother 16

Hayden – “I want Caleb to go home so f*** bad.I had a straightener in my hand and I wanted to f** burn him”
10:38pm Storage room Hayden and Cody
Hayden saying Zach has been pissing him the f** off sometimes. Cody mentions how the way Zach is acting he’s going to lose Donny’s respect.
Hayden – “He brings us all down”
Cody thinks if he’s ever on the block with Zach he’s not going home Zach will be sent packing. Thats one reason to keep Zach around.
Hayden – “we still need to get Brittnay out and Amber out”

Big Brother Spoilers Cody “How much more of a Snake is (Amber) than Frankie
9:44pm Kitchen Cody and Zach
Cody says Frankie is throwing his name under the bus to people outside of their 5. Cody adds Amber did say to him she didn’t mind going up as a pawn. points out that Frankie put AMber not Cody he’s trying to put the blame on COdy.
Zach can’t stand Amber calls her a Snake.
Cody “How much more of a Snake is she than Frankie.. like in that situation how much more of a snake”
Zach doesn’t think Frankie did it on purpose.
Cody – Oh my God Zach.. c’mon don’t try to play.. he smart he’s not stupid.. he’s so smart he knows exactly what he’s doing”
Cosy – “He’s trying to playing it like he’s Mr Goodguy”

Frankie tells Zach you’re the biggest a$$hole here, go up and make yourself comfortable!
6pm Up in the HOH room – Derrick, Brittany and Cody are hanging out. Frankie joins them. Derrick and Cody tell Brittany that they will be out there with her when she’s kicking her 2400 goals. Brittany says I would die if I had to walk out the door in a Germ-itard outfit! I would have walked out the backdoor. Frankie says he was excited to see Nicole’s Germ-itard outfit but now that she isn’t getting it till later he might just go to sleep. Brittany complains that she stayed up all night and only got 30 minutes sleep this morning. Frankie says oh my god! Frankie asks her if she’s a good kicker? Brittany says no. Frankie complains that his thigh hurts. Brittany says that she knows some one who gives good elbow jobs. Frankie says over the pants accidental elbow jobs.

Big Brother Power Of Veto Results “Dude that changes everything”
Victoria Wins the Power of Veto
Nicole has to wear the Germatard
Caleb won money (5thousand)
Zach won a trip to Germany. When asked if he’ll take his brother he said no way my brother can’t drink.. followed by i’m giving it to my parents)
Brittany has a 24 hour punishment in the backyard where she has to kick 2400 goals
Cody gets kicked in the a$$ every hour

Big Brother Spoilers – Players Picked for the Power of Veto Competition!
10:55am Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the house guests to pick players for the power of veto competition. When the live feeds return – Cody, Caleb and Derrick are in the kitchen talking about how if nothing happens when they come back inside after the Veto this week will definitely be a double eviction because of how Julie stressed something would happen this week. Caleb talks to Cody in the living room about his conversation with Amber last night about her stepping all over him. Cody says that every time you walk in .. I can’t stress it enough that it is not like that. Calbe tells Cody about he told Amber that she is walking around like she had Cody in her back pocket like a baby and its pacifier. Caleb says that was not good to say to her. Cody laughs.

Brittany says Zach is the male version of Victoria. He just sleeps & she plays dress up.
5:50am Brittany and Amber are still awake and in the kitchen talking. Amber says that she asked Zach what his reason for being here was and he couldn’t tell me. Brittany says for me the game doesn’t start until you get rid of the Zach’s and the Victoria’s because that is when you start making the crazy alliances and going against each other. Brittany says that Caleb said that I am up because people don’t understand where I stand? Are you kidding me?! Brittany says for me I don’t know how to go to people. Outside of here I don’t show weakness… Amber says I like to help you as much as I can because I am close to Cody. If you were still here who would you want out. Brittany says don’t say anything to anyone but Zach and Nicole. Also Frankie because he lied to my face.

Zach says sh*t went down! Like serious sh*t went down! Victoria did something that you can’t do!
1:40am Nicole and Amber are in the hive room talking and Christine enters. Amber says we want to keep you safe and each other safe. And we want to get some of these guys out of the house. I don’t know where they stand but I am ready to make a bold move to make it to jury. I just found out that this morning that I was going up as a pawn and I don’t like that. If I was to choose two girls that I trust, I would choose you two. I am close to Cody and I know you are too. I think that Zach should be the first to go. Nicole says but he would blow everyone up. Amber says I did trust Caleb until I heard he’s telling people not to trust me. I don’t need anyone to carry me in this game.

Amber says I did what I could to try and save Brittany and I am done. She needs to save herself!
10:15pm Derrick wakes up and joins Zach on the living room couches. Derrick asks if anything interesting happened the last couple hours? Zach says no. Derrick asks Victoria if she’s feeling better? Victoria says no. She says she just feels bad. She says that she doesn’t want them to think differently about her. She says I know these are their jobs and I don’t want to f**k that up for them. Derrick says you just have to know that the longer you stay in this game people are going to talk sh*t about you. You need to find one or two people that you can trust. Victoria says but everyones talking sh*t about me. Derrick says then you are trusting too many people. In this game you can’t go around trusting people.

Zach says Amber’s sucking Cody’s d**k like no other. She’s obsessed with him! She’s an idiot!
7:55pm Outside the HOH room – Jocasta and Donny are playing chess. Jocasta asks so if I was to win the veto do you think I should use it on Brittany. Donny says she is good with us but I think you would need to talk to Cody about it because if he isn’t okay with it he could put up me as the replacement. Jocasta says oh yeah. Donny says I thought the same thing. The thing is me saving you is was different because you were sick and didn’t get a chance to play. Donny says she has been consistently been nice to me but it would be different if she had always been loyal but she has bounced around a lot.

Victoria says I am campaigning for you to stay. I can’t do this any more! I feel like I’m in hell!
5:55pm – 6:25pm In the Bee Hive room – Amber is still talking to Caleb. He tells her that when someone has my trust they have my full trust. Amber says that she doesn’t know why he doesn’t trust her. She says if you want to come after me then we can do that, just be honest with me and let me know. Caleb says if I win HOH next week I don’t care who goes up. I only trust Derrick. Amber says she does too. Caleb says last time I wrongfully accursed you and this time I decided to come talk to you. Amber says I don’t even understand why this is coming out now because that was days ago when Pow talked to me. Caleb says yeah Frankie said it was back when he was mad. Caleb says I need to stop listening to Frankie.

BOB Results “That was a weird one I’ve never ever seen that one before”
- Cody and Frankie won HOH
- Second place went to Jocasta and Brittany (Brittany wants to make sure everyone knows this I’m just passing it along)
- The detonators are targeting either Jocasta or Brittany a distant 3rd target is Donny
- Frankie nominated Amber and Jocasta
- Cody Nominated Brittany and Victoria
- The winners of the Battle on the Block are not nominated for eviction and have safety from goign up as a renomination. The HOH that nominated the Winning Team is dethroned and is now at risk to being nominated.
- Jocasta has been proven to be Competition poison whereas Brittany and Victoria both have BON wins.