POV Holder: Zach Next POV Aug 9th POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 11th HOH Winner 1: Nicole HOH Winner 2: Christine Battle of the Block Winner Frankie/Ca;eb Next HOH Aug 15th Original Nominations: Nicole’s Noms (Caleb & Frankie) Christine’s Noms (Zach & Donny) Final Nominations: ? Have Nots Donny and Zach POV Players Christine, Zach, […]
Tag: Caleb Reynolds
Caleb Reynolds AKA beast mode cowboy was house guest on Big Brother 16

Big Brother Spoilers Have nots move in “This must be Cody’s it smells like a girl”
strong>4:53pm Have nots Nicole, Zach and Donny
Donny and Zach move into the have nots room.
Donny – this must be cody’s it smells like a girl
Zach is happy that at least they get Peanut butter this week
Donny agrees warns that peanut butter constipates if they are not careful. say they can put the peanut butter in with the slop. Donny propses they make peanut butter oatmeal cookies..
Zach thinks he’s been gaining a lot of weight so maybe being a have nots is going to help him lose it.
THey are guessing the POV will have some punishments because theres only 2 have nots.
Zach mentions how the BOB was the one competition where working in a pair makes it hard than by yourself. Caleb sitting out actually helped Frankie win it.
Nicole – it’s like it’s staged

Big Brother 16 Spoilers Week 7 Have nots “Peanut butter and jelly fish”
Peanut butter and jelly fish
Christine says Donny and Zach are the HAve nots.. I’m sorry.. that’s what I’m doing.. there you go.. Her reasoning is they are the two people that have done it the least..

Power Of Veto Players PICKED! Donny asks you’re nervous?! You’re not even on the block!
1:55pm In the fire room – Derrick is talking to Caleb and Cody about his conversation with Frankie. They are getting their stories straight about what to tell Frankie about wanting him out/Zach throwing the BOB. Derrick says word for word we were down in the bathroom and Zach came down and said that Frankie asks to go, I’ll throw the competition to get him out. Derrick says you’re in the clear (Caleb) and you’re in the clear (Cody). Derrick says I told him why would I tell him (Frankie) that they were coming after him why I was told he was coming after me.

Cody says some husbands have told me to get the f**K away from their wife.
12:10pm In the kitchen – Cody, Christine, Frankie and Donny are in eating and chatting about random things. Cody is talking about getting paid to go to parties to dance. Cody says that when people call the house some people ask for the really attractive white kid. There’s me and my brother and some times they ask for us to come together so we can ask for raises. And we found out that we are the most requested. Frankie says it depends on if its the husbands call or the wives. Cody says exactly. Christine says Cody’s tearing families a part just for his dancing.

Frankie says Caleb is now campaigning for me. Christine says he is so stupid, in a good way.
9:30am – 10:15am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Donny is awake pacing around the kitchen eating. He then sits in the living room and then heads back to bed. Up in the HOH room – Christine and Frankie are talking. Frankie says I’m going back to bed until they call me. Frankie asks are you getting Victoria to host? Like I mean I think you should. Or Nicole. Christine asks if neither of them have hosted? Frankie says neither of them. Frankie goes to sleep and Christine is the only House Guest awake and getting ready for the day.

Frankie “I knew everyone would forget what I’ve done. Look at the sparkles, not the knife!”
1:50am Caleb and Zach are in the earth room talking. Zach says I am going to try for that veto but if I don’t win it I’m not going around apologizing to Christine or Frankie. It would be a good game move but its not me. Caleb says you’re a grown man. Zach says and I won a trip to Germany. Caleb says Donny’s won 4 or 5 veto’s and he’s looked at as a bigger threat. He’s looked at a huge competitor. He’s not a number for anyone. Zach says if I survive this week. Caleb says if Donny wins veto again .. Dang! Zach says today f**king sucked. I feel like such a jamoke! I trusted Frankie with so much information. Caleb says its the game you never know what you’re going to do. Zach says its just a game. Zach says isn’t it crazy he knows Justin Beiber.

Zach – “everyone is on his d1ck. S*cking.. I don’t care if your sister is Hillary Clinton”
10:51pm FIREROOM Derrick, Cody and Zach
Derrick is getting annoyed by Frankie’s news “People are getting starstruck out there”
Zach – A hour ago everybody hates him now they’re s***ng his d1ck
Derrick – doesn’t change a fact he literally was playing all of us
Victoria comes in “I’m confused now”
Victoria – I’m a HUGE fan of her
(Derrick and Zach are the most worried about frankie”
Victoria – whats a matter zach
Zach – Frankie f**d me talking sh1t about me all this time making fun of me..
Derrick – where did you hear this

Big Brother Spoilers Week 7 Battle of the Block Results
POV Holder: ? Next POV Aug 9th POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 11th HOH Winner 1: Nicole HOH Winner 2: Christine Battle of the Block Winner Frankie/Ca;eb Next HOH Aug 15th Original Nominations: Nicole’s Noms (Caleb & Frankie) Christine’s Noms (Zach & Donny) Final Nominations: ? Have Nots ? POV Players ? Jocasta is evicted […]

Caleb “I’m serious I’m going to sit on the ground and say .. I’m ending your game today..”
4:50pm HOH Nicole, Derrick and Cody
Talking about Frankie wanting to tell them a story about why he’s in Big Brother. Derrick mentions people can make things up just as easily, He cites Matt Hoffman saying his wife had a “Leg Disease” but it being a complete lie
Caleb – I’m serious I’m going to sit on the ground .. I’m going to say .. I’m ending your game today..”

Nomination Ceremony Results! “Be grateful you have 2 chances to take yourself off.”
Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the Nomination Ceremony to take place. When the live feeds return – Nicole has nominated Caleb and Frankie for eviction. As the other Head of household Christine has nominated Zach and Donny for eviction.
Derrick, Donny and Frankie are having a team america talk. Donny says that we should wait until after the veto is played to see if we can get someone to volunteer to go up. (Derrick already got Caleb to volunteer to go up.

Christine tells Nicole – I don’t trust Frankie! He’s dirty! I just want to tell him to f**k off!
8:40am – 9am In the kitchen – Caleb tells Donny that it is either going to be Frankie or Christine. Donny says as long as its not me. I am working with you. Caleb says I am just going to sit down and tell him he can win it by himself. Donny says I just hope I don’t go up. Caleb says you wont but it doesn’t matter who we’re against I will be throwing it. Caleb says he hasn’t been able to sleep because he can’t stop think about how he’s going to throw it so that its the most entertaining to the viewers.