11:44am The live feeds return and Donny and Nicole are out in the backyard. Nicole says that she’s embarrassed. Donny says don’t be embarrassed, you’re funny. Nicole says I forgot what I was going to say. Donny says I was tickled. I was laughing and I’m on the block. Nicole asks what are we going to do this week Donny. I feel like I’ve been up there the last few weeks. Donny says I feel like I’ve been sitting up there all season. Nicole says you’ve definitely had it rougher than me. I think I’ve had it next roughest. Donny says you have. Christine joins them.
Tag: Caleb Reynolds
Caleb Reynolds AKA beast mode cowboy was house guest on Big Brother 16

Big Brother Spoilers – Donny tells Nicole we might be getting out before it gets too dirty.
9:15am – 10:30am Big Brother blocks the live feeds to wake up the house guests. Donny and Victoria are the only house guests awake. Donny asks Victoria if she feels better today and she says yes, a lot better. Donny says I hope the swelling goes down on both sides. Victoria says MmmHmm. Victoria goes to the diary room and when she comes out she walks through the kitchen and messes up the jenga blocks that spelled out “My Everything” that Frankie had written last night. Victoria continues to do her makeup in the bathroom and Donny works out on the elliptical. Nicole wakes up and starts getting ready in the bathroom. She tells Victoria that she slept really rough and will need to take a nap later.

Victoria says Donny needs to go to social skills! Or whatever you call it. Frankie asks social services?
12:20am At the kitchen table Victoria and Nicole are playing Jenga. Meanwhile – Caleb and Derrick continue their chess game on the picnic table. Caleb asks Derrick if he’s into guns. Derrick says no, I never really got into them. Caleb says if I win the HOH before the final 4 I will put up Cody and her (Christine). Derrick says I kind of want Christine gone before Victoria because she has the potential to win a comp. Victoria’s just a fart in the wind. You know what I’m saying. There’s no chance. If Christine’s here she can win and send one of us packing. Derrick says but right now with this buy back (Nicole returning) is f**king killing us. Derrick and Caleb concentrate on their game and play in silence.

Big Brother 16 BB Broadway “Scissor Sisters, Jamokes and trying to get in all their pants
9:13pm Donny doing Devin
Donny (Devin) I’m toting everyone on my back till the end
Donny (Devin) says he’s having a showmance with Joey and Brittany “I’ve even invited POW up a time or two”
Donny (Devin) – keep on being a competition monster and tote all these jamoks to the end and try to get at least 6 votes.

Fans attempt to Stir the pot MEGAPHONE “Frankie cannot be trusted he’s the saboteur”
7:02pm HOH Frankie, Cody, Caleb and Christine.
Caleb is air drumming like a maniac..
Christine says her church has ear plugs because they play the music so loud..
Chit chat..
Frankie leaves and Christine/Cody talk about what they heard. Clawb says he thinks it was a donny fan trying to get them to flip the script.. (Feeds cut in and out)
Cody says they need to have people on the outside locking the house down.
Christine wonders if it happened last year
Cody – I think it happens every year and henar the end more..

Derrick sums up BB Broadway “it’s not the best thing in the world but it’s a safe bet.. “
5:13pm Frankie and Derrick
(Apparently the Diary room told Derrick the Play idea sucks)
Frankie says Caleb looks concerned.. he won’t play Brittany now..
Derrick – Did you get the same impression that I got with the play not being that good..
Feeds cut..
Derrick – It’s the impression I got.. I told them it’s not the best thing in the world but it’s a safe bet..
Frankie – they want Donny to stay
Derrick – ya..

Frankie says there’s been a casting change, you’re now Jocasta. Victoria “No F**K that! EWw.. NO! She’s boring!
>12:30pm – 12:50pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds. When the live feeds return – Big Brother has woken up the house guests for the second time. Nicole and Christine are getting ready in the bathroom. Nicole comments on how her face it breaking out. I have huge boils on my neck. Its something in this house because I was clear in the jury house until I came back in here. Christine says her too. Have you seen my forehead I have a star constellation. Even Donny is getting pimples and he’s never had them before. Victoria joins them. Nicole heads out side. Victoria says they literally hate us on Sundays. Christine says I know they did that last Sunday too.

Caleb “I’m too powerful and I don’t want to do it too much.” Victoria asks did you ever break a girls cherry?
1:50am Caleb and Derrick are playing a game of pool. Over on the backyard couch Victoria, Christine and Cody. Cody says I just want to lay in bed and listen to Papa Roach and get amped up and start head butting walls and sh*t. Christine tells Cody I am pretty sure she (Victoria) would try and marry Derrick if he was single. Cody says oh 100%. Christine says that’s impressive. Christine says I think you and I are in good boats. Cody agrees. I don’t know where Frankie and I are but I think we’re crazy tight! I don’t know what Caleb would do. Christine says the HOH I want the most is the final 5. Cody says if you sent me home, I would pout the rest of time in jury.

Big Brother Spoilers – “This is going to be the longest 4 days of our lives”
9:04pm Living Room Victoria, Caleb, Christine and Derrick
Victoria says she started dating a man whose 40’s he’s beautiful, gorgeous and gentlemen
Caleb says his balls looks like two dried up tatter sacks. .
Victoria says she asked her dad if she should go on a date with him because he was so much older than her
Christine he’s twice your age. .
Derrick says if his daughter was seeing a man so much older he would have a problem with that.
Victoria says he makes very good money has the perfect personality and is stunning.
Caleb – he wants a young girl for one reason
Derrick – that guy has ulterior motives

Big Brother Spoilers – “we’re honestly too beastly to be beat by anybody”
8:19pm Derrick and Caleb FIREROOM
Derrick says worst case scenario is Nicole win HOH during the next double eviction but Derrick heard Frankie saying Nicole will put up Frankie and Christine and they will send Christine home.
Derrick – F*** calzone he’s building himself up.. building himself up quick.. he’s a beastmode and a lady guy what the F**.. he’s a double threat the ladies love him..

Big Brother 16 Spoilers Week 9 POV Results
POV Holder: Cody Next POV Aug 23rd POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 25th HOH Winner 1: Cody Next HOH Aug 28th Nominations: Donny & Nicole Have Nots Donny & Nicole POV Players Donny, Nicole, Cody, Frankie, Derrick, Christine CODY Wins POV He also get to watch the new Scorpion movie with Donny and […]

Big Brother 16 Spoilers Veto Time! Caleb – “it’s 1 vs 5 simple as that”
3:51pm HOH Caleb, Derrick and COdy
Caleb – you ready to play..
Derrick – ya
Caleb – I hope so
Cody – the only thing I’m upset about is it’s Christine and not you
Caleb say it could have been worse it could be Victoria.
Caleb adds if it’s puzzles Christine might be stronger than Caleb.
Derrick doesn’t think Christine is very good at competitions.
Derrick leaves.
Caleb mentions how happy Donny was when Caleb wasn’t picked for Veto .
Cody – He wasn’t happy when Frankie was picked.
Caleb – It’s 1 vs 6.. it’s 1 vs 5 simple as that”