9am In the bedroom – Sarah and Godfrey are talking about the triple eviction when Bruno used the veto on Zach. Godfrey says that he doesn’t know what type of plan they (Ash, Zach, Pili, Bruno) have but Britt just has to convince them not to put her up. Sarah says if they put B up you’re going home. There is nothing we can do. Godfrey says yeah I am screwed. They agree that Godfrey can’t push for anyone to go up. Bruno joins them for a bit talking about how much he used to spend on cigarettes and then leaves.
Tag: Bruno Ielo

Ashleigh to Pili – if you have half of that and I have half of that we’ll feel it.
2:38am Ashleigh and pili decide to skip dinner tomorrow night so they can get tipsy with the remainder of her bottle.
Ashleigh – if you have half of that I have half of that we’ll feel it.
Pili – Lets not eat anything so we can feel it
Ash – Tomorrow lets not have dinner.. I will be super BUZZZZzzzed .. I’m bot drinking anything after this I feel real good right now.

POV Results – “how things change so quick.. wow all it took was a triple eviction”
12:54am Bruno and Zach HOH
Talking about if either of them win HOH they are safe..
Bruno – Of all the paris we’re doing well… we’re doing the best.. I love that
Zach mentions that Sarah is telling him Bruno is coming after him.
Bruno says Sarah is “So f***g poisonous”

Britt “Why didn’t you use the veto on Kevin? Bruno “The only thing I would ever say to him was Hey Bud!”
4:20pm – 4:30pm In the living room – Britt tells Sarah she told Pili that she would eat slop for the remainder of the time (just to see a family member). She says just from looking at her face she would be able to tell if she is doing good or not.
Sarah starts crying and says that she can’t even picture his (Boyfriend Scott’s face). Britt says it hasn’t been that long. Just a few more weeks. We’ve done this long we can do anther 20 days. Sarah says I don’t know if I can do it.. I can’t pull myself out of it. I would do anything just see his face.

Power Of Veto Players Picked! “How am I supposed to compete against these people?!”
1:50pm When the live feeds return – Zach and Bruno are sitting in the living room chatting about the eviction speeches from Kevin, Willow and Pili during the Triple Eviction. Godfrey joins them. Bruno asks so there’s 3 weeks left. Zach says explains how the it will get down to the final 3 and then that’s when the 3 part HOH starts. Godfrey brings up how Arisa was very specific during the triple eviction.. “REMEMBER YOU’RE VOTING FOR WHO IS SAFE!” He says she said it a few times.

Nomination Ceremony Results! Brittnee “I want to win it! I want to save all of us”
12pm In the bedroom – Godfrey, Brittnee and Sarah are talking. Godfrey says if I win they will probably put you (Britt) up and if you win they will probably put me up. Sarah says hopefully its something we can do together like gathering letters. I would give you everything. Godfrey says I would too. Britt asks really. Godfrey says that speech told me everything. Usually if you are told you’re a pawn you’re the target. Brittnee says I was a pawn four times. Godfrey says when I was told I was a pawn I was actually the target. Godfrey calls Bruno an idiot.

“Garb and the Goblins Man.. The Garblins.. I’m in it with you two to win it… Yo” – Godfrey
11:07pm HOH Godfrey, Pili and Ash
Ashleigh tells him he’s going up as the pawn Sarah it the target if Pov is played brittnee goes home.
Godfrey – Brittnee is the best pawn in the business yo
Ashleigh says she can’t put Brittnee up because last night she didn’t put her up. Godfrey says he was campaigning hard to get Willow nominated.

Ashleigh – “I just want the noms to be the same..they have to”
8:00pm Zach, Bruno and Ashleigh
Before Ashleigh join them Zach is explaining to BRuno next week if Peepee wins HOH him and Ash control who goes home. “Even if she does throw you up me and ASh vote”
They agree the HOH they just had was very hard.

Big Brother Canada 3 – Head Of Household WINNER! Who wants a shot?!
1pm – 7:10pm Big Brother blocks the feeds for the Head Of Household competition. Shortly before the HOH competition began each of the house guests got a 30 second diary room session with Big Brother Canada 1 house guest Emmett Blois. They didn’t get talk talk game with him. He just asked them a couple questions and some of them asked him questions. He is also likely that he was the host of this HOH competition and will be appearing on the tonight’s episode of the Big Brother Canada side show.

The House Guests Met EMMETT in the DR! Bruno “I told him his girlfriend is a smoke show!”
11:15am – 11:50am Big Brother blocks the feeds. When the live feeds return all the house guests are in the living room talking about reality tv shows like Bachelor pad. Sarah says that she watched 1 episode from the Canadian version of the Bachelor. None of the others watched the Canadian version. The conversation turns to talking about how recognizable past house guests are if you see them in real life. Zach says he saw Talla and thought she looked familiar but wasn’t sure who she was so he googled her and said yup that’s Talla. Sarah says the HOH comp will definitely be today.

Big Brother Canada 3 – Sarah “I’m so disgusted by these people, they’re sucking his d**k!”
8:30am – 9:05am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Sarah asks and he gave Zach the veto? Britt says I think it was more of a I going to save you in the hopes of you’re going to work with me. Britt says you’re just going to have to win today. Sarah agrees. Sarah says and he got so personal about the girls thing. Britt says I just don’t care. Sarah says but after he uses the veto he is still lying. Bruno comes down and hugs Sarah. “Morning Sarah, you feel better?”

“I’m so heart broken she’s gone.. but glad it worked out the way it did.. you’re still here” -Sarah to Pili
1:40am Pilar and Sarah Bedroom
Sarah tells her how special of a guy Kevin was Pilar starts to cry.
Pili cries says she was with Kevin 24/7
Sarah – I feel really upset about Willow too
Pili – Why didn’t you vote for her
Sarah – I wanted to work with you guys .. I didn’t think i had the votes.