I’m just catching up with what is being planned for this season of Big Brother Canada. Right off the bat I’m very happy it’s all Canadian’s this time.. Wish it was all newbs but some of these vets were favorites so it might be alright. It’s BBCAN after all so I’m expecting non stop twists and production interference. Just roll the dice now to see who wins and we’ll sit back for the next 2 months and watch the fights. 🙂
Tag: Bruno Ielo

This week Canada got to vote for the 2 Have nots. These Have nots also would be given a chance to play for a secret power. The power is considerable, allowing the holder to remove 1 or 2 nominations and appoint their own. It was mandatory the holder removes at least 1 of the nominations. […]

God “The devil I know & the devil I don’t” Britt “Some times its better to dance with the devil you know”
9:30am – 10:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Sarah says that he’s (Zach) only going to have so many chances. There’s a chance that Pili could pull one out and maybe she’ll change her mind and do what’s smart. And this week I am going to win. Brittnee says everyone wants to take Zach to the end but how many people want to take Bruno? Sarah says Godfrey. Brittnee says I can’t stop thinking. Sarah says its a toss up either way… with those guys. Britt says I know, they both have a lot of pull. Sarah asks will Godfrey really put up Burno?

Sarah – “I will try to poison the jury against him (Bru) as much as I can even if it’s Pili” (final 2)
11:50pm Ktichen everyone but Sarah and Britt
Talking about Sarah having lost her marbles. Zach says her marbles are all over the floor. They all start comparing notes about Sarah some light bashing. They have a good laugh at Sarah telling everyone that Bruno and Zach are related, father/son.
Bruno – I’m 9 years older than you bud.. what am I 55 give me some credit
Brittnee comes by Bruno gives her a hug. Brittnee says she doesn’t hold any grudges.

“Right now Bro I honestly think Ash yo .. I know it’s a crazy thought bro.. she’s the glue” -GOD
10:08pm Black and Bru kitchen
Talking about how dangerous Sarah is. They agree once Zach goes home she’ll be coming after them. Bruno -I’m telling you now if I win HOH i’m putting her up I have to..
Bruno adds that Sarah is telling pili and Ash she’s putting him up next week.
bruno – I’m telling you I wasn’t going for her… When B leaves she’s going to run to pili and Asheligh and attach to them.
Bruno is starting to think they should take Sarah out before Zach just because of all the lies she’s spreading. Godfrey thinks they should just

“Zach first then Bruno.. Zach is the glue between Ashleigh and Bruno” -Brittnee
7:33pm HOH Godfrey and Brittnee
Brittnee is pointing out how close Bruno and Zach have gotten. feeds block for a bit when they come back.
Brittnee calls Bobby a sheep.
Godfrey brings up that Bruno was denying the chop shop the longest , “He holds a lot of secrets”

House Guest Task SEVEN SANDWICH SPECTACULAR – “What’s the most disgusting thing I can find?”
“SEVEN SANDWICH SPECTACULAR! The rules: The object of today’s task is simple! Make the most lip smacking, mouth watering sandwich the big brother Canada house has ever seen. Since there are only 7 of you remaining you must only use 7 ingredients to make your sandwich. You’ll be split up into 3 teams for this task. Team 1 – Godfrey and Bruno! Team 2 Zach and Pilar! Team havenot – Sarah and Brittnee! As HOH I will judge the sandwich based on 3 criteria – Taste! Presentation! and Originality!

Big Brother Canada 3 – Godfrey “Okay I think Ashleigh got kidnapped. She’s gone yo!”
2:15pm HOH room – All the house guests are sitting around the head of household room chatting. They talk about the possibility of Neda coming to host the next POV. Pili asks why? Why wouldn’t we host it? Ash says because you hosted it last time and next time we’re all playing in it. Brittnee gets called to the diary room and there’s a diary room leak of her excitedly saying “Oh my god, what is this?!” Then the audio is cut off. (I think it might be the #askBBCAN questions they’ll be answering in the diary room.) Godfrey asks do you guys want to play hide and seek?

Sarah “I can’t blame women for fighting for a little meat on a bone”
9:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. In the havenot room – Sarah says when I talk to them today I am going to be non-urgent. Brittnee says that’s ..when we talk to them there shouldn’t be too much pressure. We should just be this is what’s up. You can believe me or you don’t believe me. What does your gut tell you? Brittnee asks why do women always do that? As like females? Sarah says that’s an untrue statement. Some women do but I’ve always been supported by women. Women’s resource centre. I know a lot of nurses in the same situation. Sindy and her pageant stuff. They’re really really supportive of each other. Britt says in the plus size modelling community we are supportive as well but its a well known thing that women get caddy.

“I can’t tell how much power he has in here.. is it Bruno running the show or is it Zach ” -Brit
10:42pm Sarah and Brittnee
They agree none of their campaigning worked. Sarah brings up her conversation with Ashleigh where she said it was too early to send out Bruno. Sarah says they are working with Bruno. Sarah adds that Ashleigh “Basically” told her she would vote out Zach.
Sarah says the difference between them and the couples is they were workable with people the couples knew they had 4 + Willow and didn’t want to work with anyone else.

“My mission since day one is to go after Zach/Ashleigh and the showmances” -Godfrey
7:48pm Bruno and Godfrey
Bruno – Sarah is going after Zach and Ashleigh.. we’re going after Zach and Ashleigh.. ASheligh doesn’t get to play
Godfrey- one of us three have got to win.. I’m going super hard yo
They agree they have to win the Veto because the other side controls the votes.
Bruno – this is our shot.. this is why I was setting us up with him..
Bruno explains if he never used the Veto on Zach Godfrey would be going home over Brittnee this week.
Godfrey knows

Big Brother Canada 3 – The Fist Bumping “Generals” Bud! “Lets f**King do it man!”
2:15pm Bruno and Zach are in the hot tub still talking. Brtuno says I am telling you day 1 .. night 1 when I walked in the door I knew this is a guy I want to work together with. Zach says when I was asked bromance vs showmance which one would I pick.. It was always Bros! That’s how I am back home too. Me and my bros don’t let guys get swoupped by chicks. Bruno says I feel good about this. Zach asks how do you feel about “The Generals”? Bruno says I love it! That’s sick! Zach says because we always says the generals.