9:40am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Zach tells Jordan that his dream last night was about JP stealing his wife. Jordan says well thats what I like to do swoop in and steal your girl. Some times dreams predict the future. Johnny asks Zach if he woke up fearing that same problem as yesterday? Zach says no. Up in the HOH room – Britt tells Sarah and Ash about how Risha c*ck blocked her from a “really hot french guy.”
Tag: Bruno Ielo

Jordan and Zach agree “Best case scenario He (Bobby) wins (HOH)”
10:33pm Zach and Jordan bathroom
comparing notes.. laughing at Bobby and Brittnee.
Jordan – they are all so mad at Bobby,.. he’s a f***ing idiot..
Jordan explains in the hot tub Bobby told them all he’s done with winning HOH’s
Jordan – best case scenario he wins.. I’m going to tell him don’t tell G though but you have my vote.
Jordan – We are soo good.. we cannot win

Johnny “I don’t think we’re the type of group that would blatantly lie to each others faces”
Kevin – do you think G’s intensity is going to turn up
Johnny – he’s going to get his extra kicks.
Kevin doesn’t want to think about what happens if their side doesn’t win HOH. They start talking about Season 2 where there was no power of Veto.
They start bringing up Jordan having such a strong knowledge of past seasons.
Johnny says Zach is really close to Ashleigh, points out that there so many players on the outskirts. “He have to get an idea where her head is at”
Johnny finds it hard to believe Pilar doesn’t talk game to anyone it’s week 3
Kevin says they had the “Who do we trust” conversations “basically she said everyone but the BOYS” (Godfrey, Bobby, Bruno and Graig)

Risha and Graig Stories “Watch out for Willow I think She’s a lesbian”
7:12pm Bedroom bunch
Lots of Graig bashing/impersonating. Conversation move to Risha.
Willow tells them a time when Pilar left a pile of toe nails and Risha started on a tirade about how gross it was.
Willow mentions Risha said “I could puke all over you ”
Jordan – She’s a very lonely person and not use to people being around
Willow – she jumped on me as soon as she thought I was a lesbian “She was like so you’re into girls.. she cornered me in the bathroom”

Big Brother Canada 3 – Zach “We can pretty much do this to the other side of the house..”
4:30pm In the bedroom – Zach and Godfrey are talking about how if they keep Bobby they will gain respect from the 5 girls. Zach says if we keep Graig then we make 5 enemies. Zach says this way if one of the girls wins HOH we’ll be in good with them.
Zach heads to the bathroom and hugs Ashleigh. She tells him she’s watching Bruno shower. They head out of the bathroom and talk in the chairs. Zach says he’s worried about winning things.

Big Brother Canada 3 – Easter Monday Challenge “Who thought laundry would be this hard!”
1pm – 2:pm Big Brother blocks the feeds. When the live feeds return – Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the house guests to compete in a special Easter Monday competition. They’re all running around the house collecting their coloured shirts which are scattered around the entire house. Once they find them they have to run out to the backyard and hang them on the hangers. Jordan says who thought laundry would be this hard?!

Zach asks if the live feeds can see in the havenot room? Jordan asks did she give you s*xu@l favors?
9am Big Brother blocks the live feeds to wake up the house guests. Up in the HOH room Johnny is talking to Brittnee and giving her new batteries. Johnny says that he tossed and turned all night. Britt says that up in the HOH room she had the best nights sleep she’s ever had. Johnny says that’s what Sarah said too. Johnny heads downstairs and says he could literally cry because there’s no coffee. Sarah and Johnny comment on how the backyard is locked. Sarah complains that its been almost 20 days since the sheets have been washed. Sarah says I don’t even go that long at home and I’m a disgusting person.

Graig “We want a good cast bro.. If I’m out of here It’s going be doot de doot de doo”
POV Holder: Johnny Next POV ? POV Used Yes POV Ceremony April 12 HOH Winner Brittnee Next HOH April 8th Nominations: Kevin Bobby and Graig Have Nots Ashleigh, Bobby, Zach, and Kevin POV Players ? If you are outside Canada and want to watch the FREE Big Brother Canada Live feeds sign up for a […]

Graig – “For the show bro.. I bet Production is like F**k I hope he stays”
11:30pm Bathroom Kevin and Graig Graig says his targets are Johnny, Sarah and Britt. “I just want to stay so bad.. For the show bro, If I stay .. I bet Production is like F**k I hope he stays”
Kevin – 100% Big personality
Graig – For the Show bro.. I’ll go after them.. I’ll go after them hard.
kevin – bobby is much more like..
Graig – YAAA .. for the F***g show.. you know what I mean..
kevin says he’s going to talk to Zach.
Graig – He’s a big figure.. I haven’t been able to Bro up with him yet”

Nominations, POV, Have Not Results “Oh my god they gave us salami”
8:15pm Storage room Johnny and Brittnee joking around
Jonny – Oh my god they gave us salami
Johnny – let’s put the meat in our Mouth B.. I want some meat
Brittnee – I want that meat all up
jonny – Stop that meat in my mouth.. YEAH GIRL
Brittnee takes a giant bite of deli meat.

Big Brother Canada 3 Instant Eviction RESULTS
The live Feeds have been blocked since Thursday afternoon. Last images on the feeds showed Arisa on the main screen telling the houseguests there will be an instant eviction that night. Since then we have no idea what has happened. After Wednesday’s show the plan of house “powers” (newport and the guys) was to get rid of Naeha but a late night scramble by

Arisa Cox “I’ve got some news for you! TONIGHT IS AN INSTANT EVICTION!”
2:45pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds. All the house guests are sleeping in the bedroom during a lockdown. All of a sudden host Arisa announces “House guests please make your way to the living room!” “No bathroom breaks please.” All the house guests jump up and head down stairs. Sarah and Bobby stop for bathroom breaks. They gather in the living room with their eyes glued to the TV screens.