10:40am – 11:10am In the bathroom – Ashleigh tells Pilar that she will talk to her and tell her about Zach and her when she gets out. Pilar asks why what happened? Ashleigh says beacause. Pilar keeps pushing. Ashleigh motions behind a pillow what her and Zach did. Pilar gasps and jumps up. Ash tells her she can’t tell anyone!!! Pilar asks in the havenot room? Ash says yes. Pilar asks and last night? Ash says both. Pilar screams and hugs Ash. Ash says a good make out sess is fun! Pilar says obviously I like him (Kevin) but I need to keep telling myself it could end any time.
Tag: Bruno Ielo

“I woke up with morning wood! It’s a good sign! Still works, little f**ker!” – Bobby
8:30am Bobby heads into the HOH room with the new batteries. He tells Bruno that he had the best sleep he’s ever had in the house. “I had the bed to myself. I sprawled. I woke up with morning wood! It’s a good sign! Still works, little f**ker!” Bobby tells Bruno he will see him down there and heads out of the HOH room. Bruno finishes his shower and heads to the common bedroom. Bruno talks about how there are a lot of movies he wanted to see on the Shomi tablet. Willow asks him if he took a shower with the curtain pulled all the way over.

Bromuda “We’re playing both sides really hard.. We control every situation in this house”
Kevin – If God and Bobby win the POV .. Perfect
Zach – They’ll keep it the same
Zach – the second you feel comfortable though..
Kevin – it’s a day by day process
Zach – We control every situation in this house
Zach – operation double date
Kevin – Operation multitask
Kevin – we’re playing both sides really hard
Zach – its OK though
Kevin – we have to be cautious
Zach – I never wanted to be in this many alliance

Sarah – “I’m f***d.. I have a feeling the Hexagon is going to become a Pentagon”
11:53pm Bedroom Sarah and Brittnee
Brittnee saying she only trusts Sarah. Sarah feels the same way.
Brittnee – if you go up there I will do everything in my power to get you off..
Sarah wants Brittnee to sit with Brino and see how he’s acting..
Zach comes in. . starts coaching her on what to tell Bruno. Tells her to make Bruno know Sarah is only with Britnee.
Zach says he talked to Bruno and he told him he hadn’t figured out who his target is yet. Zach is worried because Bruno is a smart player he might go after a big target like him.

Jordan to Zach – If Johnny goes PERFECT
10:29pm Kitchen Jordan and Zach
Jordan – If Johnny goes Perfect
Zach says next week they have to take a shot at the chop shop.
They agree all the manipulative people are out of the house now all thats left are loyal people.
Jordan doesn’t think Bruno is loyal to them he thinks Bruno is only loyal to Godfrey and Bobby
Zach thinks he’s loyal to them.
Jordan mentions how everyone loves Bruno he’s too big of a threat

Big Brother Canada 3 Eviction / HOH Results Bobby Vs Graig
Wednesday Eviction and HOH results.
Seeing as the feeds were blocked for most of the week there isn’t a whole lot we can say.
Last week on Wednesday Sindy was evicted from the Big Brother House. Kevin won the HOH and was told (in secret) to nominate two house guests for eviction. Kevin nominated Brittnee and Naeha.

Graig says “I thought about blowing everyone’s game up but I’m not going to”
9:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Big Brother blocks the feeds and when they come back Pilar asks what Big Brother said. Bobby tells her they said be prepared to be called into the diary room. He tells her for everyone to do their goodbye speeches. “I know you’re going home..” Bobby heads to the bedroom to pack his things. Willow and Zach hangout beside the bathroom. Willow says this is my last day I’m sure I’ll be a havenot tomorrow. She says there’s 5 of us that haven’t been a havenot. She asks him do you want to win HOH?

Bruno – I’m so surprised he curled up in a ball.. the last two days he just laid in bed”
12:00am Willow, Bruno and Bobby
Bruno brings up talking to Graig where he told him if there is a chance to come back Graig has to fight for it. Graig told bruno he’s done with this game. “Don’t give up fight your way back”
Bobby – we definitely need a CS meeting tomorrow”
They agree Kevin and Pilar are the wildcards.
Bobby – I know they are working with Johnny
Bruno – no doubt

Graig to Godfrey – “I’ll help you out before I leave.. I’m looking out for you bro”
9:10pm Graig and Godfrey (Sounds like Graig knows he’s going home)
Graig- I’ll help you out before I leave.. I’m looking out for you bro.. it’ll be a nice exit.
Graig tells him he’s got something planned for tomorrow and for Godfrey to listen closely .. “it’ll be professional.. enough of this high school summer school”
Graig – “This is ridiculous this isn’t even big brother.. enough of this bro”

Godfrey – “You just want to spread your genes yo.. it’s what we live for what we die for”
8:15pm BAckyard Godfrey and Kevin
Talking about monogamy
naturally as animals we’re not monogamous says the only animal that is other than humans are penguins. Godfrey explains when a human is born it has such a higher mortality rate than say a deer. Women will seek out men that are monogamous so they help to take care of the baby. Adds that a human baby is really fragile compared to other animal babies.
Kevin – you know a sh!t ton about animal
Godfrey – I just read an animal book
kevin – you care a lot about animals.
Godfrey – Us humans are animals as well.. that’s why you see men are not monogamous

Copyright issues force the Purple Cobra’s to become the Hexagon Alliance
4:20pm – 4:40pm The live feeds return from being blocked for 20 minutes. Sarah is in the living room telling Jordan about how she reads tarot cards. He asks her if she’s ever had tarot cards read for her. She says only a few times because its expensive. She says the lady that read her cards in New Orleans was super accurate. She heads up to the HOH room and talks with Willow and Britt. Sarah talks about the dream she had about Kevin. She says she doesn’t find him attractive at all. Willow talks about how when she gets out she wants to go for a walk and have a talk with Risha because of how Risha called her a lesbian.

Zach tells Jordan that this next week is called “Operation Multi-task”
12pm Out by the pool – Zach talks with Willow. He tells her that he’s felt she’s pulled away from him. Up in the HOH room – Brittnee tells Kevin when they vote they should do the cobra. Kevin says absolutely. Britt leaves. Kevin talks to himself and says this is what I do when I vote! The fortress! That’s cute, that’s fun! That’s elementary stuff. BUT THE REAL DEAL IS THE FORTRESS! Fortress baby! No one messes with the fortress!