3pm In the bathroom – Ashleigh and Pilar talk to Johnny about what people are telling him. He says they’re telling me they want me to stay. Johnny says I want to stay so bad and if I did I would be public enemy number one! Ashleigh and Pilar say good point. Johnny says I am not going to give up. I want to stay so bad! And Obviously any of the people that vote for me to stay are not my target and they have my word I will not go after them. Ash says and you’re so good in comps too.
Tag: Bruno Ielo

Zach – “This is perfect! This is what fuels the backstabs! Now is the time to cut him!”
12:40pm Out in the backyard – Jordan and Zach are having a Newport meeting. Zach says if he comes at me, I can say this guy (Bobby) is coming for me. He talked to Ashleigh about coming for me within a week or two. I was on his radar because I was so close to her. Jordan says if Bobby said that to Ashleigh then he probably said the same thing to Bruno. Zach says Bobby said I would take Willow. He was selling it. This is perfect. This is what fuels the backstabs! Obviously he’s playing way down the line. Now is the time to cut him. Jordan says yeah beat him to it! Zach says I want to win HOH so badly! Jordan says his game play is .. like in the comp yesterday he was obviously faking it.

Jordan says I’m working Johnny pretty hard. He thinks there’s hope..
10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Pilar talks about the scrap on her back and Sarah comes over to look at it. Sarah tells her its healing. Pilar says she can touch it now without it hurting. They all wake up and start moving about the house. They wish Bruno a happy birthday. In the kitchen the house guests talk about cutting their hair today.
In the pantry – Sarah is cleaning her wound. Godfrey joins her and she takes a look at his scrape. She says its pretty deep. Jordan comes in and OH Godfrey you got a wicked one bud!

Bruno’s B-day party, A bruised bum and the Young Guns alliance “But that would be cheesy”
10:20pm Bedroom Ashleigh, Willow and Zach
Willow – You talked to Bobby today.. he’s just so anxious
Zach – about what
Willow – everything ..
12:12am Jordan and Ashleigh
Jordan says they could call themselves the young guns and do a gun signal adds that signals sucks and people with symbols leave early
Ashleigh laughs says true that.
(The girl that does the chop shop symbol all the time)

Big Brother Canada 3 Cast “Easy Week man.. Easy Week.. Easy Week.. Easy Week..”
8:09pm Sarah and Zach Storage room
Sarah – you’re not mad at me are you
Zach – no
Sarah – I just feel a feeling.. it was really intense
Zach – it was awkward
Sarah says she knows in the beginning everyone was like get Johnny out.
Zach tells her he was OK with what she was doing.

Power Of Veto Competition Results! Tennis Themed POV – “Game! Set! Match!”
3:05pm Big Brother told the house guests they were on a HOH lockdown. Shortly after Big Brother blocked the feeds for the Power of Veto Competition to take place. This week Big Brother Canada has given you, the views the power to decide what power the veto holder has. The veto winner will either be forced to use the veto or have to power to remove both of the nominees. For more details on the twist you can read up on it here.

Jordan disrespects Big Brother “F**K YOU! Sorry I mean f**k me!” EVERYONE is punished!
12:05pm Big Brother blocks the feeds and when they return all the house guests are sitting in the living room. Bobby asks are we standing by? I have the oven on. They talk about how they’ve broken more microphones. (3 or 4 of them) Big Brother has put all the house guests on cold water showers and slop. They are being punished for disrespecting Big Brother and the equipment. Britt says we need to start thinking about how the mics are $1000 and to pretend its coming out of out pockets. Jordan apologizes and says sorry guys.

Sarah “I hope its nothing knee orientated or throwing up orientated! I hope there are no buckets!”
8:20am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Johnny tells Willow the POV Comp is on the screen. It’s on today! I’m ready! The cameras switch to the bathroom – Bobby, Ash, Britt and Godfrey are getting ready for the day. Ashleigh tells Godfrey to stop. (From going to the bathroom before her) Britt weighs herself, 187 pounds. She says she’s weighed herself more in the last 3 weeks than she’s ever weighed herself. Pilar comes in and weighs herself, 110 pounds.

Nomination results “I’m going to fight.. balls to the walls tomorrow” -Johnny
11:44pm in the storage room Zach and Johnny
Johnny – I don’t want to go home.. I’m nervous if I stay up there I’ll go home
Zach – you are in a tough spot
Johnny – I want that Veto
Zach – F***
Johnny – I’m going to fight.. b@lls to the walls tomorrow .. in other people’s minds if I have a pitch to stay I’ll continue to be the target if I’m here

Ashleigh needs to re-watch BB16 “It was a pretty good season”
8:34pm Sarah in the Hot Tub
Complaining some more about the houseguests “I can’t stand a bunch of these people but I love them.. These people are crazy.”
Says the people complaining so much about the food they have when there’s people with nothing (Have nots). Adds they all talk about “Rationing’ the food yet they all DIVED in to eat it up. “It’s so frustrating.. so frustrating”
AShleigh joins her. They start talking about BB16 Cody and Christine and how the fans reacted. Sarah doesn’t think her husband

HaveNot Competition Results! “Everyone got beat up bad in that one!”
3pm – 5pm Big Brother blocked the live feeds for the Havenot competition to take place. There were 3 teams of 3 with Zach/Godfrey/Kevin versus Brittnee/Pilar/Willow versus Johnny/Sarah/Jordan. Sarah is in the living room with scraped up knees. She says it was the knee pads that did it. The havenots this week are Brittnee, Pilar, Willow. Pilar says its okay. Brittnee says its fine. Willow is up in the bathroom having a shower. Ashleigh and Zach ask her if she’s okay.

Sarah says “Like F**king do something! F**king quarterback of the year!”
2:20pm UP in the HOH room – Sarah says she could tell Bruno “I’m not a threat to you” I don’t know what else I can say. Zach says yeah there’s not much more you can say. Just wait and see what happens. It doesn’t seem like he’s been doing much game talk with anyone. Which probably means he already has his mind made up. Sarah says I’m sure he’s putting up me and Johnny. Zach says we’ll just have to wait and see who gets drawn for the veto. Those guys are 100% on his side.