Out in the hot tub – Pilar and Kevin recite information they’ve learned about each other. Kevin recites everything Pilar has told him about her and her family. Pilar says you killed that story! I’m very proud! That’s my life! Pilar and Kevin head inside and talk to Willow and Sarah by the vault. Pilar yells to Bobby and Cindy We love you guys! Sarah says I don’t think they’re in there. Kevin says something is up! Sarah says before we got locked out we could hear them in there, they couldn’t reply and now we can’t hear anything. Just then Sarah hears them giggle. Sarah says nothing is up! Pilar says JP is anxiously waiting for you!
Tag: Bruno Ielo

Brittnee “Maybe they have some big decisions that are going to affect all of us!”
1:10pm The live feeds return. When the feeds come back .. The house guests are on a backyard lock down. Willow asks what did they say? Brittnee says “It should not be taken lightly!” Bruno says something is up! Sarah says maybe it was referring to the fact that it was way more intense than we thought it was going to be. Brittnee says yeah. Willow says like its not as fun and whimsical. Sarah says like maybe don’t pick the birthday girl! She laughs. Brittnee says “Or maybe they (Cindy & Bobby) have some big decisions that are going to affect all of us!!”

Bobby and Cindy are LOCKED in the Vault with two buttons and a 24 Hour countdown!
9:30am – 10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Big Brother cuts the feeds. When the feeds return Sarah comes into the bedroom with a fake “joint” for 4/20. She offers it everyone but Cindy and Bruno both decline. Bruno says I have to set a good example for my kids. Sarah gets called to the diary room. When she comes back they wonder if she got in trouble for it. Sarah says no and comments that she was cast as the stoner so they wouldn’t get mad at her for it. Kevin and Pilar start asking Sarah questions about weed.

If Sindy wins HOH “She’s going to come running to me (Jordan) ask me what to do”
10:24pm hot Tub jordan, kevin and Sarah
Jordan saying that Bobby/Bruno are targeting Sindy he thinks he’ll go up as the pawn because he’s having a “Showmance” with her.
Jordan mentions he will vote Sindy out. Adds if Bobby/Bruno win the HOH and Sindy wins the the Veto Kevin is going up.
Jordan – Godfrey is the one person in the game nobody cares about.
Jordan calls Godfrey the tail of the snake not the head.

Sindy – “Willow and Zach were in my Social Media Conv.. Nobody likes a floater”
8:49pm HOh brittnee and Sindy
Before they start there talk Sindy goes to the HOH bathroom to make sure someone is not hiding in there.
Sindy says she can trust Bruno they have their “Own” relationship. She thinks Bruno talked to Bobby about getting JOrdan out because Bobby wants to talk to Sarah.
Sindy points out Brittnee is a “cuddle buddy” of Bobby so maybe she can do some convincing. Sindy really wants jordan to stay but for her game he’s got to go.

“I’m going to nicely scare the shit out of f***ing little JP” -Sarah
6:00pm Brittnee, Sindy and Sarah
Talking about keeping Godfrey. They agree it’s going to be tough. Sarah – “We’re going to do it”
Sindy leaves.. Sarah thinks they can talk to Bruno convince him to vote out Jordan but for now the need Sindy to do their dirty work.
Brittnee – we gotta lay low
Sarah – It’s a smart move.
Brittnee – everyone knows it’s a smart move

POV Ceremony Results “He’s going to go hard this week!” “He’s not going to be able to do anything!”
3:40pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the Power Of Veto Ceremony to take place. The original plan this week was to b@ckdoor Bruno but after the house guests learned an evicted house guest would return Zach got scared and changed his plan to not going after Bruno/Bobby just yet. He decided to wait to see how the POV competition would play out and then decide what the best game move would be for him. After winning the veto Zach has talked extensively about keeping the nominations the same and having Godfrey be this weeks target.

Jordan “I’m weak, I f**ked up, she’s manipulated me, she needs to go because she’s going to control me”
In the storage room – Godfrey campaigns to Cindy for her vote: Godfrey tells her that he already has 4 votes. (He thinks he has four votes but he doesn’t) He tells her that if he stays he would be the target next week and not her. She tells him that’s what she told him the week she was voted out and he didn’t vote for her to stay. Cindy says that she doesn’t even know if she can vote this week since she wasn’t allowed to compete.

Bobby “I don’t trust Godfrey. Goodbye! You cross the chop shop you get chopped”
8am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. On the living room TV it states the Power Of Veto Ceremony is Today. Sarah says that me, then Parhar, then Bruno got woken up at like 3am in the morning. Bobby and Bruno head out to the hot tub. Bruno tells Bobby we need to talk. This didn’t come from me, so you know I was talking to Zach. But supposedly Godfrey went up to Zach and threw us under the bus. Godfrey went to Zach and told him to put up me or you. Bruno says Godfrey thinks he’s going to use it but he isn’t. Bobby says good. He is pretty predictable.

“The veto has to be used.. don’t take out someone like Sarah we need to take Bobby out” – Godfrey
9:26pm HOH Jordan, Godfrey and Zach
Zach tells him to be careful what he says around willow. Jordan says Willow Is so annoying when they’re talking one on one she’s telling him the vote is unknown and when she’s around Zach she says the vote will be unanimous.
Zach wonders why she’s doing this it makes no sense.
Godfrey comes in “Yo Bro”

“Zach, JP and Ashleigh meet every night.. I wait in the kitchen they think I’m stupid” -Sarah
7:23pm Kevin and Brittnee
Kevin tells her plans have changed and it worries him. Mention show JP is closer to Zach than he is.
Brittnee – I’m really surprised that Godfrey is the threat.. really shocked
Kevin – JP and Zach are pretty close.. (says this twice)
Sarah joins them
They tell her how shocked they are with the plans staying the same. ‘it doesn’t make sense”

“I’m going to gun sling my way out of this game.. like 8 onward” -Zach
6:25pm HOH Ashleigh and Zach
Zach – I feel I would be jeropdizxing my game for Kevin
AShleigh – Don’t do it
AShleigh doesn’t want Bobby/Bruno to be backdoored it’s too big of a risk for Zach’s game.
Zach – it’s too early
Ashleigh – don’t do it
Sounds like they both want to keep the nominations the same and take out Godfrey.
Ashleigh – Godfrey scares the crap out of me, Godfrey’s got to go
Zach – Bobby and Bruno aren’t gunning for me
AShleigh says if Jordan wanted Bruno out so bad he should have won the HOH like was the plan.
Zach – I can’t make a play this early for them
AShleigh – there’s only 4 people gone