10:30ish Backyard feed leak we can see production preparing for tomorrows competition 10:30pm – 11:15pm Jumanji Room everyone except for Hayden and Kristen who are in the Cabana room. They are doing a Big Brother rap, Enzo’s the drums and Ragan is doing the rhymes. Some house guests are throwing in their own raps.. sounds […]
Tag: Britney Haynes
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brigade, same conversation, same HOH room but HEY LOOK Brit in a bikini
3:58pm hayden and Andrew backyard couch Hayden says he was cracking up after Andrews speech. He can’t believe he said he was going after B/R then asked them to use the POV on him. Andrew wants Hayden to talk to Kristen about her vote he’s seen her talking to kathy a lot lately and he’s […]

BB 12 Spoilage Saturday Night SHOCKER – Boy George is drinking
9:39pm Kitchen Lane, Boy George, Enzo Rachel has just finished telling them how much she loves sangria back at home in Vas Vegas she drinks them every day. Lane asks her if she’s a mixer at work. Rachel “Uhhhmm NO i’m not a mixologist” Enzo: “OHH you’re not a mixologist”.. She explains that in the […]
Rachel Reilly Breaks Down Production won’t let her Get Drunk
10:00pm Cabana Room Lane, Kathy and Brit Lanes asking the fish keeper kathy if she’s fed the fish, She tells him she usually feeds them later in the night. Lane talks about one of the fish being a fighter and another one looks like it’s given up and has stopped eating. He asks brit to […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – The Third Showmance this Season?
11:52pm Kitchen Lane, Brit, Monet, Hayden Brit asks Ragan: “would you consider someone who bleeched it” Ragan: “umm no” (shaking his head) Lane: “what! Bleach What” Ragan “Your ahole” Lane: “wwuwuuwuw why would you do that” Ragan: “to make it look whiter” Lane “what do you mean” BRit: “Sometimes people don’t want the chocolate […]

Big Brother 12 Spoilers Fights erupting – Catch it all on the LIVE FEEDS! Free Trial!!
Watch all drama on FLASHBACK! FREE3 Day Trial 6:25pm Rachel and Brendon start talking about what they should do whether to keep Monet or Matt. Rachel says she that she doesn’t trust Monet, but that the girls will come after others. Brendon says Monet is first and then Matt next week. Brendon says that […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Hayden tells Kristen that the Brendon/Rachel showmance is disgusting.
3:40pm Monet and Enzo are talking in the Have not room. Enzo says that he thinks Kathy would be a great replacement nomination …. ..then he says that Andrew would be an even better choice. Monet says they wont do that, ..they want to put up someone who’s guaranteed to stay. Enzo says that they better not put him up as a pawn because he will go after them next week. Enzo says that he wants HOH …but not just yet he wants to watch people and see what everyone is like and then get HOH, put two people up and back door someone.
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Britney WON the Power Of Veto!!
This Big Brother Spoiler starts off with Britney winning the POV. Rachel and Brendon as the HOH power block are trying to decide what they will do if Britney uses the POV. Briteny is going to use it and she wants to try and get Brenchel to put up Kathy in hopes that she […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Rachel says Ragan can do whatever he wants up in the HOH room.
11:25am Brendon and Enzo are in the bedroom digging around looking for the noise makers. They pull out all the drawers in the bed and Brendon finds one. Enzo says look at that we found another mutha fucker. They found another one that was in the window. They are all in the kitchen talking […]

Annie “You get a tattoo of me yet?” Lane “Ya Annie was here”
3:30pm Hot Tub Lane And Annie. Conversation is pretty funny bitchybigbrother tweeted this Annie: “You look just like my uncle.” Lane: “Did u have sex w/ ur uncle?” Annie: “No” Lane: “I’m gonna fight ur uncle when I get outta here” Tweeted by https://bitchybigbrother.blogspot.com/ They continue to flirt.. Lane is getting grossed out by Annie […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – They Get Booze and Annie Starts to Figure out she’s in trouble
This Live Feed Update outlines Annie finally figuring out that she is going home this week. Hayden is starting to get worried that Brendon is going to target him the following week. Hayden believes that BRendon has a good shot of winning the Head of Household because of his physical and mental abilities. Ragan continues […]
Big Brother – The “Gang” Has the Next 3 Evictions Figured out Rachel->Brendon->Ragan
4:15pm HOH bedroom Enzo, Hayden and Lane. Enzo is convinced that they’re best chance of success is to back door Annie this week and send her packing. Enzo suspects that Annie is the Saboteur and evicting her will remove the twist from the game this season. Hayden is reluctant about getting rid of Annie there […]