12:45am Ian and Dan are talking. Ian says that he is going to keep his promise to my team. Dan says and that is why you are here for experience and not to win. You would be the least likely person to change the vote but you are a smart guy and know that already.
1am Jojo and Willie are up in the HOH room. Willie says that even if Danielle wins HOH he doesn’t think Dan would want to put their team up. JoJo says she is really stressed right now. Willie says that he thinks someone might be coming back into the game. He says that he isn’t sure that Big Brother is planning on all 4 coaches entering the game. He says that he thinks there will be too many people and not enough days left, maybe the coaches will have a competition and the winner gets to re-enter. JoJo says ome times I feel like they want certain people to win. Willie says that he agrees and says that is why the game is a crap shoot.
Re-Watch ALL THE DRAMA on FlashBack: Big Brother 14 Live Feeds – 3 Day Trial!