Cam 1-2 HOH Shane and brit HOH Watch with FlashBack FREE TRIAL!
Shane: “you and Ian are getting close”
brit: “I’m trying to suck up incase he wins HOH… I think if he wins HOH he’ll put up Janelle’s people”
Shane and Britney agree that a lot of people are being mean to ian right now so they are taking this opportunity to get closer to him. Britney mentions that her and Ian are close and if she gets dropped into the game she wants that relationship to continue. britney thinks a lot of what ian does rubs people the wrong way but he doesn’t do it on person it’s just the way he is.
Shane thinks if Ian wins HOH he’ll put up Joe and Wil. britney agrees she thinks that people are pissed at him for things he does like the quacking..
Britney thinks Wil would nominate Janelle if the coaches come in. Britney retells janelle’s plans to team up with britney and go to final 2 with her. So far Britney has just been agreeing with everything she says.
They both agree that dan doesn’t want to work with Boogie because he was brunt week one. They are sure they can count on Dan for awhile. Britney reminds him the only person she trusts to the end is Shane. Shane says he only trusts Brit.