1:12pm HOH room. Kyland talking to the cameras.
Kyland – I am taking Claire off the block. She would have to say something crazy .. like I don’t even know.. I can’t think of what that would be so.. I mean I guess I could but it shouldn’t happen. It would have to come from DX basically. DX would have to tell me why we have to send her home. The three of us have had the power to .. and influence to make major decision in the house.. and the other three have not. And honestly what that comes down to is that some of us are looking at the greater strategy and others are only looking at what is in front of them. Whereas, others are looking at other peoples game. Basically what I am trying to figure out right now is how do I bring everyone together to show why not everyone should make decisions ..because probably decisions that I make are wrong but like I am checking on them and looking at options that a lot of people would miss..