8:45pm Kyland and Azah.
Azah – The thing is I am not even mad at you, I am mad at Frenchie. I am pissed at Frenchie because his sh*t last week is what has us in this position. He didn’t listen to me. Kyland – and it didn’t stop till today.. in my room. Azah – I know he has been doing this. The only thing that I want to say is this, I don’t want to put out names or anything.. there are people that work outward and people that work in secret. Just be careful with the people that are speaking and talking to you because there is so much more to this. Kyland – I am putting zero faith in anything that is not said by one of us. When I make a decision I use information from others to justify it but I don’t put any stock in it if it isn’t said by one of us.