2:23 am Claire, Kyland and Tiffany (Gawd I feel sorry for Kyland having to sleep on that)
Tiff – Hannah really wants to play this game. I don’t know how long she would keep us in order to win this game.
Claire – she will always make the optimal move we have to be the optimal move. She talks game to Whitney, DerekX.
Tiffany doesn’t think Hannah will care if Whitney or Brent leaves.
Tiff – She’s not team Alyssa, She’s not team Christian her and X are close. She doesn’t talk game to Britini at all.
Tiff – she’s consistent with who she talks game to.
Tiff – when we look at the kings we’re still 4 and 4.. that is why we have to get BRent out this week.. or Whitney
Tag: Britini D’Angelo
Brent “I want you to know that I’m working with you because I really trust you, not because I want to date you.”
10:55pm Bedroom. Brent and Alyssa.
Brent – I want you to know that I am working with you because I really trust you. Alyssa – okay. Brent – Not because I want to date you. Alyssa – okay. Brent – I can read your lips that conversation you had with Christian. Alyssa – what?! You mean when he was flirting with me? Brent – no, I don’t mean to be cocky but the people I work with want to date me. Alyssa – no I didn’t. I didn’t say that. I said usually the people I go out with want to date me. Brent – okay good. Alyssa – I didn’t say work with. How would I know that? This is my first time playing this game. Brent – no, I know that .. I just wanted to clear the air. Alyssa – no I said usually the guys I hook up with or get to know .. want to date me and that is why I am not a hook up girl .. not to be cocky but I am dating material.
Alyssa “If we do that, then I’m going to want to keep doing that.” Christian “I know. America is like she is giving you the green light!”
7:06pm Havenot room. Derek X and Hannah.
Hannah – we could have kept going. Derek – easy! That was an easy comp. Hannah – I know. Derek – I am not good at memory but that one was easy. We can definitely win these comps. Hananh – yeah. Derek – like Brent got out the first round. Like holy sh*t!? This guy is not winning any type of comp. I was like Brent should we backdoor him… “Brent please reset” .. and I was like nope we’re good. Derek – watch us both get put up…. what?! I’m actually an idiot. I might be an idiot. Hannah – I have to act like my ego is bruised. That was supposed to be my comp..
Xavier – “back to back”
6:17 pm Xavier and Kyland
Kyland says he thought Hannah and DerekX might end up winning it.
Xavier asks when Kyland won did he do meetings right away or chill the first night.
Kyland – Chill the first night. I talked to Frenchie because he wanted to talk
Xavier – Right now I kinda wanna chill
Kyland says he told everyone lets chill and they were all cool with it.
Xavier – Chill..
Kyland – one week doesn’t make me an expert I just have what I have
Xavier – “back to back”
Big Brother 23 Spoilers – Week Two Review and Eviction results
This was a pretty simple week. Kyland wins the Head of household and Nominates two members of team Jokers; Frenchie and Britini. The wildcard is won by Sarah Beth and Veto by DerekX. Neither of these was used and the nominations stayed the same. I won’t bother summarizing all of Frenchie’s exploits to stay in the game or the reason why he was put up in the first place. I think we did a decent job chronicling this train wreck of a Big Brother Character over the last 14 days.
“we have to protect each other but we also have to keep in mind we can’t sink if it’s a sinking ship”
9:20 am Tiffany and Ky (Hard to hear Tiffany for some reason BB won’t tell her to put on a mic)
Tiffany is worried that the kings will maintain their four and will be a tighter group because of it.
Ky doesn’t think teams go past week 4. “Brent will be out by the end of week three”
Ky – my ultimate allegiance has always been to us..
Tiff – I’m with that too
Ky – I didn’t like when Azah told Frenchie not to talk to you
Tiff – I know
Tiffany is worried how long Azah will last “Brent has it out for her which doesn’t matter we’re sending him home”
Kyland – “Seems like the house target is Brent if he doesn’t win”
2:30 Ky alone talking to the camera
Ky – THis is wild. this is weird. I either have a great sense of all of the dynamics of the house or none of the dynamics in the house. THats is a weird place to be.
Ky – I don’t want to feel too cocky or confident we’re early in the gmae.
KY – it’s weird cause I knew there was the dissension with DerekX and Hannah. I felt that uhh.. Whitney was playing Brent and didn’t really like him but didn’t mind working with him as a duo. yesterday she made me feel like she can’t stand it but didn’t say anything. Today she confirmed that. They also were under the impression that the kings want to work with BRent when I know that’s not true.
Kyland – Seems like the house target is Brent if he doesn’t win
Tiffany “Anyone that doesn’t come swinging at you is hypnotized by you. You are too powerful in this house!”
9:25pm Bedroom. Tiffany and Frenchie.
Tiffany – you carry a very powerful presence with you and that is probably the case in any room you walk inside and outside this house. That in its self is a threat to everyone in this game. Frenchie – yeah. Tiffany – people don’t want to sit next to you. Frenchie – yeah. Tiffany – you just have a very powerful presence. You are a very strong leader and I think many people realized the power that you had within the first week of your HOH. And it is very hard for you to hide that. Frenchie – it was. Tiffany – it is not an insult to your game. It is honestly just the opposite. I would love to have you here. I think that you are just so powerful and people recognize that what are their odds of making it if you’re here and everybody is following Frenchie.
Hannah “Alyssa is the bridge that connects everyone together. She is too protected!”
7pm HOH room. Claire, Tiffany, Derek X, Hannah, Whitney, Kyland and Brent
They’re trying to come up with an alliance name. Derek X – what are we the kings and the Aces. They agree on calling themselves the mafia. Brent – so we are the mafia. They plan to snuff out their “cigars” (guys) and cigarettes (girls) at the end of every meeting. Brent – and the first rule of mafia is we don’t talk about the mafia.
“I haven’t talked to everyone but for me, I don’t think anybody’s mind is changing and I don’t see that happening at all “
5:56 pm Britini, Alyssa and Christian
They’re talking about Frenchie blaming the girls allance on Brit.
Brit – I can tell you I had nothign to do with it I wasn’t even there
Alyssa – Don’t show him you’re upset
Brit – I’m cool let’s move onto next week
Alyssa – just know if he’s seeming comfortable and confident it’s just because people are just not wanting to deal with him. I haven’t talked to everyone but for me, I don’t think anybody’s mind is changing and I don’t see that happening at all so don’t worry about it. There’s literally no positive keeping him here
BIGD – “Today is the day of.. me not moving from this spot”
9:57 am DerekF watching Frenchie Pack
BIGD – today is the day of..
Frenchie – day of what
BigD – of me not moving from this spot.
Frenchie says this is his last day in the house he wants to have fun. Mentions a game of hide and seek.
Brent “I’m not going to lie, if I go down things are going to get f**ked up..”
7am Bathroom. Alyssa and Sarah.
Alyssa – I would rather Whitney stay because she wants girls at the end. She’s talk about how cool it would be and how there hasn’t been two girls in the end in awhile. And I think Brent would go after me and our team if I did that to him. 100%! Sarah – that’s true. Alyssa – He would. He’s been trying to keep me away from.. He’s been trying to say I should trust him over Christian. He told me that Christian was the reason I was on the block because Christian made a comment the first day. Which that is another thing I could say is you’re trying to get me against my own teammate. Like to Ky’s point the ones we can only trust are the 4 we came in with and you’re trying to get me against one of them.. But I feel so bad lying once you get to know people and what they’ve been through.