6:35pm James walks by the safari room and moons Paulie, Corey, Paul and Victor. Natalie heads up to the HOH room with Natalie. She asks him about what other twists they’ve had other seasons. Natalie says lets brain storm some.. If I had my wooden spoon my brain juices would be working harder. That door over there is Pandora’s Box right .. and that’s where it was buzzing right?!
Tag: Bridgette Dunning

POV Player Pick! Paulie “It goes from being a family show to not being a family show”
2:20pm The live feeds return – Paulie tells Nicole that she (Z) is really really attractive. She goes to bed in these sexy a$$ little outfits. … I’m like I’m going to get myself in trouble. If if goes for 0 – 100.. then it goes from being a family show to not being a family show. Nicole says that she feels like he (Corey) has my best interest at heart. Paulie says we all do.

James – “you are a well oiled beast machine.. “
10:57am Bathroom Natalie, Bridgette, Frank
Frank asks Natalie if she would use the veto if she won.
Natalie says yes.
Frank saying Paulie will play for Frank and Bridgette is best pick someone she can beat or that will use it on her. Suggests Natalie because she’ll use it on you and Michelle because she won’t win.

Michelle – “This is our third week trying getting him out”
1:13am Victor and Michelle
Victor brings up Tiffany saying that Frank’s the only trustworthy person.
Michelle – She’s probably just salty. Damn
Michelle – you came back at a good time..

HOH & Nomination Spoilers! “I will call them out on all their sh*t in front of everyone!”
9:05pm Safari room – Frank, Victor, Paul, Paulie and Bridgette are chatting. Frank talks about how coming in he was told he was going to be targeted right away. Frank says I’m 32 years old coming to a house with young bucks. Paulie says great players come and go but legends are here forever. We’ve got the most comp wins between two of us. Frank says and Vic is the battle back champ! Paulie says They haven’t won anything.

“Battle Back” Competition Spoilers
One of the First Five Evicted Houseguests Will Battle Their Way Back Into the Game in a “Survive and Advance”-Style Competition
Glenn competes against Jozea, The winner of that competes against Victor. The winner of that competes against Bronte and the winner of that competes against Tiffany. The winner of that final competition is BACK IN THE GAME.

Big Brother 18 Week 4 Summary and Live Eviction Results
Bronte was evicted sending a clear message to Frank he wasn’t in control of the house like he thought. Frank finds out he’s a primary target with only really Bridgette on his side. The rest of the house more or less fell into couples.. With Paul integrating well with everyone.

Big Brother 18 Week 4 Top Animated Gifs
The fourth week of Animated Gifs For Big Brother 18. Twitter now allows us to upload gifs 3 times larger this is a big deal as file size has always been a problem. Good times await! Gif’s in no particular order.. Let me know which one is your favorite. FLASHBACK and watch everything you missed: […]

Paulie -“I want [Homegirl] gone.. I’ll worry about Da when the time comes”
9:58am PAulie and Michelle
Paulie – You want her gone Meech
Meech – ya but if you want to change it
Paulie – I want her gone
Paulie says Corey wants Da out more and Nicole is on the fence.

Paulie “If it comes down to a tie I’m voting Tiff out” Paul “There is no way Tiff is not going home!”
12:10am Outside the HOH room – James, Natalie and Nicole. James says I’m trying to figure out what everyone is doing for tomorrow. Nicole says that’s why I wanted to talk to you. I’ll do what you do. James says I’ll do what you do. Nicole says I don’t know. James says I’m obviously voting Nat out. We could get 5 votes against Natalie. Natalie says James, I’m going to throw up.

“I think we can make it 7-1.. even without James” – Frank
8:00pm Storage room Nicole and Frank
Nicole says she hasn’t had a chance to talk to james he’s been sleeping.
Frank – Corey wants to do it
Nicole – I know I was trying to talk people into it upstair
Frank – Paulie is practically onboard

Frank “They’re a 3 legged stool, you knock 1 leg out & its a 2 legged stool that falls over”
5:10pm Corey and Tiffany are talking in the bedroom – Corey tells Tiffany that he will go to Paulie at some point and tell him that he and Nicole are going to vote out Day… and when it comes down to it who’s team are you on? Me Frank, Nicole and Bridgette. Or do you want to go over there with Michelle, Z… they’re not going to win anything.