10:45pm Nicole and Corey are talking in the bedroom – Corey asks should I just volunteer? Nicole says no. Paulie or Vic should volunteer because they’re good at competitions. I don’t want to make Paul mad and act like I can’t go up on the block but my rule of thumb is I’m never going to volunteer to go up on the block. I just can’t to do it. Corey says if you’re up I would make sure I’m Paul’s best friend.
Tag: Bridgette Dunning

Big Brother 18 Spoilers – America’s Care Package Official Rules!
America’s care package is your chance to send one house guest an advantage that could help them in the game. Below is the list of care packages and the order they will be delivered. Each week a different care package will be in play. You can only vote for the current weeks care package. Think carefully before you cast your votes because once a house guest receives a care package they are not eligible to receive another.

HOH Comp Results! “I’m going to want a guy going up as a pawn next to her [Bridgette]”
In the storage room – Corey and Vic congratulate Paul on winning HOH. Pual says I didn’t really want to win it considering next week might be a double eviction. Paul says I’m going to want a boy going up as a pawn next to her. I want a guy playing in the veto next to me against her. Vic says I don’t feel comfortable going up considering I just came back. Paul says we’ll talk about it.

Big Brother 18 Week 5 Summary and Live Eviction Results
James wins the HOH beating out Bridgette after a 5 hours battle. Bridgette had made a deal with James if she dropped he wouldn’t put her or Frank up. James made the deal “on the wall” so she dropped. He put Bridgette and Frank up anyways. Nobody seemed to care about this at the time sans Bridgette, Frank and a bit of Natalie (and fans of James, Frank and Bridgette).

Big Brother 18 Week 5 Top Animated Gifs
The 5th week of Animated Gifs For Big Brother 18. My favorite is probably the Corey Victor ones showing thier budding showmance.
Gif’s in no particular order..
Let me know which one is your favorite.

Frank tells Bridgette “Become a deaf mute if that’s what works. Be the baking fairy. Be invisible.”
2:10am Paul goes to get in bed in the London bedroom. Michelle starts laughing. He then smells the baby powder all over the bed. Paul says you motherf**ker!! There is so much baby powder on my side of the bed. All you pieces of sh*t! You f**king a$$holes! I knew it! He gets up and turn on the light. You peices of sh*t. Michelle says its all over your back, your leg. Paul says your boy goes to the DR and comes back .. GHOST!

“I’m just territorial.. Once I pee on my tree.. I play games.. I play dirty..”
10:36pm Safari Zakiyah and Michelle
Talking about being jealous about Nicole and Paulie. Apparently she saw him lay his leg over her legs while she scratched his hair.
Zakiyah – I’m just territorially.. You know what i’m saying.. Once I pee on my tree..
Zakiyah – I play games.. I play dirty..

“I threw you under the bus.. I said you had a big secret.. You’re probably going home”
Frank – you’re probably going home tomorrow
Bridgette – REALLY
Frank – ya
Bridgette – Really
Frank – i’m just too good at this..
Bridgette – Frank what have you done

Big Brother 18 Spoilers – Paul “After this week you guys won’t hear my voice for a long time!”
5:05pm Bedroom – Frank and Bridgette. Frank says I’m tired of talking about those stupid f**king tickets in the DR! Quit trying to get my hopes up. I don’t know about you but the way they talk about the damn house and that whole riddle thing… makes me think the whole house is against us. Bridgette asks what the riddle thing? Frank says the secret thing. Bridgette asks that tickets? Frank says yes.

J – “Next week should be real easy as long as Bridgette doesn’t win” [WIN BRIDGETTE]
2:03pm HOH James and Natalie
James says Frank was using Bridgette as strategy
Natalie – You give me good advice he gives her advice that makes her a target
James – Next week should be real easy as long as Bridgette doesn’t win.. If Bridgette doesn’t win we have another week of coolness.
Natali e- I’m going to try and win

Paul “He bullies people to the point where they’re afraid of him & manipulates them”
12:10am Paulie and Paul playing chess. Meanwhile out in the backyard – Nicole is talking to Da. Nicole asks has Frank tried to campaign to you at all? Da says no. Nicole says same but he’s making me uncomfortable. Da says I’ve heard he’s been talking to everybody else. Nicole says me too. Da asks did he campaign to Corey? Nicole says yeah .. and he told him not to trust me! I’m dunzo with him!

Corey – “I like Frank, I think he’s funny. He’s just a cool dude to have in the house, I wish you’d be a cooler game player”
8:48pm HOH Corey, Natalie and James
Corey saying Frank has been asking him and Paulie for votes. They told him his best case is 3
Natalie – do you guys want to keep Frank
(they ignore this questions twice)
Corey – he’s trying now..
James- Bridgette probably doesn’t he’s campaigning..