9:30pm Living room -Paul asks are they pissed about that? Frank says I’m sure they are.. its almost like a slap in the face. I don’t think they would but .. they could be like alright you’re not going to finale. Paul says if you’re already leaving you might as well be as good as possible. They might like toss you a bone or something.
Tag: Bridgette Dunning

Nicole “Whatever she does is going to be Frank’s doing, its basically his HOH!”
In the bathroom – Zakiyah says so I’m guessing we’re still havenots. Nicole says that Frank wants Tiffany out next. Michelle says that Bridgette is a spy for Frank. Paulie says one of us has to win the roadkill. Zakiyah says one of us needs to win the roadkill and powerful girls up. Nicole says whatever she does is going to be Frank’s doing.

Big Brother 18 Week 2 Summary and Live Eviction Results
What a week we just had on the feeds. The structure of the social game has changed drastically since Franks game blew up and Da’Vonne’s took collateral damage. The lame Vet alliance is all gone, the 8 pack is gone and most of the thousand and one deals Frank had are deals in name only. It was a interesting week because it felt there was 1.5-2 weeks in one.

Big Brother 18 Week 2 Top Animated Gifs
The Second week of Animated Gifs For Big Brother 18. No particular order..
Let me know which one is your favorite. Mine has to be Zakiyah walking into the have nots with the blanket wrapped around her.. Just look at James face. There’s fear like he saw Audrey again..

Nicole – I honestly don’t think getting Vic out is best for my game
10:39am Nicole and Corey
Corey – so much has changed in the last 24 hours
Nicole says that’s what’s weird about this game.
Nicole – I honestly don’t think getting Vic it is best for my game.. I’m doing it obviously its good for Frank and Paulie’s game
Corey says Vic is a friggin liar.

Nicole “You’re being HOH. You gotta suck it up!” Corey “Who are we getting out next, Frank?”
12am HOH room Zakiyah, Michelle, Tiffany and Paulie are talking. Paulie says even Vic isn’t as bad without Jozea around. I think he hasn’t been around because he’s sure. Michelle says its like Jozea over and over again… he thinks he has the votes. Paulie says at least Jozea was super paranoid about it up until the last minute.. he was constantly watching me.

“If either one of us wins we put the showmances up.. Shakes everything up .. I give no fu**s” – Tiffany
8:40pm Have nots Tiffany and Da’Vonne
Tiffany says Paulie and Corey were talking about getting Frank out. They see Frank has a thing with everybody in the house.
Tiffany says Paulie wants to get one of the girls that are attached to Frank out.
Tiffany – He’s rubbing a lot of people the wrong way
Da’Vonne – Yup Yup Yup … at the end of the day it’s neither one of our names.

Paulie about Frank “I want to cut off what he’s trying to do so he has zero power!”
4pm – 4:40pm Bedroom – Natalie tells James he’s her favourite. Natalie tells James that Victor was mean to me this morning. James says I told him I liked you so that could be why. Natalie says that Vic yell ridiculous! Ridiculous! When I walked by him. So I have to say good morning to him first like I always did? What I have to be his little b***h now?

Corey – The whole 8 pack thing is irrelevant now… Frank you might have to go bud
12:03pm HOH Corey and Paulie
Corey is concerned with the number of final 4’s Frank is making. Corey says Nicole has been talking about it. Corey and Paulie consider forming a solid 5 with Nicole, Zakiyah and Da’Vonne with Mcihelle as a replacement. Paulie wants a final 2 with Corey.
Paulie – If the vote was 6 to 4 Tiffany would crumble she would become so paranoid she would shoot herself in the foot.

DaVonne “He’s promised everyone final deals. I want to try and get him out next week.”
In the kitchen – James whispers to Nat Nat that they (BB) asked him about them in the DR. Nat Nat says they asked so what’s really going on? James says I bet you laughed. Natalie asks what did you say? James says wouldn’t you like to know? Natalie says I’ll find out when we get out of here.

“The people we send out first James and Da…it’s a cake walk at that point” – Frank
8:55pm HOH Paulie and Frank
Frank saying Tiffany is downstairs with sunglasses on because she’s been crying all day. She thinks she’s going home. Explains that every time you see Tiffany with her sunglasses on and her hat it means she’s been crying. She’s crying more than they know.

Tiffany “You don’t want to play too hard. Let Frank get himself into this twirling of sh*t!”
5:15pm Backyard – DaVonne and Tiffany are talking on the hammock. Tiffany asks do you think it would be funny… or not funny a good idea for me to go to him and say I want to work with him .. in the short term? DaVonne says no that would tip him off. I almost want to win HOH so I can guarantee him going up. DaVOnne says but we don’t have the vote.